A/N- this idea came to me when I heard the first song you'll find in this fic. Then I just had to write it, so here it is! please R&R!


Summary- 'The Cullens' is a famous band, known for their incredible good looks, incredible charm and of course, their awesome music! The band consists of Edward, Emmett and Jasper. Emmett is of course with Rosalie, Jasper is with Alice and Edward is single. Now let's see what happens when Bella and her friends go to one of their concerts, things could get interesting!

Chapter 1- The Concert

I got out of the shower and quickly got dressed, I was already running late.Thank god it was Friday. I didn't bother drying my hair, it was only going to get wet anyways, and I quickly got dressed. I dashed down the stairs, falling at the bottom, as usual. I pulled myself back up to my feet and dashed around the kitchen grabbing the last few things I needed to shove in my backpack. I grabbed my keys and headed out into the heavy fog, down the driveway and into my truck.

"And that was The Cullens, with yet another hit!" The radio announcer declared, enthusiastically as my truck roared to life. I drove to school, pushing the car's limits the whole way and managed to get to school, just as the bell rang.

I parked the truck, slung my backpack over my shoulder and hurried into the school, trying not to slip on the wet floors as I headed towards my first class. Lucky for me, the teacher was late and everyone was standing outside the classroom door, their loud conversations filling the call. "Bella!" Mike called, waving me over from where he stood by Angela, Ben, Tyler and Lauren. I pushed my way through the small crowd and over to them. I practically did a face plant, but thankfully Mike caught me, just before I hit the ground.

"Thanks." I said, pulling myself back up onto my own feet.

"So, you know The Cullens, right?"

"Yeah, I'd have to say I do, who doesn't?" he considered this for a moment.

"Good point..." that led him into a long trail of thought, in which time, he was completely silent.

"You were saying?" I prompted, he jumped.

"Oh! Right, well, you know how they're coming to Port Angeles?"

"Yeah, don't know why they'd bother, but yeah, and I also know they're sold out-" he smirked.

"So do you wanna come with us?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"You got tickets?" his smirk turned to a smile.

"They came into our shop the other day, we gave them some help finding the things they needed, and they gave me a bunch of tickets, so I could bring my friends." The teacher was practically running down the hall to the class. 'So do you want to come?" he asked again.

"Uh, yeah!" he laughed.

"Thought so, we're meeting out in front of the shop a couple hours before we have to be there, you know, to get things organized and everything." The teacher unlocked the door and everyone flooded into the classroom, the class was already a quarter of the way done. I took my usual seat beside Angela. The teacher quickly started the class, and we all pulled out our binders and text books. We were taking up homework. Angela flipped her binder open and a picture caught my eye.

"Nice, Angela." she blushed and quickly covered it up with papers. "Jasper huh?" she nodded reluctantly and then looked back up to the teacher. "You do know he's married right?" I muttered under my breath. She glared at me but nodded all the same. Jasper was married to a girl named Alice and Emmett was married to a supermodel- like girl names Rosalie, and Edward, he was single, rumor has it that he's never even gone out with anyone. She wasn't the only one to have her binder decked out like that. Lauren had the whole inside of hers covered with magazine cutouts of each of them; Edward, Emmett and Jasper, Edward was the lead vocalist and one of the guitarists, Jasper was back up with Emmett and also a guitarist, and Emmett was the drummer. I'll admitt it, they were extremely gorgeous.

They had tons of hits, almost every radio station you turned on The Cullens would be playing, almost every TV channel you turned on their music videos were playing, whether it was clips or the whole thing, the seemed to be everywhere. The news that had turned the school upside down, was that The Cullens were coming to Port Angeles, they were coming that close, and they had even been in the Newton's store! Which meant that they had came to Forks. But why here? Of all the places they could be, they decided to come here, why?

The rest of the morning went by in a blur and next thing I knew, the rest of the plans were being made as we sat at the lunch table. Lauren, Jessica and most the other girls in the cafeteria had magazines stuck in their faces, probably drooling over The Cullens, just like Jessica and Lauren were at the moment. I laughed at them, I mean, yeah the Cullens were good looking and everything, but the chances that these small town stuck ups would actually get together with one of them, was very,very,very,very,very,very slim, to none. Yet they still thought they might actually have a chance.

The plans were completely ready by the end of lunch, everyone was way too excited for tomorrow. I still can't believe we're actually going to go see The Cullens live!


I told Charlie what was happening the next day, he was glad I was getting out of the house, but told me not to get in any trouble, he didn't want to find out that I was the one that got thrown out of the concert because I jumped up on stage or something. I told him, there was no way that was going to happen. I to admitt, I was super excited, the concert started at nine and it went until like eleven, it was seven now, Jessica would be over shortly, I didn't bother to change or anything because I knew that when she got her, it would be a complete makeover anyways.

I was right, and surprisingly I actually looked good, ok, I'll give her credit, I looked way better than good. She took a step back to examine her work, she touched up my hair a bit and then threw her hands up. "The one and only Jessica has completed the makeover!" she pulled me over to the mirror, she hadn't done a whole lot different with the hair since the last time she dragged me over to the mirror, but it looked good.

She glanced at the clock and then quickly did her own hair and makeup. We were getting ready to leave the house when charlie came into the kitchen. "I have something, here." he handed me a set of keys. "I'll admitt, it's better than the truck, and it's yours." I opened my mouth to protest, but he started pushing us out the door. In the drive way was an old car, it looked like a 1998 Honda accord, it was white. I looked from the truck, back to the car, there was no way I was taking the truck. Jessica went down the driveway to her car, that had been the plan, everyone was driving their own car in case, at the end of it all, they were nowhere to be found, or if someone wasn't feeling well, they could drive home and no one would have to miss the concert.

Mike, Tyler and Angela were already there waiting when Jessica and I pulled into the parking lot of the Newton's store. Mike started his way over as I got out of my car, he did a quick double take, probably hoping I wasn't paying attention, I pretended not to notice, he gave me my ticket and I followed him abck towards the group. We didn't have to wait too long before everyone else showed up, then we headed out. The Cullens blared through the car's speakers as I followed Mike's car down the highway, I was pretty sure it was blaring through everyone's speakers. The people on the radio talked about the concert and how quickly tickets sold out, and how anyone who was going was extremely lucky to be doing so. I laughed a bit, after all, it was just the day before yesterday that I was wishing I was going, and here I was, actually going.

I continued to listen to the radio as I drove down the highway when an interview with the Cullens came on. "So, your concert in Port Angeles tonight, is there a reason behind the unuasual location?" an icredibly smooth, velvety voice came on with the answer.

"We came here because our adoptive parents are starting to get sick of the big cities, like New York, Tokyo, Toronto, LA, so they scheduled a concert in a smaller city"

"So which city has been your favorite? Milan?" The person on the other end, which I now recognised as Edward Cullen, laughed.

"That was Rosalie and Alice's favorite city, I don't know what mine is, haven't really found the one I like yet."

"So do you think, on your next tour you'll be coming back to Port Angeles?" the man asked.

"There's always a possibility, we'll have to see how things go."

"Alright man, is Emmett there?"

"Yes, just a moment please." I was surprised, there was actual manners coming from an incredibly famous, totally rich guy's mouth.

"Hey! What's up?!" the radio announcer laughed as Emmett came on, chatting animatedly, like this was an everyday thing.

"Emmett, what do you think of Port Angeles?"

"It's very small, at least, it is compared to the other cities we've performed in, I mean, not that it really matters, the performing is fun either way!"

"We were asking Edward, which is your favorite city that you've performed in?"

"All of them." he said laughing. "Right well we've-" I turned off the car and cut Emmett off mid-sentence, before getting out and joining everyone else.


Everthing was just crazy, no one was actually in their seats, people were up screaming and shouting, the lights gave one final dim and the stage lights came on. I thought the volume was loud before, but things went to a whole new level and then they came out on stage. Emmett, Jasper and Edward, all looking incredibly gorgeous, moved to their places on stage, I shivered slightly, jessica had me in a freaking halter top, I was still cold from the short walk from the parking lot into the building. I know how Mike said things happened, but I still didn't believe him, these seats were practically front row, dead center basically situated in the perfect spot.

Edward, took the mic out of it's stand. "Hey, how's everyone doing tonight?" he asked, getting an extremely loud mix of screaming, yelling and cheering. "Wow, I think this might actually be the best response we've gotten..." there was a louder uproar from the crowd. "What do you think Emmett." Emmett looked dead at him.

"I think I'm ready to actually do some drumming." I don't know how he did it, but he managed to get an even louder uproar than before. I thought I saw him give Jasper a quick look, but soon enough Edward was returning the mic to the stand and then with one quick, 'hope you enjoy the show' the music started. the sound blared through the speakers so loud it was almost deafening, but I liked it.

Walk past my grave in the dark tonight,
Saw the stone and the note you left for me,
to answer your question I just had to leave,
I just had to leave,
Edward, Jasper and Emmett sang out in unison, filling the building with their amazing voices.

But that's not why I'm here,
I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,
I wanna find you so bad and let you know
I'm miserable up here without you, (miserable up here without you)
Jasper and Emmett repeated Edward's last line, their two voices making an awesome harmony.

Found my way back in the dark tonight,
Couldn't wake up not right next to you,
I'd trade in forever to just hear you say the sound of my name,
Jessica was trying to say something to me, and I had to strain to hear what she was saying.

But that's not why I'm here,
I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,
I wanna find you so bad and let you know
I'm miserable up here without you, (miserable up here without you)
"What?!" I yelled back just before Edward's voice started singing again.

Don't believe that it's better, to leave everything behind,

Don't belive that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe, that the weather, is perfect the day that you die "Edward Cullen is staring at you!" I looked from her up to the stage to see, sure enough, he was, he smiled slightly, his eyes still glued to me.

I came down here to tell you, it rains in heaven all day long,

(all day long)

I wanna find you so bad and let you know

I'm miserable up here without you, (miserable up here without you) I tried to ignore what she had said, but my eyes remained glued to his as I sang along with the song.

I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,

(all day long)

I wanna find you so bad and let you know

I'm miserable up here without you (miserable up here without you) I looked over at Angela and then Jessica was talking into my ear again. "They're all staring at you!" my head snapped back to the stage. I felt very singled out as their golden eyes locked on me. Jasper shot Edward a look, Edward nodded once and then waved me to come up. "They want you to go up! Go!" Jessica yelled in my ear. Edward continued to sing into the mic. Jessica pushed me towards the stage, and kept pushing me through the crowd until I stood right in front of the stage. Next thing I knew, Edward grabbed my arm and pulled me up on stage. His skin was cold!

Don't believe that the weather, is perfect the day that you die. He sang out the final line of the song. The crowd gave a loud cheer that seemed to only be amped by the mics.

"What's your name?" Edward asked, turned away from the mic.

"Bella!" I yelled over the loud noise. Finally the crowd died down a bit and Edward turned back to the mic.

"So, Bella, it looks like you know our music very well." I frowned.

"I'm pretty sure everyone here does." I replied into the mic that he had held out for my response.

"Alright, we're going to do our next song, but we want you to sing it." I looked at him like he was crazy. Out of no where there was a mic set in front of me. Edward turned away from the mic again and spoke to me. "Just pretend they're not there, you know the song, I know you do," I nodded. "We're sining top of the world."

"I hear it everyday."

"Exactly." he turned back to the mic and started playing. I could feel panic rising in my chest, put desperately pushed it back.

Is there anybody out there?
That wakes up with a bitter taste?
It's a king that we put up there
And he's a short way to fall from grace
It's slowly filling upward.
You can stand but you have no ground.
I hear it from the lost words.
They say it's time that you lost your crown.
I started out a little shakey, Edward singing softly into the mic beside me. I took a deep breath and tried again, coming in much stronger in the second verse.

Don't be so greedy.
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do.
Wasting away... I see you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Finding a day, don't wanna be you
When the top of the world falls on you
Eventually Edward stopped singing, I pushed the thought out of my mind and kept going. Emmett and Jasper came in with harmonies, I had almost forgotten they were there, almost forgotten I was actually on stage.

Is there anybody out there?
That can see what a man can change?
It's better that you don't care
Because he knows that he's in his state
I feel the paranoia.
When there's a time, put you in your place
In the eyes of those who watch ya
Well they can wait 'til you hit your face
I could feel myself melting into the loud music, the words slowly getting stronger, more powerful. I can't believe I was doing this. I had closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them and took in the whole crowd. I could feel a smile starting to pull at my lips.

Don't be so greedy.
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do.
Wasting away... I see you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Finally a day, don't wanna be you.
When the top of the world falls on you
I'll admit, it was pretty awesome. I never expected to even come to this concert, yet I was here, on stage, singing with them.

Paint yourself a picture
When you waste another picture
And you win, and you win, and you win
Paint yourself a picture
And then you break another picture
And you win, and you win, and you win
And you win, yeah you win, and you win

Don't be so greedy
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts stop beating
Say what you want 'em to do
Wasting away... I see you
When the top of the world falls on you
Finding a day, don't wanna be you
When the top of the world falls on you

Wasting away... I see you
When the top of the world falls on you
Finding a day, don't wanna be you
When the top of the world falls on you
next to none of the people in the building even knew me, yet they cheered at the top of their lungs anyways.

"Wow, that was amazing, don't you agree?" Jasper asked into the mic, it would appear that he had stolen the words right out of Edward's mouth. There was a loud uproar.

"I have to agree with you Jasper, excellent job."

"Hey! Guys, hello?! Stop leaving me out!" Emmett said into his mic. Everyone laughed. Now that he had the attention on him he spoke again. "I have to agree, with these nitwits, you were very good Bella." Edward turned away from the mic and pressed a bunch of stuff into my arms, I don't really know where he got it either. With a closer look I realized it the Cullens merchandise, the stuff that hadn't hit stores yet.

"And Bella gets a whole bunch of stuff for doing that because she's actually the first person to have the guts to stay up here and sing!" Edward announced into the mic. He turned away from the mic again and told me to exit to my left, I did so, managing to not fall flat on my face, which I was really thankful for. I took a quick second and looked at the stuff I had been given, there was actually a lot here. There was a signed messenger bag, there newest CD that was due to come out next week, a T-shirt and a few other little things. I shoved everything into the bag and someone escorted me back out into the crowd to watch the rest of the show.


Getting out of there was hectic, I almost instantly lost Jessica and Angela in the crowd, Mike was there for while, then I lost him to, next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a bunch of pushing people I didn't know, pushing towards the exits. When I finally managed to find the exit of the building, the parkinglot was practically empty. The far side, there was still a few cars, my car was almost the only one on this side. That is, not including a silver Volvo, the giant red Jeep, a black Mercedes and a bright yellow porsche.

I got in my car, stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, the car stalled and quit. I groaned, of course this perfectly awesome night had to end wrong. I tried it again, it repeated it's first actions. I tried a couple more times and then gave up. I pulled the key out of the ignition and got out of the car, I had to find a pay phone and call Charlie. I sighed and let my eyes quickly sweep the perimeter, not a pay phone in site. "Car troubles?" I jumped, almost fell, managed to stay on my feet and turned to see none other than Edward Cullen. After recovering from shock, I nodded. "Can I give you a ride?"

"I, uh- I have to call a tow-" before I could process anything he had a sleek silver cell phone out, I closed my mouth as he spoke, his smooth, velvety voice sounding almost sweeter than when it was singing. He snapped the phone shut and shoved it back into the pocket of his tan jacket.

"The tow truck will be here soon, but it's saturday night, most garages are closed and will be tomorrow, so, would you like a ride?" He repeated. I hesitated and finally nodded. He leaned back on the Volvo as we waited for the tow truck.

"See ya Edward! Bella!" I just realized Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice were heading over to the only other cars in the parkinglot. There was another completely gorgeous couple that were headed over to the Mercedes. Edward followed my gaze.

"Our foster parents." he explained. I looked back to him, his eyes seemed to be darker, it must have just been my imagination. My mind didn't debate on it for too long, a slight breeze came up and I shivered. I barely realized the red Jeep, the yellow Porsche and the black Mercedes as they drove out of the parking lot. "You're cold." it wasn't a question, it was a statement. He immediately shrugged his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. I didn't complain, I couldn't, I was freezing, and the scent was overwelming, and on top of that, it was Edward Cullen's!


I couldn't believe my luck. First, I actually managed to get into their concert, then I managed to get called up on stage and get a bunch of free stuff, and then Edward let me have his coat because I was cold, and now, now I was sitting in the car with him as he started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot. I couldn't help it, everytime I even tried to look out the window, my eyes wandered back to him. His gray sweater clung to his muscular chest, his bronze hair in it's usual perfectly messy array, his golden eyes, staring ahead at the road, his clothes were perfect, right down to his faded jeans and Puma sneakers.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as we sped down the main street of Port Angeles. I never got a chance to reply, he pulled into a parking spot in front of an expensive Italian restaurant. I opened my mouth to protest, but he was already out of the car. He came around to the other side of the car and opened the door, helping me out of the car. So much for chivalry being dead. I took my hand and pulled me towards the door of the restaurant, closing the car door behind me.

We entered the restaurant, almost everone in there turned and stared. I felt the need to shrink back, but there was nothing to shrik into, except for Edward, which I most certainly wasn't about to do. A young girl hurried over to serve us. "Table for two." Edward said smoothly. The girl looked like she was about to faint, she stood there dazed for a moment, before finally nodding and leading us to a table that was, virtually the middle of the restaurant. Edward shook his head. "Somewhere more private." Everyone was staring now. I had never seen anyone reject a table, well, in movies of course, but never once in real life. The girl looked shocked, apparently she had never seen that before either.

This time she led us to the other side of the restaurant, there was no one else around. "Booth, please" Edward said politely. It was almost as if he read her mind, she looked startled but led us over to one of the booths that lines the far wall anyways. She gave Edward one last look before hurrying away, almost tripping on the stairs as she did so. My gaze then turned back to Edward, who was staring at me. Me being the usually self consious person I am picked up the menu and hid behind it while deciding what to get. I swear I heard Edward chuckle.

"So, tell me, how is it that you'll get up on stage and sing in front of a couple thousand people, but you hide behind a menu when you're sitting at a table with one other person?" I knew he was right, I dropped the menu down on the table and closed it up. He was looking at me frowning. "What are you thinking?" he finally blurted out, his voice calm and cool, but his eyes read differently.

"I'm trying to figure out how it was that I ended up here. I mean, I never even expected to be going to your concert, I really have no idea how you managed to get me up on stage, how you got me to sing in front of all those people, how I actually managed to not trip and fall flat on my face, how my car broke down at such a convenient time, and further more, how you, of all people, offered me a ride home." he was looking me dead in the eye. The waitress came up to our table then, a different one than before.

"Hello, what can I get you tonight?" she asked, completely ignoring me and staring directly at Edward, who continued to look at me.

"What would you like Bella?"

"Um," I opened the menu up again and picked the first thing that caught my attention. "Um, I'll have mushroom ravioli, I guess."

"And to drink?"

"A coke, please." she then turned back to Edward.

"And you?" he cheery voice was starting to get on my nerves.

"Just a coke, please." he didn't even look at her, his golden eyes just continued to penetrate mine.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I ate back stage." he replied. She pursed her lips and grabbed the menus, Edward still watching me. in all honesty, I really had no idea if he had in fact, eaten already, but I could tell he was lying. As soon as the lady was out of sight.

"You haven't ate a thing." I said without thinking. I saw his jaw tighten and then he laughed.

"And you would know this, how?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, your eyes do give you away a lot though." I really needed to start thinking before I said something. He looked amused, but in his eyes there was slight panic.

"You're right, I haven't ate." We were both silent for a while. The waitress came with my food and our drinks. When the waitress left, he motioned for me to eat. I stabbed a ravioli and popped it into my mouth. We talked a bit, but not much, my brain was still trying to wrap itself around the actual idea that I was with Edward Cullen. I finished and set my plate aside.

"So, tell me, what is your favorite city?" his eyes looked deep into mine.

"Chiacago, Chiacago and... and here." that shocked me.

"Here?" I asked bewildered. He was unmoving for a moment and then slowly and hesitantly nodded. The waitress came back up.

"All done?"

"Yes, we'll have the check please." she pulled a black leather bound folder, Edward already had his wallet out, he pulled out a bill, slipped it in the folder and handed it back. "Keep the change." she nodded before litterally running off. I quickly got up and followed Edward, carefully going down the steps so I wouldn't face plant at the bottom. He held the door open before me and led me out to his car, opening that door too.

There was a little conversation about why I had said I was happy I didn't fall. Edward Cullen now knows I'm a complete clutz, other than that, there was a little surprise in music taste, like how many people out of famous rock groups do you know that listen to Debussy? It doesn't happen much, if ever. I also found out that he drive at insane speeds, and when I made him slow down to eighty miles, he said he hated driving slow. As a result of that, I seemed to be home in no time.

I started to take his jacket off but his hand on my shoulder, stopped me. He shook his head. "Keep it Bella, you need it more than I do." I obeyed, opening my door and stepping out into the light drizzle.

"Thank-you, for everything, th estuff, dinner, the ride home-"

"It's no problem, really." He smiled, and I felt my heart speed up. I merely nodded and smiled back. "Now get inside before you get sick!" I laughed slightly, closed the door and ran up the driveway and into the house.

A/N- Please tell me what you thought! Press that periwinkley button!