Disclaimer: Harry Potter Characters Do Not Belong To Me, They Belong to J.K. Rowling.
This Story Script 'The Hogwarts Chatroom' Belongs to Me.

The Hogwarts Chatroom
The First Chat

Harry Potter- H.a.R.r.Y
Ron Weasley-WeasleyPride
Hermione Granger- S.P.E.W.4ever
Ginny Weasley- GingerGinny
Draco Malfoy- DeatH3ateR
Luna Lovegood-L0velyLuna
Neville Longbottom-Herbology78
Cho Chang-RavennClaw64

H.a.R.r.Y has just signed in
WeasleyPride has just signed in
S.P.E.W.4ever has just signed in

H.a.R.r.Y says: Hey guys
WeasleyPride says:Heyy
S.P.E.W.4ever says:Hey…one sec. I need to send an owl to Cho
H.a.R.r.Y says: …well,about what?! hopes it's about him
S.P.E.W.4ever says: if u need to know its about the potions homework…why are u so paranoid whenever I say CHO!?
H.a.R.r.Y says:…well I was just wondering…
WeasleyPride: well that's nice to know XD
H.a.R.r.Y says: LOL
S.P.E.W.4ever says: Ron, all of a sudden u get all u know…quiet
WeasleyPride:I've just been thinking

RavennClaw64 has just signed in

RavennClaw64 says: Hey!
H.a.R.r.Y says: Hi…Cho…
S.P.E.W.4ever says: Hey Cho! Did u get my owl I sent?
WeasleyPride says:Hey Cho
RavennClaw64:Hey Harry,Ron,Hermione and yeah I got the owl u sent…I can't believe he wants us to experiment…I don't want to die this young! P.S. Snape creeps me out
S.P.E.W.4ever says: LOL
WeasleyPride says: Hermione…I need to tell you something…in private
S.P.E.W.4ever says: sure Ron, could you guys just…
H.a.R.r.Y says :Np
RavennClaw64 says: Sure

H.a.R.r.Y is now away
RavennClaww64 is now away

WeasleyPride says: well its just that i…i

DeatH3ater has just signed in

DeatH3ater says: Hello…Weasley…Hermione
S.P.E.W.4ever says: Are you just here to harass us Draco?
DeatH3ater says: NOOOOOOOO…sarcastically
WeasleyPride says: Draco I was just about to tell Hermione SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!!
DeatH3ater says: well I'm not leaving! I have rights! anyways I have something to tell her too
S.P.E.W.4ever says:sighs Sorry Ron I have to go finish up my hw now...u can tell me tomorrow BYEE!!

S.P.E.W.4ever has just signed out

DeatH3ater says: o really? Well that's what I was about to tell her
WeasleyPride says: I'm SO SURE ABOUT THAT!
DeatH3ater says: Well I have to go send Hermione an owl now GOODBYE WEASLEY!

DeatH3ater has just signed out

Well this is my first fanfiction story hope u like it please REVIEW!!! the button on the lower left (smiles)