
The parts before the dividing line contain spoilers, please be aware. Everything after that is clear. Enjoy!

It was late September in the year of 1192 and the Third Crusade was only just over.

King Richard had signed a treaty with Prince Saladin to allow Christians a free passage into the Holy Lands without fear of admonition. This news was met with divided opinions but for the most part, there was content with the decision. It would mean peace for now, at least.

Life had also changed for a certain group of people in the stronghold at Masyaf.

Altaïr of the Hashashin had killed his corrupt master Al Mualim. Al Mualim had only ever wanted power for himself and was willing to go against all the tenants of the Assassins Creed to achieve his goal. Altaïr had stopped him before he had a chance to do anymore damage, even though the damage had been done in many places already.

In the absence of an official master, the people of Masyaf and the Brotherhood had agreed that Altaïr should take over the role. He had been the one to ultimately save them, he was the finest Assassin that the Brotherhood had trained for a long time and most of all; He was a changed man with a new knowledge for leadership. There were only a few men who disagreed but they were mostly inexperienced Assassins who were jealous of his skill and bitter about his previous wrong doings.

But to Altaïr himself, one person's opinion mattered to him more than anyone else's:


Malik had forgiven him for terrible mistakes like only a true friend would and for that, Altaïr was ever grateful. Malik had stayed loyal to the end, even under the power of the Piece of Eden that Al Mualim had commanded so ruthlessly….

"Safety and peace be upon you brother." Altaïr said as he joined Malik in his chambers, located in the main tower of Masyaf's great stronghold.

"And upon you also, Altaïr." He replied, turning around to face his friend and Brother in Arms.

Altaïr nodded swiftly before stealing a glance at the place where his friend's left arm should have been. There was but a stump there now, with the sleeve of his robe tied in a knot below it, covering it.

Internally, he winced. It has been his fault and he still felt the weight of guilt upon him. But he quickly dispelled this thought from his head and said,

"I have something to ask of you Malik"

"Anything brother, be out with it." He replied.

Altaïr did not hesitate. "I need to know how you feel about me becoming the Master of our Brotherhood. The opinion of every person here counts but yours hold the most value to me."

Malik turned directly to him and smiled, "I am honoured that you feel that way Altaïr. But you already know my opinions on this matter." His brows screwed up in mock severity.

Altaïr did not speak.

Malik took his silence for lack of realisation. It was in fact, more that Altaïr did not want to presume so fast. He was a naturally cautious man. Malik gave a quick sigh.

"Of course I agree Altaïr! I couldn't think of anyone who I would want or trust more to lead our Brotherhood into greatness. I will rest at ease with you at the helm."

Altaïr's silence changed to elation when he finally heard, from Malik himself, that he felt that way.

"Malik, I will not fail our Brotherhood." He said with determination set deep into his eyes.

"I know you will not Altaïr." Malik replied with equal determination.

Altaïr nodded his head silently and turned on his heel to leave. He had just reached the door before Malik's voice made him stop.

"Altaïr, I have a favour to ask of you now." Malik looked as if he found this a hard topic to talk about.

"You know I will do all I can to help you." Altaïr said sincerely, turning back to face him.

"Thank you Altaïr." He paused for a second, pondering, before continuing.

His tone was bitter now.

"It is regarding my cousin, Asra. Her father -my uncle- is a man unfit to walk the earth as we do. He gambles excessively, he is forever in a drunken world of his own and he is violent. Violent towards Asra on occasions too." His gaze was hard. He obviously cared very much for his cousin, Altaïr thought but it did not require an Assassin to discover that. It was etched into every line on his face.

"What is it that you'll have me do? Is your Uncle truly no longer fit to walk this earth? Will it be my job to help him leave?" Altaïr asked swiftly, intrigue laced into his strong words.

"No, no, nothing like that." Malik dismissed, with a quick wave of his hand. He paused again, unsure of how to continue.

"I actually want you to escort her away Altaïr."

"Escort?" Altaïr replied incredulously. "'Escorting' tends not to be part of my job."

"I know Altaïr but I wouldn't ask this of you if I did not need to. I would feel safer knowing that Asra was in capable hands."

Altaïr could say nothing to this. His friend was in need and openly asking, of course there was no room for refusal. Refusing had never crossed Altaïr's mind.

"You know I will do it Malik. Where I am to take her? And why?" Malik began to explain.

"A few nights ago, while I was visiting my uncle in one of his frequent drunken stupors, he let it slip to me that he had grand 'plans' for my cousin." His voice was infused with such disgust that the atmosphere was tangible. "I pressed him for more information, which was not hard to do considering his state and my manipulation skills. He told me all about his plans to sell Asra, his only daughter, to a soldier's brothel in Jerusalem. A brothel, can you believe?! And his own daughter!" Malik no longer took any care to hide his emotions. This situation offended his very being.

"I can never allow him to do such a thing to Asra. She is but nineteen and far too pretty. The soldiers would never leave her alone. The thought of them hurting or touching my cousin in any way makes me want to kill them all know." His fist was clenched tightly at his side.

"Peace my brother." Altaïr said calmly. "I understand your feelings. Where am I to take her?"

"To Berothai. It is far, far away. Away from her father."

"Berothai..." Altaïr repeated, running the name through his head, waiting for a match or some glimmer of recognition. The only thing he could recall was that it was beyond Damascus. In that case, it would take him a fair while to reach it, perhaps three weeks or more.

The prospect of travelling was an enjoyable one for Altaïr. He was not a talkative man and travelling allowed him to wade through his own thoughts in solitude. It was simply him and Khalil, his loyal horse, whom he loved as much as he could love another being.

But this time, it would be different. He would have company and this company would depend upon him for safety. He was not fazed by such a thing, he was an adaptable man.

"I am not so familiar with Berothai, Malik; I know it is beyond Damascus but by what distance?"

"It is only around 30 miles beyond, not too far." Altaïr murmured his agreement; it wouldn't be a hard journey. Malik continued: "I have arranged for a relative of mine in Berothai to take Asra in, all you need to do is get Asra there safely."

"I will set out immediately my friend. Tell me where to find Asra and I shall go now."

"I have taken care of that my friend." Malik grinned, his previous anger slightly appeased. "I've arranged for her to meet you tonight in Jerusalem, in front of the main fountain, near the Souk in the wealthier part of the district."

"You seemed to know I wouldn't refuse, Malik." Altaïr noted with humour in his eyes.

"I had my suspicions that you would help. Were you ever going to refuse me?"

"Of course not." Altaïr replied quickly, almost offended.

"Exactly." Malik said, winking. He stepped away from Altaïr and turned to a large chest at the foot of a simple bed. The lid was already open and resting upon the framework of the bed, no doubt because it was hard to lift with only one arm. He deftly rooted around inside until he came up with a small pouch, made of a course leather and tied with a red silk cord.

"Take this." He said, pushing it into Altaïr's hand.

"Brother, I cannot." Altaïr said forcefully, for he had felt the distinctive weight of gold.

"It is the least I can do. Asra will require care throughout the journey, will she not?" Malik asked, smiling at him with his eyebrows raised questioningly.

Altair's expression softened. "I suppose she will." He replied, laughing. "She will be cared for like no other. I have no doubt that I will answer to you if that is not the case."

"Indeed you will." He said, with what sounded like an underlying threat.

"You know you have nothing to worry about brother." He made a movement to go. "I must take my leave now Malik, you have not given me much time to prepare." He said jokingly.

"Time is of the essence Altaïr." He laughed. "Good luck."

"Thank you."

"And look after her." He was not fooling around now.

"You know I will."

Altaïr gave a quick nod of his head, attached the money purse to the leather throng around his waist and gently pushed aside the door.

Then he was gone.

"May Allah keep them safe." Malik breathed. He sat down at his desk, rested his head on his hand and closed his eyes