Chapter 16

Chapter 16

"Brie, get up, I have leave soon" Troy said as he lightly shook me. I groaned

"15 more minutes" he shook me again

"Come on Gabs" I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I'll meet you there, I just need to sleep, I didn't get much last night." He nodded and left. I didn't get much sleep because I was scared. I was fucking scared that I wouldn't be able to see him again. I really don't want him to go, I really don't. I sighed. I got up and sat in a sitting position. I leaned my head on the bed headrest. I closed my eyes. Oh I got an idea! I won't go to the airport and say bye. Then I won't have to say bye to him. I got up and locked my door, so no one can get in. I locked my balcony doors, just in case Troy tries to come in. I reached for my Ipod, which was on my nightstand. I started listening to it. I looked for the time. It said 9.30 a.m. Troy's plane leaves in an hour. I sighed again and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I hear a knock on my door.

"Gabriella, Troy's plane leaves soon, are you ready?" My mom asked

"I'm not going!" I yelled.

"What do you mean you're not going?"

"Exactly that!" I replied.

"Yes you are Gabi! Troy wants you there!"

"I'm not going! End of discussion!" I heard her sigh and walk down the stairs. I put my earphones back in my ears, and pressed play on my song. After about…10 minutes, I hear someone walk up the stairs and towards my door, but more than one, more like 2 other people. There was a couple of knocks on my door. I took my earphones out and sat up.

"What?!" I asked annoyed.

"Gabster! Why aren't you going to say bye to Troy?" Chad said. I guess my mom called Chad.

"Yeah Gabi, he needs you to be there." Sharpay added. And Sharpay…

"I'm not going, okay?!" I asked really annoyed.

"But why Gabs?" Chad asked again.

"Because! I don't want to say good-bye okay? I just don't want to say good-bye" Tears started to build-up in my eyes at the thought of me saying good-bye to Troy.

"Gabi honey, please let us in, so we can talk" Sharpay said softly. I walked over to my door and opened it. Once I opened it Sharpay and Chad engulfed me in a hug. I was squished.

"Guys can't breathe" They realized and let go. The said a "sorry" and I walked to my bed, they followed.

"I know this is hard Gabs, but he wants you there, he needs you there" Chad said.

"But I don't want to say good-bye. It's hard enough knowing that he has to go, saying bye, just makes it harder." I sighed. Chad and Sharpay both gave me a small smile. After a long silence, Chad decided to break it.

"Gabs?" I looked at him indicating for him to continue, "Do you want to got to the airport now? 'Cuz if you are, we better hurry, he leaves in like…half an hour." I thought about it for awhile, and then nodded. I got changed and we headed for the airport in Chad's car.

With Troy

I am now at the airport waiting for them to call me to board the plane. The people that are here are my parents, Gina, Taylor, Kelsi, Sarah, Lucas, Zeke, and Jason. I have no clue where Chad, Sharpay and Brie are. I'm worried something happened to Gabriella, but I shouldn't think that. I sigh. I see my parents come over.

"Son, they will be here" my dad said.

"I hope so. Gina?" She looked at me and replied, "Yeah?"

"Did Gabriella say anything about not coming?" She nodded slowly

"She said that she didn't want to say good-bye. Chad and Sharpay are trying to convince her to come to the airport to say bye, but I don't think she's budging. I hope she is though." I nodded sadly. I sighed again. We all just sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

With Gabriella

I am in Chad's car with Sharpay and we are headed to the airport. I just hope we get there in time. Sharpay is in the back trying to comfort me since I am crying like a baby. I just wish we were still in high school, when everything was perfect.

"We're here" Chad said. I quickly got out and ran towards the door. I ran in and searched everywhere. Chad and Sharpay ran also. I stopped, but they saw him. They said there good-byes. I decided this was my chance to surprise him. His flight got called and I quickly ran over to him.

"TROY! TROY WAIT!" I yelled. He didn't hear me so I tried again, "TROY, WAIT!" He finally heard me and turned around. He smiled and I smiled through tears. I jumped into his arms and just cried. He put me down and we just hugged. I smelled his scent, trying to keep it with me forever. We looked into eachothers eyes.

"I'll miss you Brie, I will miss you tons" He said. He also had tears in his eyes.

"I'll miss you too, please, keep in touch" I said as I still cried.

"Of course. Please don't cry Brie."

"That's kinda hard. I can't stop"

"I love you" He said as he wiped away my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"I love you too. Always"

"And forever" I smiled. He pulled me into a very passionate kissed, maybe even more passionate then ever; if that's even possible. I snaked my hands around his neck as he put one hand behind my back and the other behind my head. I heard cheering in the background and knew right away, everyone was watching. I smiled into the kiss. We broke apart when Troy's flight got called again.

"Sorry Brie, I gotta go" He said sadly. I nodded.

"I'll miss you a lot Troy, please don't forget me"

"How can I forget you? You've been my best friend since we were in diapers, we've dated for years. You really think I will forget you?" I giggled. "Well, bye Brie"

"It's not Bye Troy, it's almost like a…See ya later" He smiled.

"Okay, see ya later Brie. I love you with all my heart" We kissed again and hugged. We let go and he picked up his carry-on bag, and left. I just stood there, not able to move. I felt numb. Everyone came over to me and hugged me. I just cried.

"It's okay Gabs, it's okay" Chad soothed. I nodded sadly. I looked around at everyone and noticed their own tears. I smiled and we all walked over to our cars. Everyone planned to come over to my house. When Chad, Sharpay and I reached Chad's car, I immediately flopped on the seat. But once I sat down, I felt something in my back pocket. I reached for it and pulled out a sheet of music paper. I looked at it confused.

"What's that Gabi?" Sharpay asked.

"I don't know Sharpie; I just found it in my pocket." I unfolded it and looked at it. On the paper, was Troy's writing. I looked at the words and soon started crying again. Sharpay 'awed' and Chad handed me a disc.

"This is from Troy." He said and he handed me a disc in a blue case. On the disc said, 'Brie's Song'. I asked Chad to put it in the CD slot. He put it in and a song came on.

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true

Troy was singing it. I cried even more.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

"Troy said he meant every word that's in this song" Chad said. I smiled. "He put a lot of work into this song; he wanted to make it 'perfect'." I giggled. Go get Troy if you want something perfect. I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

Movin on, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

"He also said that, this part was his favourite." I smiled.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms,
I know that its forever.
I just gotta let you know,
I never wanna let you go.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

I just sat there smiling. That was such a sweet song. And he meant every word.

"Aww that was cute" Sharpay said. I giggled.

"Yeah, it was." Chad played it over and over again until we reached my house. When we reached my house, everyone was already there. I walked out of the car, with the disc and piece of paper.

"Hey everyone" I said as I walked in. I saw everyone sitting in the living room. I walked over to them and sat down beside Chad and Sharpay.

"What do you have there, honey?" my mom asked.

"A song that Troy made me." They all smiled. Jack asked me to put it in, so I put it in the CD player and sat back down. Once everyone heard it, they all awed, and some had tears in their eyes. I just smiled. Just then, my cell rang. I took it out of my pocket and answered.



"Hey beautiful" I smiled.

"Hey Troy, thanks"

"Thanks for what?"

"You know what"

"You mean the song?"

"Yes, the song. I loved it!"

"I'm glad you did. And I just want you to know, I meant everything."

"Yeah, Chad told me. But really Troy, thanks. It meant a lot, and it was very thoughtful and very sweet."

"Well, I'm glad you really liked it. Well, I gotta go, we are taking off" I nodded sadly, even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay, I love you. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, Bye, Love you too!" And with that, we hung up. I just held onto the phone for a few minutes. For some reason, tears just came out. Everyone looked at me and smiled. Knowing what I was going through. I just sighed.

"I'm gonna go upstairs. Thanks everyone for comforting me" They all smiled again and I headed upstairs. I stopped when I heard Zeke's voice.

"Gabs? Can we come up to your room too?" I nodded. The gang came up to my room and Sarah closed the door. I just went to my bed and lay on it, smelling the pillow Troy slept on before he left. Everyone just sat on my bed.

"Ryan, can you go put the CD in?" He nodded. Soon, the room was filled with Troy's voice. I just lay down, crying. Soon after, I fell asleep. When I was just dozing off, I heard everyone leave the room, but they still left the CD in. I fell asleep instantly because of hearing Troy's voice. I wonder how these few years are gonna go without him.

1 Week later
It's been a week since Troy left, and I am horrible. I don't talk to anyone, I barely eat, and I barely sleep. I think everyone hates me now, but I'm not sure since they always come over and 'try' to comfort me. Nothing will make me better, no one but him, and I think you know who when I say 'him'. The song he made me sometimes helps me sleep, but not all the time. His jersey lost his scent and also his East Highsweat shirt lost his scent too. So I have nothing that smells like him anymore. He calls me sometimes, but not a lot like I wanted him too. I don't tell him about me not eating or sleeping because I don't want him to worry. Sometimes he can sense that something's wrong, but I always tell him nothing. Since it's across the phone, he can't tell if I am lying or not. I have been miserable, and by the looks of it, Troy's having a blast. I bet he's meeting new hot girls; he has a new best friend, he's just…having a ball. When I'm here, being miserable.There was a knock on the door. I sigh. Oh joy! Visitors.

"Come in" In came in Chad and Sharpay, these two would probably be the only ones I really talk to.

"Hey Gabs" They both said in chorus.

"Hey, whats up?"

"Not too much. Wanna hang out?" Sharpay asked. Chad nodded and added.

"Yeah, we don't see you around a lot."

"Yeah, I guess I'll come out of this room. Let me just go and get changed." They smiled and nodded. I got changed into plaid blue border shorts from Hollister and a light blue Hollister T-shirt. I put on my white flip flops and headed out. We all just started walking down the block, but I already knew where we were going; the park. Once we got there, I sat on the swings; Troy's and my spot. We sat there for a few more minutes until Sharpay said something.

"Wanna go to get ice cream? I'm craving right now." I laughed

"Sure" Chad and I both said. We headed towards the ice cream parlor. Chad said it was on him, so we ordered. I got Rocky Road. When we all got our ice creams, we decided to eat outside, there was a table and chairs right outside the parlor. We sat in silence for awhile, only the sound of us licking. (Lol)

"Gabi?" Sharpay asked.

"Yeah Sharpie?"

"Do you talk to Troy anymore?" I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, sometimes. He barely calls anymore. I have a feeling, that he met a new girl that's blonde and skinny and has manicured hands that she gets done everyday." I sighed. This time was Chad's turn to speak.

"Gabster, Troy would never go for a fake blonde bimbo," Sharpay opened her mouth but Chad cut her off, "You're not dumb Sharpay." She nodded, "Anyways, like I was saying, he would never go for that, now you on the other hand. You're smart, not fake, beautiful, and you're not anorexic. Troy never stops talking about you, Gabs. He never stops. It's either about how beautiful you are, or how you're actually getting good at basketball." We laughed at that. I was getting good though.

"Thanks Chad that helped…a lot" He hugged me tightly.

"Anytime Gabi, I'm always here." I nodded on his shoulder. We finished our ice cream and headed back home. Chad and Sharpay decided they would sleep over the night. We walked to Sharpay's then Chad's for them to get clothes. When we got to my house, I saw I had 2 messages on the home phone and 5 on my cell. I guess I forgot to bring my cell. I listened to the messages on the home phone.

"Hey Gabs, it's Troy, I just wondering where you are; I called you're cell but you didn't answer. Call me back when you get this, or the other messages." I laughed. I listened to the other messages on my cell and the house phone. Then I called Troy back.



"Hey Troy, it's Gabs. You rang?"

"Yeah, I did. I was worried something happened to you. But I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss it." I smiled.

"I miss you altogether! And, nothing happened to me. I was just out with Chad and Sharpie." I can just picture him nodding on the other line.

"Okay, well, say Hi to everyone for me and I'll talk to you later, Kay?"

"Sure, I love you"

"I love you too. Bye Brie!" We both hung up. I walked over to the couch where Chad and Sharpay were sitting. We watched alittle bit of television then we went to order pizza.
The pizza came 20 minutes later. We finished eating and decided to watch a movie. Chad popped in the movie 'Semi Pro'. (Just pretend this is on DVD). We watched the movie and when it ended it was almost 1a.m. We decided to go to bed. I went to get sleeping bags and pillows and blankets. We set them up and they fell asleep instantly.

I wonder how it's going to go later on. I probably wouldn't survive without him. But, I'll try. I'm extremely nervous for college. Especially that now, I won't have Troy to comfort me. I sigh quietly so I don't wake them up. I really wish that he didn't take that scholarship, but he sounds happy. So, like he always says, if he's happy, I'm happy…

OMG!! That was the last chapter of 'Our Song'! And really, I don't know why I called it 'Our Song'…hmmm….lol. Oh well…this chapter was 8 pages long. I think it was the longest chapter…sorry if u guys didn't want me to do the 'a week later'. But if I didn't, it would be really short and I didn't want to give you guys a really short last chapter! So I added that. Sorry if it's not great. I tried. R&R!! oh! and b4 i 4get..i am doing a sequel! But first, i really need a title for
Thanks for reading! I don't know what i would do without you guys!

Much Love,