
So I finally hit up Wikipedia and see how Battle city ends because yanno, I like being vaugly accurate, and since I want to do things based on the Japanese version (since yanno, english is for pussies) well basically everything that I had written for this up to a point was inaccurate and crap.

So here we go again.

After Battle City, AU? AND HOW!

Why Yes, My name is Kazuki Takahashi and I made Yu-Gi-Oh so I guess this isn't AU...


Shades of Grey


I was floating, airy, neither light nor dark, hot nor cold.

"I wonder... If this is death" I thought? I said? I don't know but it echoed about the grey nothing. I remember, remembered, remebering?

Nothing, everything.

Laughing voices, Pain and a cruel intent. Is that me? Is that him?

'Ahh little Ryo-chan, Bakura-Kun, such a good boy, such a good boy ne? Good boys don't end up in hell, no so good? Not so nice?'

The voice, that voice. If he... No not he, well maybe he, for I am he and he is me, if he is here then I'm not dead. I guess I forgot to take my medicine again.

"I'm not bad! I'm sick, Mom said I was sick and the docter said I need to take my medicine to be better"

'And has it made you better?'

Well he has me there. If I'm here and he's here then I've not gotten well. Stress, yea stress, I wonder if Kiba-senpai will have to redevelop his Dule Disk system since it can overtax the mentally imbalanced.


I remeber now...

'Finally, Death does that to you, although I'm surprised you're still here, After all...'

I always thought it wouldn't hurt to be dead, but the pain started, the grey went light and I screamed...


Why yes I AM evil HAHAHAHAHA I really need to work on my GW fics... LE SIGH

Onward and upward!