Disclaimer : I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters, just the idea.
Chapter One
Kagome was so happy for school to start, she wanted to get away from her divorced parents.
"Will Kagome Higurashi come to the office."
Kagome wasn't looking forward to get blamed for something she didn't do. Everytime she got called to the office because the secretary sometimes mistook her for Kahome Higrasi, a girl that just happened to be in the same grade. Kagome made her way down to the office, to see her principle Kaede, standing there.
"Kagome this is Inuyasha Takarashi. We need you to show him around. His schedule is the same as yours but the only difference is that you both have different fouth periods."
Kagome looked at the boy to see that he was a half demon. Inuyasha had dog ears, a red muscle shirt ,black jean pants on and a purple beaded necklace around his neck.
"Hi. I'm Kagome Higurashi," Kagome put out her hand to shake his hand.
"Whatever. Are you going to show me around or what?"
Kagome tried to ignore his rudeness. She was about to reply when Kaede cut her off.
"Inuyasha don't be so rude. I could have made you give yourself a tour, without anyone's help."
Inuyasha just rolled his eyes at her comment and decided to disregard it. "Kagome, are you going to show me around or what?"
"You don't have to be so rude about it. Well class is about to start, we better get going," Kagome said finally speaking up.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked to find Inuyasha's locker, which happened to be across the hall from Kagome's. As they left there lockers, they were walking in silence.
"So, Inuyasha do you like school?"
"No," Inuyasha said with no expression at all.
"What are your hobbies?"
"Don't have any," Inuyasha lied.
"You just want me to shut up, don't you?," Kagome asked a little offended.
"Glad you noticed," Inuyasha said playfully.
Kagome began to get fed up and decided to try one last thing."Would you at least have lunch with me and some of my friends?"
"You really want to have lunch with a half demon? Aren't you afraid of me?"
" No. Why would I be afraid of you? And yeah you should have lunch with us," Kagome said standing in front of there homeroom class.
"Okay..." Inuyasha said hesitantly as he followed Kagome into a classroom.
"Kagome, Your late."
"Mr. Myoga, I got called down to the office to show the new kid around. By the way, this is Inuyasha Takarashi," Kagome pushed Inuyasha gently in front of her.
"Well Mr. Takarashi, welcome to our class. I am Mr. Myoga your homeroom and history teacher. Well lucky for you, there is a seat next to Miss. Higurashi."
Inuyasha sat next to Kagome and wanted homeroom to be over. After the first twenty minutes Inuyasha passed a note to Kagome, without Mr. Myoga seeing. (Inuyasha, Kagome)
Kagome, what class do we have next? (Bored out of my mind)
Kagome giggled and wrote back, After homeroom, we have history. Which is taught by Mr. Boring here, so we aren't getting out of here for a while. lol
As soon as Inuyasha read this, he slammed his head onto his desk in pure dissatisfaction.
"Ow!," Inuyasha yelled rubbing his forehead.
Kagome tried to hold her laughter in but failed. From Inuyasha outburst and Kagome's laughing, they drew attention to themselves.
"Inuyasha, Kagome, is there something you would like to tell the class?" Mr. Myoga asked turning from the chalkboard.
"No sir," Kagome said trying to suppress her laughter that was still wanting to come out.
"No. Everything is fine." Inuyasha said rubbing his forehead because of the massive pain shooting through his head.
As Mr. Myoga turned around back to the board, Inuyasha wrote back to Kagome.
Kagome looked over at Inuyasha to see his dog ears flattened on his head and slightly pouting.
Aw. Are you okay?
No I'm just peachy.
I can tell that's sarcasm by the look on your face. I think you only have brain cell left. lol
When Inuyasha read this he, gave Kagome an evil glare.
HA HA HA, very funny. Inuyasha wrote sarcastically. He glanced back at the board thinking that maybe it was a smart idea to be paying attention and to actually write something down. So he and Kagome decided to talk during lunch and sat there bored out of their minds for the next hour and a half.
* Lunch *
Inuyasha was so happy it was lunch. Kagome practically dragged him to the cafeteria.
A girl with shoulder length hair, called Kagome to join her at her table. Kagome got her food and once again dragged Inuyasha to where the girl and boy were calling her.
"Hey Sango, hey Miroku."
"Who's this?," Miroku asked pointing at Inuyasha.
"Oh, this is Inuyasha. Inuyasha this is my best friend Sango and her boyfriend Miroku."
"Hey Kagome, is Inuyasha your new boyfriend?," Sango asked teasingly.
Kagome's eyes widened, Miroku had a perverted smile on his face. Inuyasha suppressed a growl.
"We are not!," Inuyasha and Kagome yelled.
"Sure, your not," Sango teased.
"Miroku, you can take that creepy smile off your face," Inuyasha said holding up a fist, knowing Miroku would get the message.
"Inuyasha, don't get that mad. They were only playing around." Kagome said finishing her lunch.
Inuyasha mumbled to himself, all they got was something about "stupid perverts" and "stupid comments".
"So, what are you guys doing after school?," Miroku asked obviously planning something.
"Going home," Inuyasha stated thinking it was obvious.
"Avoiding home," Kagome mumbled trying to forget about her parents divorce.
"Why are you avoiding your house?," Inuyasha asked not having any clue to what was going on.
Everyone was silent and Kagome turned her gaze to the ground. Sango hated moments like this, so she decided to speak up.
"Um, Kagome?" Kagome looked up, "Can I tell him?"
Kagome sighed looking away again and whispered, "Fine"
"Inuyasha, Kagome's parents are getting a divorce. She has to choose between living here with her mom or moving to California with her dad."
While Sango was explaining everything, Kagome was trying to hold back tears that were starting to blur her vision. Miroku saw this and decided to change the subject.
"Sango, our class is going to start in 10 minutes. We have to go or we will be late.," Miroku gave Sango a, 'Kagome's-crying' look.
Sango saw the redness in Kagome's eyes and started to feel guilt for saying anything.
"Yeah, we got to go to class. Kagome I hope you feel better." Sango said following Miroku out of the cafeteria
Kagome and Inuyasha walked to there art class, in complete silence. Inuyasha began to look at her and wondered, ' Why did I ask that stupid question? I didn't do this intentionally but she doesn't deserve to feel like this...' Kagome was oblivious to Inuyasha staring at her while she walked into the art room.
"Well I heard I was getting a new student. Well my name Mrs. Yuka, your art teacher. Inuyasha there is a seat over there by Hojo. Class I want you to draw someone in your art book. I can be anyone. A family member, your friend, your dentist. Anyone, you have until the end of class. Okay class? Begin."
Kagome decided to draw her younger brother Souta, who already decided to live with her mother in Tokyo, Japan. Inuyasha was just sitting there trying to think of someone to draw. He looked across the room and the first person he saw was Kagome. 'A friend. Huh?'