Comatose (BBxRae)

Disclaimer: I obviously own the Teen Titans as much as I own HP. Because since I own the Teen Titans, I need to resort to fanfiction to express my anger that there is no sixth season and my love of this couple. So, you figure out the reverse psychology.

Author's Note: Okay, I LOVE the Teen Titans, so it was only a matter of time before I began to write fanfiction about them. BB and Raven are my favorite characters and couple – they are so funny, have so much chemistry: to me, they are perfect for each other. I hope you enjoy my story! It is probably going to be only a novella, so I can still work on my other stories.


"BEAST BOY!!!!" Raven bellowed. When I find that green imp, I am personally going to give him a one-way ticket to the ocean outside the Tower. "BEAST BOY!"

Now, reader, you are probably confused as to why Raven is so adamant about finding Beast Boy. Well, you see, Beast Boy had one of his brilliant ideas to make Raven laugh. He set up a bucket of green goo over the entrance to the common room that would douse any unsuspecting visitors if they opened the door. Well, Raven was one of those unsuspecting visitors. Let's just say Beast Boy's joke did not go down very well.

"BEAST BOY!" Raven continued to bellow his name as she floated through the Tower. "Man, that little changeling is asking for it," she whispered to herself. Fine, I didn't want to resort to this, but I guess I have no other choice. Raven calmed herself down and began chanting her mantra. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She cast her senses throughout the Tower feeling for Beast Boy's aura. GOT HIM! Having successfully located the cause of her being covered in slimy green goo, Raven whizzed off to the weight room. He won't be able to escape now.

Meanwhile, Beast Boy was minding his own business in the weight room. He, unfortunately, did not realize that Raven got caught in his little prank. Therefore, reader, you can imagine his surprise when Raven burst into the weight room like a hurricane. "Hey, Rae! How…" Beast Boy slowed down when he literally saw steam coming out of her ears. Uh oh. Something tells me she is not too happy with me.

Raven was internally fuming. "Beast Boy," she said in a tone that betrayed her inner anger. "May I ask WHY you put a bucket full of green goo over the door to the common room?"

"Because…I wanted to make you…laugh?" Beast Boy cocked his head to one side.


Beast Boy looked at her in shock. Raven, lose control like that? What happened? I must have really upset her. However, his thoughts were directed elsewhere when he looked back in Raven's direction.

The problem was that he didn't see her floating where she was a second ago.


Then he saw her. His blood turned to ice.


Author's PS: Lots of action for the prologue, huh? I know that Raven is a little OOC, but I had to make her lose her temper in order to get the story rolling. You'll see why in a little bit. What do you TT lovers think? Should I continue? Reviews and constructive criticism welcome.