Chapter 4

Chapter 4

(decided to write one more chapter to this story for the heck of it)

Despite her best efforts, Helena could not sleep. She now stood at the window of Christie's bedroom, looking out at the early morning, but still dark city night. There were many things she was feeling and they spanned across quite a range. There was an urgent, albeit a much smaller now, voice inside Helena telling her that this was wrong and that the British woman was only using tonight as a means to get closer to achieving her objective. Helena listened for a moment, but finally dismissed that voice altogether. She viewed tonight as a cross-roads. While never having feelings for another woman before, she accepted that there was always a deep-down connection with Christie and visa-versa. Tonight that connection had manifested itself in intense passion, the likes neither woman had felt with anyone before.

Christie lay awake, but silent under the cool crisp sheets observing Helena at the window. The other woman had put her white button-down shirt back on, but the moonlight made the white fabric and her blonde hair glow with a beauty that was impossible to deny. This caused a feeling of dire want to well up between her legs, causing Christie to squeeze her thighs together in an attempt to quell it. She suspected Helena knew she was still awake, but remained silent as possible when she sat up. The sheet fell from her bare chest and her nipples were hard from the cool summer night breeze blowing in through the screen of the open window. Using skills she had honed as an assassin, the silver haired woman crept silently up to Helena and wrapped her arms tenderly around her waist. Helena shuddered at first in surprise, but accepted it and leaned forward slightly.

"You looked so beautiful standing in the window, I couldn't resist," Christie said softly, kissing the rear base of Helena's neck.

"I didn't expect to ever hear such words from you," Helena replied and let the other woman run her kisses up her neck. "But then again I didn't expect to see, hear, or do a lot of things before tonight. Tonight meant a lot to me actually. It allowed us to bury a horrible past and move on to something better together. I want to thank youuuuuu……"

Helena's words trailed off as Christie's hands had moved up to her breasts and gripped them firmly but tenderly through the shirt she was wearing. The French woman arched her head back as those hands began to massage her breasts in a counter-clockwise motion.

"No, it is I who should be thanking you," Christie said has her left hand left the breast it was working on and trailed down Helena's stomach to between her legs. She was already starting to get damp down there, and Christie began to rub the other woman's clit softly through the fabric of the panties. Helena moaned and leaned back into the other woman. Fluid began seep out of her as she became more and more excited and grabbed the sides of the window as to brace herself as the feelings became more intense her panties were becoming very wet and cried out as Christie slid her fingers inside, pushing up and around all those sensitive areas.

She's so…good at this, Helena thought to herself and began to think that Christie may have been with a woman before, but it didn't really matter anyway. What mattered now was the feelings she had right now and they doubled in intensity as Christie's fingers found her g-spot. Helena collapsed to her hands and knees as climaxed. Vaginal fluid seeped out of her panties and down her legs. She stayed like that for a moment and regained her composure before standing up once again and taking off her shirt. Her nipples were now hard enough to poke a hole through the fabric anyway. The panties came off next and Helena mused at thought of going without them until she could find a clean pair. The two women embraced and kissed each other with a near violent desire. Their breast pressed together as their erect nipples touched causing them both to moan softly.

"Lay down for me," Helena whispered softly and Christie did so, running her tounge over the other woman's body as she did so. "Now lean on your side."

Christie did so without hesitation. She knew what was about to happen and lifted her right leg up in invitation. Helena accepted and sat perpidicular to her. She spread her own legs and the two pushed themselves together, pumping their hips and grinding together in a slow but intense rhythm. Being as aroused as she was, Helena came again almost immeadiately.

"You didn't wait for me, how impatient of you," Christie teased and began grind herself more intensely against the other. Their clits rubbed togther and created a delirious friction. Both women cried out loudly but still continued on. They locked eyes as they neared climax. Before when they had done so, there was only hate or mistrust. Now want, lust and perhaps a bit of love had replaced those emotions. They cried out again, shout each other's names as they came. Their juices spurted out from the intensity of their orgasm leaving a sizable stain on the floor. Helena slid back from Christie crawled over her. They shared a long slow kiss as their tongues did a slow intertwining dance. Sleep soon embraced them, and they lay on the floor together in peace, both eager to see what the next day would bring. Surely at this point, their relationship had taken a new turn, and their was no going back.