Prologue: Alive

The fact that I'm still alive, that any of us lived through that horrible incident. I owe, we all owe it that one guy. When things were at their worst he showed up and he got us all out of their alive. He took us from a bunch of panic stricken civilians and he turned us into cohesive unit. There's no way that any of us can repay him for the help he gave us.

It was the incident the government ended up calling Cloverfield. We still don't know where it came from, or even what it was exactly. All we know was that it was big, it was tough, it was didn't care who it killed and it was intent on completely destroying all of Manhattan.

Everyone was praising the armed forces for their rapid response and evacuating over 3 million people, but for myself and nineteen others our praise went to one man. And this is the story of how he got us out of New York alive.