Our Song

Hi everybody! This is my first story…tell me if u like it! It's mostly Gabriella's POV Please R&R!

Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez were the best of friends. They have known each other since Pre-K, and started dating 5 years ago.

"Hey Gabby", said my best friend Troy
"Hey T!" We Hug

I remember he was so nervous to ask me…now back to the story

"So I was wondering Gabs…that since we have a dance and we both don't have a date…

I was wondering…if you like to umm…go together and maybe after we could…go out for dinner." Said the nervous Troy

"I'd love to Troy!"

"Great! I'll pick you up at…

End of Flashback

While Gabriella's flashback she gets interrupted but two strong arms around her waist.

"Hey Gabs"

"Hey T" I was then met with two beautiful ocean blue eyes

"So how was your summer?"

"Troy…I was with you the whole summer practically!" I laughed

"Oh yeah…."he laughs and kisses me

"Oh get a room!" Chad said as he walked towards us.

Taylor whacks him on the head

"Oww! "What was that for?" Chad said as he rubbed the back of his head

everyone laughs

"Hey you guys guess what?" I said

"What?" My manicured blonde friend said

"I have atleast one class with everyone!" I continued

"Really?" said my best friend

"Yeah and I have every class with Troy!" I said excitedly

the bell rings and everyone moaned

"Darbus again?!" said my afro friend.

We all hurried to our seats and sat down

Ms.Darbus started talking but I wasn't listening…I was thinking about how lucky I was to have the greatest friends a wonderful school and…Troy. This year is turning out great! Nothing could wrong…

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I picked up my stuff and walked out.

"School has barely started, and I already wanna go home" Said Chad lazily

Taylor whacks him on the head and everyone bursts out laughing

"Oww! What was that for Tays?" Said Chad rubbing his head

"For being lazy!" replied Taylor

A/N: that was the first chapter… I hope you all liked it!

R&R plz!!! I know it's short but I'm just getting use to it...so please don't hate...Thanks! Kaitlynxoxo