Of Gunshots and Sorrow

Chapter 1

Painful Encounters


Moody1656: Hello people. As anybody whose read my previous work knows, I'm new to this category, but I love it. And in my author's notes I like to bring in the category's characters. But not in this chapter, I'll start next chapter. For now I hope you like my new AU story. And no I don't own Samurai Champloo. Now, ON with the story!!!

It hurt, it hurt so much. Her lungs felt like they had been punctured through all points over the delicate organ. She couldn't feel her legs either, nor her face or hands. It was amazing she could still run. And no matter how painful it was, she had to get away.

No matter how bad it was, she had to keep moving. It was move or die, and she chose to move. It would overpower him soon, the bloodlust. And when he was through with her mother he'd come after her. So she had no choice but to run down the dark streets of the ghetto, hoping to find a conspicuous enough ally.

Her running shoes splashed water, from last night's rain, as she turned sharply into a pitch black ally. Her feet slipped from under her, making her slide forward to the deepest end of the ally. She paid no heed to the pain and pushed herself behind a dumpster with her back pressed against a wall.

Her lungs were in dire need of oxygen, but instead of gasping for the much needed air she kept her breath intakes short. Her chocolate eyes were concealed in the darkness. She brushed her fingertips on her now swollen ankle. It was sprained, and when she felt other parts of her body that were consumed in pain she realized that was the least of her worries. Her lip was bleeding from where she had been punched, there was a gash on her shoulder from when she stepped in front of the blade meant for her mother, her nails bled from the inside from when she attempted to climb a brick wall to escape, and her shins' skin was almost gone from her recent skid. Of course there were also some bruises and small cuts, but those were beside the point. She was this tattered up and he would be coming her was soon.

She needed help anyone would be enough, just someone who could help her live. Someone to help her before she passed out. It was too much, she couldn't bare the wait for her death.

Her eyes began to drop from her tired state; she might've surrendered to the urge if it wasn't for the sudden gunshots.

Out of instinct she bowed her head into the crook of her neck and covered her ears. Her thin lips almost let loose a shriek until a force pushed the dumpster causing it to shove her petite form.

She peaked over at the other side wondering what was going on. There, thanks to the moon's dim light, she saw a man's silhouette. He was sporting a gun at his side while pinning a hopeless idiot against the wall.

A small glisten of mischief could be seen in his dark, brooding eyes. He chuckled holding the gun to the other man's forehead. "You really don't know when to stop pissing me off, huh dumbass?!" He hissed clutching free hand tighter on his neck, receiving an agonizing groan. "Now tell me where he is! Or you'll end up like the rest of your mother fuckin' friends!" She gulped for the second man's sake, just hearing the threat made her feel death reach its shadowy fingers towards her.

"I-I-I-I told you," the second man stuttered, "I don't kn-kn—"

She could almost see the first man scowl after he heard 'I don't'. But it still surprised her when she heard the loud sound of a gunshot.

The man smirked in pleasure, knowing that the small piece of metal had dug its way through the man's skull. He dropped the corpse with an 'idiot' and almost took his leave. However, to the young girl's surprise, a black Civic stopped in front of the killer.

The window rolled down revealing a sickening man's features. "Hey kid," his disgustingly raspy voice called out, "Have you seen a girl with brown hair and eyes, wearing a grey sweatshirt?"

She couldn't tell what the man's expression was, but he turned his back on the other man. "Hey, I'm talking to you, you bas—"

"Don't finis your damn sentence, you fucker, or I'll pull the trigger." He muttered darkly while holding the gun against the other man's forehead. "I don't know where your prostitute ran off to after seeing your sorry face. If I had I probably would have bedded her already."

The other man glared, pulling his forehead away from the gun. He rolled up the window and drove off.

She sighed a little, and watched as the man began lowering his weapon. But just as she was about to relax he said, "Hey, come out of there." She didn't move hoping he'd leave. "Little bitch," he muttered in annoyance. "Get over here!" She winced at his shout. He huffed in annoyance, pulling out the gun again. "1." He counted off. "2." She tried getting up but her legs wouldn't budge. "Th—"

"I can't get up!" She shouted, stopping his action. "Please don't shoot." She begged. He lowered the gun again, and walked over to the dumpster.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" He asked after bending down to eye level with her.

"My name is Fuu." She struggled to say due to the blood loss. She finally allowed herself to breath deeply due to the pain.

"Fuu? Are you one of Mukuro's sluts?" he asked smirking.

Without her knowledge her head bobbed forward, getting dizzier by the second.

His smirk disappeared watching her leave and enter consciousness. "Hey." He tried to snap her out of it. She lost her balance and fell forward, her chin falling on his shoulder.

He tensed up and tried pushing her back to how she was before. She opened her eyes weakly and whispered before going unconscious, "Save me."

Moody1656: Dun. Dun. Dun!!!!! What will happen, I know…but I won't tell you unless you review.

Preview for the next chapter:

"I couldn't care less about you." He scoffed at her. He barely met the girl and he could already tell she was the most annoying girl he's ever meet.

Fuu felt the same about her 'savior', if you could still consider him that.

Moody1656: Okay there's the preview, sorry it's so short. But I felt this excerpt best represents the second chapter the best. Also Fuugen forever!!!!!!