Dark Pasts

Oh my god, I absolutely love the song that influenced this chapter, Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Hope you like it! -SpontaneousFairy

Dark Pasts

Stella was sitting on her bed with a grim face and sighed.

"I need to tell you guys something." Stella said.

"We're listening." Musa said.

"Okay, but first I need to show you something." Stella said. She opened her closet doors and went to the back of the closet. She slowly took the yellow dress she had looked at before out of its hiding place yet again.

" The dress you wore for your seventeenth birthday." Bloom said.

"The masquerade." Flora said.

"Yes, it was my seventeenth birthday, the masquerade. The party was magnificent, but what happened changed my life. I was dancing with a boy from my science class, when I saw him. His name was Ryan, he had brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I stared at him mindlessly for a while but when he looked at me, I blushed and turned away. After everyone had left to go on their summer vacations I found him by the door. He smiled at me and introduced himself. We started dating, we had the best time together , that was until…" Stella said , starting to choke up.

"Until what?" Musa asked, concerned.

"Until I found him with another girl, I knew they weren't just friends or relatives because they were kissing. The kiss was so passionate and as the tears welled up in my eyes I lost control. I walked up to him and slapped him. It was a silly thing to do because I knew he could do more permanate damage to me. The girl ran away, probably not wanting to be in the way. But, god, I wish she had stayed. He was obviously drunk and had no control over himself. Not that I'm defending him. Anyways, I tried to defend myself but in a hour I was on the ground, unconscious, bruises covered me, and I was bleeding in various spots. He had left me there, in the cold and in the dark of the night. Next thing I knew, I was in a hospital. Remember how I had a broken arm, leg, and a few broken ribs. I told you guys it was a ski accident because…frankly, I was scared. I was scared that he would find me and try to hurt me again. I still wonder about him now and then. I kept the dress because, even though it reminded me of him, I needed to remind myself to protect myself. Days after I got out of the hospital he came to the door, trying to apologize. I never answered the door, not even once. Soon enough the guards scared him out, haven't seen him since." Stella told them, teary eyed.

"Wow, Stella, that's harsh." Musa said.

"Yeah, why didn't you ever tell us?" Tecna asked.

"I don't know, but I'm glad I did." Stella grinned. "Then Seventeen Ain't So Sweet" by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus filled the room with sound.

"Sorry." Stella said as she reached in her purse and pulled out her cell phone.

"Hello?" Stella asked.

"Oh, hi Brandon." She paused.

"Yes we found Bloom."


"Okay, sure."

"Bye." Stella pressed the "end call" button.

"That was Brandon, he said he would like to go on another date and he gave me his home phone number for the rest of you." Stella said.

"Great!" Flora said.

"So, how were your dates?" Stella breathed. "Mine was great."

"Let's start with Musa." Layla chimed in.

"Ha ha, you'll be surprised about what you hear." Musa laughed. The chatting continued. Each of their minds lingering to their own pasts. They all knew they all had more secrets to share but, now was not the right time to reveal them.

So, what do you think? Thanks to those who reviewed! I'll post a new part soon! Please review!- SpontaneousFairy