Well, for us, it's always better not to have too many expectations and to just go with the flow because then it's always a big plus no matter what happens

Well, for us, it's always better not to have too many expectations and to just go with the flow because then it's always a big plus no matter what happens.
Ville Valo form HIM

With Stella and Brandon (Stella's POV)

Warmth. I pictured Brandon and I having a picnic, watching the sunset. Not my favorite activity, being on the ground but it didn't seem to matter. I was with the love of my life. Ow. I felt something nudge me, I quickly brushed it away, lost in the sweet, sweet time. Another nudge. Fine. I groggily slipped into reality, and with a flutter of my eyes I was re-awakened into the real world.

Normal POV

"Stella, Stell, wake up. Your strangling me." Brandon choked, Stella was hugging the breath out of him.

"Ughh…." Stella groaned, she lifted her head and slightly loosening her grip around Brandon.

"Come on, we're here, cupcake." Brandon responded, skillfully getting off the levabike, while making sure Stella didn't drop.

"Okay," Stella said, she finally made herself wake up and get off the levabike. Stella looked up to find that they were on a huge mountain, over viewing the glorious skies of magix. She gasped.

"What do you think?" Brandon asked, hoping Stella would be happy with his choice for their date.

"It reminds me of Solaria," Stella said, a tear in her eye.

"Yeah," Brandon responded and slipped his arm around Stella's waist. " It sort of does."

"I wonder what the girls are doing right now." Stella mused, melting in Brandon's arms.


"How romantic." Flora said, highly absorbed in Stella and Brandon's date.

"Yeah, the sad thing is, is that Timmy has barely ever been that romantic with me." Tecna said a bit sadly.

"Ha, Rivin is not that much of a romantic either. The best he's done was fight over me with Nabu. But there were other things too…" Musa snorted.

"Sky is always romantic, last week we went on a carriage ride in Magix, then we…" Bloom stated, trailing off.

"Bloom, we don't need to hear how romantic Sky is. Let's just try to have fun tonight." Layla said, cutting Bloom off.

"Geesh Layla, what's with you tonight." Bloom yawned. Everyone rolled their eyes, knowing Layla was right to say what she said. Bloom talks about Sky almost every night.

Brandon & Stella

"Bran.?" Stella said, tiredly.

"Mmmm?" Brandon responded. They were lying on a blanket, watching the stars.

"What will we do next year when you guys are gone?" Stella asked, she sounded quite small then, she snuggled closer to Brandon.

"Well, I can guarantee that I will visit you every weekend. We could email, and call each other." Brandon said.

"But, what if….what if you find someone else, someone more suitable for you." Stella said.

"Ha! If I did, it would probably be some spell. You're the only girl for me." Brandon said brightly.

"That's what I'm worried about, the spell part anyway." Stella responded and sat up.

"Come on Stell , if that ever happened Sky will slap my memory back." Brandon said concerned. She stared at Brandon, her light brown eyes sparkling with happiness. Stella laid back on the blanket, and turned on her side, facing Brandon. She gently leaned in and kissed him. When she drew back to look at his face he was grinning.

"We should get back, Griselda will kill me if I'm late." Stella sighed. She slowly moved her self up and soon stood on the ground. Brandon soon followed. They walked to the levabike and they zoomed back to the guarded grounds of Alfea.


"We'd better get this equipment cleaned up." Tecna sighed. Bloom had fallen asleep on the couch and there was no waking her. Flora was half asleep in the chair next to the couch and Musa was listening to her ipod. Layla on the other hand was in a totally different room, Tecna had been the only one to watch the end. And she swore herself to secrecy.

Stella arrived at Alfea about half an hour later with a huge smile on her face.

"What's with the smile?" Layla mumbled, half asleep.

"Brandon and I had the most romantic date." Stella sighed dreamily.

"Cool, but could you keep it down some of us are trying to sleep." Bloom muttered crossly.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Stella asked puzzled.

"Look at the clock." Musa said.

"Eleven o'clock." Stella said slowly, carefully pronunciating the time, "Oh, then, good night darlings."

She walked in a gait that showed perkiness and dramatically closed the doors behind her. In her bedroom you could hear the ruffling through a wardrobe, and a swishing of the hanger on the rack.

"Same old Stella." Musa sighed.

"But, she seemed …changed." Flora stated.

"Yeah, I guess so. I guess so…" Musa said, and laid back down.

Alfea was quiet and still, and when the sun approached the world seemed to wake again.

So, I think this is going to be the last chapter. Tell me what you think, review please. Thank you for reviewing the story, for those who did. It encoureged me to write...or should I say type. But anyway, thanks.-SpontaneousFairy