It's not about you!
Chapter Three-Trashy to Classy
As soon as we stepped inside the classroom, everyone was giving Sasuke and I weird looks
As soon as we stepped inside the classroom, everyone was giving Sasuke and I weird looks. Honestly I didn't see the problem until I noticed that Sasuke was standing unusually close to me. Once again, my burning cheeks again…..darn my pale skin.
Ino looked at Naruto and gave a sneaky smile to him. He immediately understood and he nodded back. While the class awaited the arrival of the ever so lively Kurenai, they made good use of the time they had on their hands and just chilled.
Sakura took out her iPod and plugged in the earphones. Hinata walked over to her and tried to tell her something but Sakura was too caught up in her own thoughts to notice. "Sakura-chan….ano…I need talk to you about something," she whispered as quietly as she could. Sakura looked at her and waved. Hinata shut her eyes and took a deep breath. "Sakura! I really need to talk to you!" she said. Sakura took off the earphones and looked at her questionably. "Um….what's up?" she asked.
Hinata opened her eyes and looked around. "Oh my…," she said quietly. Everyone was just staring at Hinata as if she was the strangest thing in the room. Sakura giggled a bit and stood up. "We still have some time before sensei gets here so we might as well talk about your issue," she said. Hinata shook her head. "It's not about me…it's more about you and Sasuke-san." Sakura tilted her head a bit. "Me and…..Sasuke-kun?"
Hinata and Sakura walked out of the classroom, closing the door behind them. Outside waiting was Ino and Naruto. They both sighed and looked at Sakura. "Sakura, Sakura, Sakura….my poor innocent idiotic friend," said Ino, sounding a bit disappointed. She put a hand on Sakura's shoulder and looked at her. "SO…spill all the details between you and Sasuke-kun, c'mon, don't hold back on me now!"
"Uh….um….the details about me and Sasuke-kun? Honestly Ino…what the HELL are you talking about?"
Naruto gave her a small smile. "Oh c'mon Sakura-chan. We all know that you've been crushing on Sasuke since grade school. You guys used to be super close and now things still seem that way…but…I don't know…lately girls have been thinking he's some super hot guy and they've bee attacking him non-stop."
She let out a nervous laugh. "And you're saying that I'm gonna get attacked by a mob of savage fan girls after Sasuke-kun, right?" The trio nodded in unison. "Oh god…."
Sakura's hand went around her pockets looking for something. She took out a small pendant with a sapphire in the middle. She touched it lightly and then a small smile made its way onto her face.
"I know me and Sasuke-kun can't be anything more than friends, and that's okay with me. Just the fact that we're friends is enough to make me happy. So the fan girls can have him. The possibilities of me and Sasuke being together are like…..slim to none," she said quietly. "And how do you know that?" asked Naruto. "I mean….I'm kind of like the girl that doesn't fit in. I'm a bit of a nerd, I'll admit that much. I'm not as pretty as the other girls around here and I know that I not be as stuck up as the other girls around here but I KNOW I'm a pain in the ass to be around," she replied.
"You know what Sakura? A lot of girls around here would LOVE to be a girl just like you. You're pretty, smart, funny, and sweet. Plus you're not stuck up. Although…maybe if we change your look from trashy to sassy, I'm pretty sure that Sasuke will fall head over heels for you!" said Ino energetically.
"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go back inside, 'kay?"
Usually I'm not this troubled by thoughts of Sasuke. But now that I really do think about it, what really are the chances of him…well, you know. I mean sure I've had some random thoughts of me and him like that but…those are just thoughts. I can't make them a reality because I can't force Sasuke-kun to do things he doesn't want to, right? Oh…..who am I kidding….I'm in love with Sasuke Uchiha and I can't do a damn thing about it.
The rest of the day was pretty smooth. The rest of the classes were called off due to an emergency meeting so school ended at 3rd period. Sasuke had told Sakura that he'll be at her house to pick her up at 3 so that they can go over to his house so Mikoto and Itachi can see her. Meanwhile, Ino decided to take Sakura away to the mall to buy a cute outfit for Sakura.
At the mall…
"Hey, Sakura! Don't you think this skirt is to die for?"
Sakura glanced at the red frilly skirt and shrugged. "It seems like an ordinary skirt to me. But remind me again why we're buying me a new outfit when I already have a bunch of clothes at home to choose from…"
Ino giggled. "Well we're gonna turn you into a girly rocker chick today, got it? You're gonna be so gorgeous that even Sasuke will want you to dress like that more often!" she exclaimed. Sakura sighed. "The clothes I already own are fine…I just got to find a way to mix n' match them better," she groaned.
Ino picked out a white collar shirt with a gray skull imprint on the right sleeve, a black frilly skirt, and a black tie to complete it. She handed it over to Sakura and pointed to the dressing rooms.
Getting into the outfit was no problem at all. But Sakura couldn't stand looking at herself at all. She looked so girly but at the same time it suited her personality. But she admitted she did look pretty good.
As soon as she stepped out of the dressing rooms and showed Ino, Ino literally burst into tears. "You look so amazing but at the same time so rebellious! I'm so proud of my work here!" she squealed. Sakura sweat dropped. "Yeah, thanks Ino," she said laughing a bit.
They bought the outfit and walked around the mall for a bit. "Yo, Sakura…I was thinking, what if we take a look at your closet and then we could modify the clothes a bit so it'll still suit your style…but you'll look cute too. How about it?" she suggested. Sakura shrugged. "I guess it's ok as long as I don't look like a clown."
Sakura's Condo
Ino completely took out all of Sakura's shirts and went through them. She separated them by color and style. Most of the shirts she had were band shirts. Metallica, Paramore, Guns N' Roses, This Providence, you name it. There were band shirts all over the place and most of them had really cool looking designs but Ino thought that they looked like plain T-shirts.
She got a pair of scissors and turned about a third of the band shirts into tank tops. Even Sakura was a bit impressed with the fact that they didn't look anything like T-shirts anymore.
Her bottoms were what worried Ino the most. It was just a bunch of faded out jeans, some black skinny jeans here and there, and 2 skirts…both of them plaid.
"You know…your skirts are fine…but how about we rip up your jeans a but and turn a couple more of your shirts into halter shirts and completely sleeveless!" Sakura nodded. She looked at the clock. "Maybe some other time, Ino. It's almost 3 anyways," she said. "Oh that's ok Saku-chan! I'll stay here fixing up your clothes while you and Sasuke-kun go on your date!" she said cheerfully. Sakura laughed. "Date? Haha, you're funny. We're just gonna have dinner at his house remember?"
Ino giggled. "Yeah but with one thing comes another. Now change into the outfit I bought you and don't be afraid to play with the make-up I bought you too. And mess with your hair a bit….as a matter of fact I'll do your hair!"
Sakura smiled at grabbed the bag with the outfit in it. She went into the bathroom and changed as quickly as possible, put on just a bit of eyeliner and got out. She looked for her Chuck Taylors but found a super high version of them that reached to her knees, so she went with that. When she came back into the room, she looked at Ino.
"So….about my hair?" Ino smiled. "That's my girl!!"
Ino dashed around the room picking up 2 combs, hairspray, scissors and a hair scrunchy. Sakura sat down on the bed and Ino began toying with her hair. When she was done, Sakura's bangs were a fringe swept to the side and her hair was in a ponytail.
Ino clapped her hands together and beamed. "You're gorgeous!" she yelled. Sakura smiled. "All thanks to you, Pig." "Tch, don't mention it forehead!" They both laughed.
Whoa! I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now!
Whoa! It was never my intention to brag to stea-
"Hey Sakura, I'm outside."
Sakura peered out through the window. Sasuke was waiting inside his red convertible.
"I'll be down in a sec."
She hung up and looked at Ino. "Think this will work?" she asked. Ino winked at her. "Totally. Oh and you don't mind if I sleep over right?" Sakura shook her head. "There's an extra room downstairs with a bed, you can use that to sleep." "Ok, thanks," said Ino.
Sakura rushed out the door and hopped into Sasuke's car. Sasuke stared at Sakura and felt the heat rising up on his face. He quickly looked away. "So yeah, we're out of here."
He started the car and off they drove to the Uchiha mansion.
A/N: And there's your chapter! I've wanted to update for a LONG time but I couldn't find the time. SO here's what you get. LOL
Next chapter should be up Wednesday at the latest. Anyways, seeing how I've been off for a while, I still need to edit something in my profile and stuff, so keep checking back for some neat stuff for you guys. I'll be adding some links for you guys.
Have a nice day!
-mx explody