A/N Don't own the turtles... Why do I have to keep saying that? Not only is it obvious that I don't own them, but also, bit by bit, every time I say that, I'm chipping away my dignity and confidence.

Ha, that's a laugh. Dignity. cough Anyway, obviously, I don't own the turtles.

ANNNNDDD- just when ya thought it was over, what started as a 9-chaptered, innocent fic that was ATWR- has turned into this. A Third story, damnit. I've been toying with the idea of finishing it off, cos I left Cannon Ball at a bitch of a place. mwahahahahahahacough, die a-hem. Just for kicks.

Problem was, I'd well and truly killed Satoshi off in Cannon Ball. So I give you- The KingĀ­ (thankyou-thankyouverymuch) what the just missed there was my amazing Elvis Presley impersonation... I joke, I joke. It's a terrible impersonation.

And the bad-guy in this fic ain't actually called The King- but you shall find all this out later, if ya can be bothered to read the Prologue (just a prologue today, I think) after this incredibly LONG authors note. Please R&R- make my day!

(You know, My A/N is longer than the story... I'm such a loser)

Thanks go to authoroftherose - for reminding me that I had meant to write a story to come after Cannon Ball.

(Title is likely to change)




In many worlds, the Grey Man Is King.

In the Land Of The Blind, the man with One Eye reigns King.



More or less normal, now. More or less. As much as could be expected. Leonardo still looked over his shoulder, still stared harder into each shadow, still analyzed every dream, still thought about the others, from that Other World.

The Other Raphael, the Other Donatello, the Other Michelangelo, the Other Karai- and... of course- the Other Leonardo's.

It was obvious that Leonardo often thought of Satoshi, of the Others. The Other versions of him- and how, he could have possibly, in any world, turned into Satoshi.

More or less normal.

Leonardo had returned from his private Hell, Satoshi's world. His brothers still watched him, still stayed close, but the distance between them all was slowly growing, lengthening back to what it had been.

And their connection? That inexplicable, bizarre connection, strengthened to noticeable power on Satoshi's sudden appearance, strengthened even more by Leonardo traveling to other worlds-

Faded. Jaded. But not broken, not in any way any looser, or any more fragile than before- but normal now.

Soon. Once things returned to normal. Once their guard was lowered suitably- that was when he would strike. No sooner, no later than that moment, when they are overjoyed to be normal again- he would strike.

Strike the killing blow.

Strike at their heart.



A/N Yes, I do have more to say.

...ok... no I don't...

...Oh wait! Yeah I do!

Hopa ya enjoyed!


Now that I have that out of my system, I'm going to go and die a horrible, sweaty, snot induced death...

(In other words... I have the cold... or hay-fever... or the flu-... or... ack- I can't breathe... Well, I can... just not through my nose...)

It's not my fault I broke my brain, OK? No, don't laugh, I'm serious. I can't count over 298 without loosing count less than 5 times.

Yes, point at the psycho who can't count- oh, how sweet, you're laughing now too? Oh, well, keep laughing! Yeah- go on! Laugh it up! For he who laughs first laughs least while he who laughs last laughs longest! (Haha! Say that five times fast! If anyone knows what that saying actually is, lemme know! Cos I can't remember!)

Now, I bid you adieu. Cos I have to pee.