Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this book.
Author's note: This is my second attempt at a SaphiraxShruikan story.
"End it Shruikan!"
The king's voice echoed through the hall. The black dragon had Saphira pinned down by her neck. Eragon was unconscious a few feet away behind Shruikan from Galbatorix's blow. Shruikan looked into the blue dragonesses' eyes and something kept him from hurting her. Something deep down kept him from slaughtering the defeated dragon.
"Kill her! We've won this war!"
Shruikan looked up at his furious master, then down at Saphira, then at the king. What was more important, his duty to his rider, or his duty to his race? If he killed the last female dragon, all hope of reviving the dragon race would be lost.
"You heard me! Kill her!"
Do it, you must fulfill your duty to your rider. A voice said in Shruikan's mind. One swipe and she's dead.
I can't kill her. My race will die.
He is your rider. She is your enemy.
He is not my rider. He killed my rider. I hate him.
He is your master. You must obey him.
I won't!
Then I have no choice but to force you to.
Slowly, Shruikan felt his paw that wasn't holding Saphira down lift into the air.
"That's it, finish her off!" Galbatorix said as he walked within the dragon's striking range.
Shruikan looked down into Saphira's eyes and saw that she was staring at him, pleading with him. She knew all to well that she was at his mercy.
"Kill her!" Galbatorix yelled angrily.
Slowly Shruikan loosened his grip on Saphira's neck and turned to stare at Galbatorix.
"What are you doing?" The king cried.
Shruikan continued to loosen his grip but still kept a firm hold on Saphira's neck.
Suddenly, rage filled Shruikan's mind and all of the terrible things that the king had made him do, entered his mind. Shruikan roared and lashed his tail at Galbatorix. It collided with him and he was thrown into a colossal column. The king fell to the ground, dead.
Shruikan suddenly felt all of the energy the king had filled him with, flowed out of him. He fell down and was barely able to maintain a conscious.
Saphira stood up and rushed over to see if Eragon, who had just awakened, was okay.
Are you all right little one? An anxious Saphira asked.
I'm fine Saphira. What happened?
The king is dead. We must help Shruikan!
What? Eragon asked curiously.
Shruikan killed the king. He barely has any energy left.
What? He should have been killed.
I know, but the king wasn't his true rider. He must be a wild dragon now.
Will he live?
Eragon slowly stood up and saw Shruikan lying a few feet away. He walked over to the dragon and placed his hand on Shruikan's side. The black dragon stood up and seemed barely able to stand.
Can you fly Shruikan? Eragon asked.
I think so.
Why did you betray the king?
I've always hated him. I just had to wait for him to be off his guard for me to kill him. I couldn't kill Saphira.
Eragon smiled and mounted Saphira.
Let's go. I want to celebrate this victory with Murtagh and the others.
With that, the two dragons leaped into the air and burst out into the battlefield.
Author's note: This will be a short story. It is NOT a oneshot but I'm guessing 3-5 chapters. Prepare for a SaphiraxShruikan fluff in the next few a chapters. I will update faster if I get reviews.