Hey, I finally got inspired! I couldn't think of what I wanted to write for this chapter... and I must say I'm really happy about the results, I'll try to update more frequently, but school is going to be starting up in about two weeks... But I want to update both stories more frequently, cause I have a new story I wanted to write. Anyway... Enjoy? Kyou

"Kaoru! Hey Kaoru!!" Hikaru shook his brother who was spacing out. He seemed very excited when a little miss someone sat down near them. Hikaru let go of Kaoru's arm before he could respond and left him starring at his older brother. Hikaru grinned, "Welcome back Haruhi!"

"Ah, morning Hikaru, Kaoru," Haruhi smiled slightly. "I bet Tamaki flipped out with me home sick right?"

"Oh you know it! He's so pathetic!" Hikaru laughed, the two of them kept on talking about several things before class started: Haruhi feeling better, how the host club has been, and other things. Kaoru sat there listening to the two of them, not even trying to get involved with the conversation, when finally class started.

Well, at least Hikaru was happy, and Haruhi is a great girl. So, as long as he was happy, Kaoru didn't mind anything.


Hikaru woke up that next morning and stretched, as usual. He looked to his right where Kaoru still was sleeping. Last night, they were messing around as usual, but it might've gone too far… They accidentally kissed. Their brothers, right? It's not a big deal… it's not like… Hikaru liked it or anything. But… his heart was pounding from the moment it happened. In fact, the pounding is starting up again from watching Kaoru sleep.

"We're really close, like a lot of twins are… but I might be in-" Hikaru muttered to himself, quite shaken up by everything.

"Hikaaaaaaaa…. ru?" Kaoru rubbed his eyes and yawned, then sat up. "Who are you talking to?"

"Um… I wasn't talking to anyone, anyway, let's get something for breakfast," Hikaru got out of bed and looked through his bag for a change of clothes.

Kaoru watched him from the bed for a minute, before coming back to reality and doing the same. Last night scarred him, but not because he kisses his brother, but because of the way he was reacting to it. The memory kept playing in his head over and over again, their lips getting in contact with each other, and then he thought: why the heck does it matter? It was only an accident, nothing more.

The two of them headed out of the hotel room and over to an area where the hotel's staff made simple common foods like French toast and waffles and other foods, nothing fancy. The twins each grabbed a few waffles and only a little toast with a drink, then sat down in the dinning area.

The air around them was very awkward, and neither one could think of anything to talk about. Hikaru ate his food and wondered if he really liked his brother and more than a little brother. As for Kaoru, he tried to stop the memory from playing over in his mind. Once they finished eating, they starred at each other, both seeing a flustered brother. "It's not what you're thinking!" They blinked after both saying that, then sighed.

"Well… Who wouldn't be embarrassed after something like that, right?" Hikaru managed to say.

"R-right!" Kaoru agreed, "It doesn't mean anything."

"E-exactly!" Hikaru said immediately, "It was just really awkward, and you don't forget something like that right away!" Hikaru stood up looking confident in the bull they were telling each other.

"Yes!" Kaoru stood up looking relieved, "It's all perfectly normal!" But then not realizing it, like they usually do, Kaoru had grabbed Hikaru's hands, and when they both finally noticed, they let go instantly and starred at the ground, both completely red. "I'm gonna take a bath…" Kaoru stuttered trying to escape.

"I'm s-still tired so I'm going to take a nap," Hikaru muttered, and after they both laughed awkwardly, both took off.

"Haruhi!!" Tamaki jumped over trying to glomp Haruhi after not seeing her for so long, but fell smack down on the ground since she stepped out of the way last minute. Both twins were in hysterics while Tamaki was in tears.

Hunny made his way over to Haruhi smiling and hugged her, "Haru-chan!!"

Haruhi glared at Tamaki but then smiled when Hunny-sempai spoke, "Hello Hunny-sempai."

"Haruhi HATES MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Tamaki opened the window, pretending he was going to jump, expecting the host club to come to his rescue. He looked back and realized nobody cared, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?"

Kyouya closed his notebook and hit Tamaki with it, "You wouldn't jump, cause then you'd leave Haruhi alone with us, dumb ass…" Kyouya adjusted his glassed then opened his notebook again.

"How can you be so cruel Kyouya!?" Tamaki whimpered and poked Kyouya several times to get his attention, but gave up eventually.

"Don't get sick again Haruhi, we can't stand to see Tamaki like that," Hikaru stated, patting her on the head. Tamaki looked over to him thinking 'they CARE about me!'

Kaoru started patting Haruhi on the head as well after hesitating to do so in his mind, "He's quite annoying when he's upset, as you know!" Tamaki's spirit broke and he fell over pale.

"He's annoying a lot but he is a good person…" Haruhi mumbled, but sighed and gave up seeing as the twins weren't paying attention to what she was saying, Mori-sempai was playing with Hunny-sempai, and Kyouya continued to look over numbers in his notebook. "I bet this is what hell is like…"


The twins had been avoiding each other in order to avoid the constant awkward air between them. Kaoru knew it wouldn't just blow over like Hikaru was trying to convince himself.

Kaoru was taking another bath, along with the other guys in his class, who were all talking and kept asking each other to see if there's a hole between their bath and the ladies' bath.

Yes, a kiss can be very awkward, and it can be even more awkward between a relative, like you're brother, but if there were no feelings like that, it wouldn't be like this. Hikaru won't notice it, but he seemed very different since it happened, which made Kaoru come to one conclusion: his brother had feelings for him! It made sense the way he was acting, but he only liked him cause Kaoru is the closest person to him. They're related, so maybe it'll just blow over…

Kaoru didn't notice, but nobody was in the bath anymore, but someone else had gotten in without his knowing. In fact, he still didn't notice, as they were getting closer to him. Though he did notice, when he stated his name bluntly in the oh so familiar voice: "Kaoru."

He looked up to see his face staring back at his, also known as his older twin brother, Hikaru. "Hi-Hikaru?" This didn't make sense; Hikaru came here knowing he was in here? And where'd everyone else go?

"You in there?" Hikaru laughed slightly, he seemed nervous about something but wasn't avoiding eye contact anymore.

"Uh… of course!" Kaoru pouted.

"Well can I ask you a question…?" Hikaru seemed serious all of a sudden, which surprised Kaoru; he didn't even wait for a response. "Is it possible to have a crush on your own sibling?"

It's at a question like this, if Kaoru was drinking something, he'd have done a spit take.

He was shocked at this, so at least what Kaoru was thinking was right. There'd be no other reason for him to be asking such a question, unless he did have a crush on him. "Well… yeah, there are people who do that."

"So it is possible?"

"You can get a crush on almost anybody, it isn't your fault if you love somebody who's related to you, or the same gender, or anything…" Kaoru trailed off when he realized he said the word 'love' in this conversation.

"That's right, so it's ok, that's a relief right?" Hikaru grinned, now Kaoru was confused.

"You mean for yourself?"

"No for you!"

"Wait… what??" Kaoru was now completely lost in where this conversation was heading.

"I can tell since the… ur… accident… That you've been acting weird!"

I've been acting weird? You should see yourself! You're acting… the same exact way I am…?

"So I figured it out then!" Hikaru chuckled more and rubbed Kaoru's head satisfied.

If I've been acting like Hikaru… then…? How did I not notice…?

"You have a crush on me! You're blushing! And don't you dare blame it on the water, cause you've been in here longer than I have and you just now turn red?" Hikaru's face was slightly flustered: he knew what he was saying also applied to himself.

"Um… right…" Kaoru was now extremely embarrassed from the situation. Even more so than the one where they accidentally kissed each other last time they were bathing together.

"So what is it people do if they feel the same way about each other?" Hikaru kept grinning and put one arm around his brother.

"Date…?" Kaoru blinked.

"Yeah, want to?"

"S-seriously!?" Kaoru turned completely red.


"Welcome home," a maid said bowing as the twins walked in, dropping their school bags on the floor carelessly. She looked slightly annoyed but sighing, it was just their normal behavior.

"Haruhi really is a natural! Right?" Hikaru said as he jumped on their bed and hugged the pillow, glad to be home.

"Well, yes… depending on what you mean," Kaoru wasn't very interested in the conversation. All day, since she's been back, he either was talking to Haruhi, or about her. But as long as he was happy like this he couldn't be mad at Hikaru.

Hikaru blinked after realizing something, "I left something important in my bag, so uh I'll be back in a few," he told Kaoru and left before he could utter a word to respond. Hikaru hadn't read Kaoru's old jouranl in a while, so he brought it to school to see if he could fit in some time to at least read one entry, but he didn't expect Haruhi to be back. He got so caught up in today, he completely forgot he left it in his bag, which was reckless.

"What is it master?" The same maid from earlier smiled at him, holding both of their bags.

"Um I'm sorry we just dropped our bags on the floor! So I came back for them!" Hikaru smiled nervously and held his hand out so she could hand him the bags.

She starred at him taken aback, "Y-you're sorry? For leaving a mess!?" She looked like she was about to faint, but shook it off and handed him their bags. "Um… is that all?" She was anxious to tell the other maids what just happened, it was a rare occurrence.

"Yes, that's all, thanks," Hikaru bowed slightly not thinking much, just wanting to get upstairs. The maid was even more shocked from the bow and ran off to the other room. Hikaru, confused, sighed and slowly started to walk upstairs.

He opened up his bag and felt around for the journal, and decided to just read while heading back to his room, which was why he was walking so slowly.

He opened it up and looked for the bookmark he used so he didn't read out of order, and opened up to the next page, where Kaoru talked about the trip on the way back:


Hey, I almost forgot I said I was going to write once we were heading back home. Due to complaints from the owners, saying all the rich kids were causing too much trouble, we all just decided to leave early Friday instead of late. Whatever… But I'm going to tell you something! I got my first kiss-

Hikaru starred at the journal in complete shock, and kept reading the line over and over again. 'I got my first kiss'? Curious, and about to read more, until he realized he was about to walk back into their room, and put the book back in his bag. "Back..!" Hikaru said in his usual cheery voice, but really disappointed that he couldn't finish that entry till later.

Hikaru kept his eye on Kaoru, waiting for him to fall asleep. After an hour of his eyes being shut, he thought it was safe to sneak out of bed for a few minutes. He sat down in the hallway with a light pen and the journal sitting on his lap, normally he wouldn't go to such lengths to just read it, but Kaoru got his first kiss… It was just too interesting not to read the rest:

I got my first kiss. It's weird writing this but… it was with my brother Hikaru. BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! We were in the bath the first day and we just slipped, well technically I slipped… Not the point, it almost ruined the trip!! We were both feeling awkward about it, so we kept avoiding each other, but then I figured out why he was embarrassed: I figured he 'liked' me, like way more than a brother. But he figured out that I… felt the same way. I didn't even realize it, so I guess maybe we are both dense when it comes to our feelings… That isn't the point… So he came up to me in the bath and said something like "I figured out why you're acting like this!" …It really shocked me, but personally I don't think its disgusting or anything! I swear! I don't give a fuck if it's corny but… any love is beautiful, right? So that night Wednesday… He asked if we should start dating, and… I said yes? I hope if it doesn't work out… we don't end up hating each other. Will we end up going out on public dates? Or will we let the host club know we're dating? Or anybody? I'm so happy but at the same time… I've never been more scared in my entire life… I'll write more another time, I'm going to take a nap to relax myself.

Hikaru starred at the notebook in awe, dropping the pen. He really wished he knew… what happened to make him forget.