Hi, I've returned. Well, almost at least. I've lost all inspiration for this and I'm considering to delete it. Or if anyone wants to continue it, send me a PM. And my writing style had changed, I don't really know what to say... anyway, thanks for all the wonderful reviews! And sorry for the short chapter! I tried, at least.

Ame shoved Naruto into another room, a bundle of clothes in his hands.

"Change and meet us out here, alright? Then we'll take a look on your schedule," she said, slamming the door in his face with a grin and leaving him to himself.

Seconds ticked by as Naruto changed out of his previous clothes, pulling on the grey pants and matching grey muscle shirt. Shoes were also, no surprise, grey. The only thing that weren't grey were a pitch black trench coat which fluttered around like a bat's wings. As he paused to shoot a glance in the mirror, Naruto noticed the bags under his eyes and the extremely pale colour of his skin. The dead, hollow eyes that stared back at him spoke tales of betrayal and hatred.

A shell of who he was, he realized, nothing but a shell of the person he once was.

The brutal knock on the door snapped him out of his musing, the door flying open without warning, revealing Ame clad in similar clothes to his.

"You done, kid?" she asked, eyes softening as she noticed him staring into the mirror with obvious confusion, "You noticed it, didn't you?"

"Noticed what?" he asked quietly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat, "Noticed how I look like shit?"

Ame chuckled, "Yeah. It happens to everyone, you know," she drawled, "It's not easy to get used to..." she trailed off, "To see someone else in the mirror."

Ame took a few steps towards him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Ne, Naru-kun, come on," she said, gently tugging him towards the door, "We still have to take a look at that schedule of yours," she said as the two entered the room where Hone and Mati was sitting, both looking bored out of their skulls.

"Hi," Ame piped up, motioning for Naruto to sit, "Let's take a look at schedules, shall we?"

The four pulled out their respective schedules, "I'm taking over for a... Shin Ra in three hours," Hone said, "I'll be watching a..." she paused, looking over the paper again, "A Hyuuga Hinata," she finished, raising an eyebrow.

Naruto looked up, "I know her," he said, "Nice girl," he continued, "And how do you find out that from this mess anyway?" he asked, frowning down at his schedule.

"This," Ame said, taking a seat beside him on the bench, "This is who you're taking over for and time is there," she pointed to a row of names with numbers in front of them, "And this is who you're watching over. You're not watching anyone today, so you'll come with one of us and learn the ropes," she explained, grinning, "You can go with Hone, if you'd like?"

"Who're you watching, then?" he asked, leaning his elbows on his knees.

"I'm watching a... oh, there, a Hanzi Moe."

"Never heard of," Naruto said, "You then, Mati... was it?"

The green haired girl nodded, "Yep, Mati, and I'm watching over a girl called TenTen from Konoha," she said, "I've watched over her a few times before, actually. She's a cousin of mine."

"I knew her too..." he said, frowning, "I'm not doing anything the rest of the week, so why can't I switch?"

"Sure you can," Mati said, "Who you wanna go with now, then?" she asked, cracking her neck loudly.

"I'll go with you, if it's alright," he muttered, hoping to see the girl he considered sister again, "I'd like to see TenTen again."

"Alright," Mati shrugged, "Lunch at ten, ladies?"

The two girls nodded in agreement, "O' course,"

"Deal," Mati said, "Come on the, Naruto," she said with a grin, "Time to learn to be watcher!"

Earth, Konoha

The group of ninjas his behind random trees, having gotten a fake clue from someone in the village close by. Which had landed them in a kinky situation, the entire forest having been rigged with countless traps. Already there had been injures, Ino almost losing and arm and Shino getting a nasty cut in his leg to mention a few.

TenTen took a deep breath as another wire shot past her, latching itself to a tree close by. A huge, menacing web of wires had created itself in front of her and around her, blocking all possible escape ways. She closed her eyes for a second, wrecking her mind trying to find solutions.

"Shit, we're screwed,"

Yeah... that's it. R&R, I guess. Be happy it didn't die? Anyway, if you want to take over this story, send me a PM. Thank you!