I had an idea while watching Harmony a couple of days ago, so here it is. I will also be writing other tags to random episodes sooo expect more.

There will most likely be spoilers in each tag so this is my warning.

Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate and its many universes and characters. What a pity….

Season Four

Episode: Harmony

Characters: Rodney, John

Rodney- Yeah, like hell I'm going to let John get all of the sisters. I'm calling dibs.


Rodney- Never mind, John she's all yours. This will be fun. sarcasm


John- A beast like the beast, no thank you I've had my share of unseen beasts.

Rodney- Beast?! No, I think its time to go back now. John lets go.


Rodney- She did not just do that. That was John's! Ooooh she was going to be in trouble…Just give me the damn thing.

John- Why is Rodney holding my power bar wrapper? He didn't, oh yes he did. To hell with the scientist.

Rodney- That brat! She almost got me killed, I was dead certain he was going to shoot me. She's going to get it the little snot.


Rodney- Okay John, you can come out now. Funny, you got me but seriously there's no time to play hide-. The Genii? What the hell! Like life couldn't get any worse I'm stuck with this snotty nose brat, I'm hungry, the Genii want to kill me, and my team mate is playing Hide and Seek.

John- Ah, look our dear friends want to come and play. How nice of them to join us, not.


Rodney- I agree with John, play time is over. Lets go back to the castle where its warm and there's food and no pesty bugs. Best idea so far Sheppard.


Rodney- Say the word and I will gladly stun her, ah I can hear the sound of utter silence now.


John- I'll remember not to have kids.


John- Oh yeah I'll eat that chicken heart, you give me a hundred dollars. Did she just eat that? Ugh.

Rodney- Ew, I refuse to believe that this thirteen year old girl is hitting on John.


Rodney- I did not just risk my hide for this teenager did I? I'm so brave and utterly cool. Ah! Gunfire, what did I ever do to you?


John- I'd like to know why I'm the one cowering behind the kid. I clearly remember it being the other way around. What the hell? Is that Mckay?