Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits basket!

Trip to Paris- Chapter 1: News

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and found that my tie was crooked. I adjusted it and sang out "High school girls, high school girls all for me!" That tune was just so fun and amusing to listen to. I chuckled at myself and looked myself over. Today was supposed to be my first day teaching at Kyo, Yuki and Tohru's school. This reminds me that I never told them about it yet. I looked around the room to find it was a mess. Papers were everywhere on the floor and there was trash everywhere. The only good thing about the room was the odor. There was no smell except for the nature from the forest. "If I'm going to be a teacher, I better start by organizing this room." I thought in my head.

"Perfect!" I was ready to go! My outfit was fixed and I had my lesson planned out in my head.

"Why in the world are you wearing a tuxedo, Shigure?" I turned around to see Kyo at the door. His face was red with anger and his hand clenched in a ball. His veins were popping out. As usual, his temper got over him.

"Kyo, you must really calm your temper down! You get angry at the smallest things! Oh, that's right I forgot to tell you! Well you see I overheard Yuki and Tohru speaking of your teacher leaving. So I decided to go for the job and become your teacher! Oh and Ayame is my assistant."

"What! Are you kidding me?!"

"You're overreacting Kyo!" Ayame entered the room dramatically and continued with his sentence. "You'll be glad to hear that I'm Shigure's assistant in your school!" He brushed himself off and twisted his hair into a braid.

"Oh, Aya I already told him that."

"Gure, must you always steal the glory and tell everyone our secrets?"

"Don't worry our other secrets are still inside me." I grinned at him and he grinned back.

We gave each other the thumbs up sign as Kyo just stood there, staring.

"How the hell did you get in here?! You don't just crash into people's home and appear out of nowhere!"

"Why, the door was left open and just I let myself in!" Ayame had a look of triumph on his face and gave Kyo the thumbs up sign which he did not return.

"What in the world is with all this noise?" Yuki said as he walked into the room. He wiped his eyes off and yawned, apparently awoken by all the noise. His hair was all over the place. He stretched and opened his eyes to see that his brother was in the room.

"What are you doing here, Nii- san?"

"Yuki, guess what!" I exclaimed, as I let Ayame finish the rest of the sentence.
"We're your new teachers at school! Well, actually Gure is the teacher and I'm just an assistant."

"What? Nii-san, how could you be assistant? You barely know anything!"

"I have a brain Yuki."

"But you hardly use it."

"Phish- posh, of course I do. You guys overreact too much. I just know my tohru will be happy about me being in school with you guys! OH TOHRU!" Ayame started for the door when there was a sound of a loud slap as Yuki's hand made contact with Ayame's cheek.

"Oww, now why did you do that for?!" sobbed Ayame. He rubbed his cheek where there was a red hand mark from Yuki's slap.

"And Shigure, are you just saying this as an excuse to check out high school girls?"

"Yuki, how dare you think I would do that?" A grin came on my face. Well, part of that was true. That wasn't the only reason Aya and I was going there.

"Good morning everyone," said Tohru as she walked in. "Is everything alright? I heard a lot of yelling in here." She said as she looked around the room. "Ayame! I didn't know you were here! I'm so sorry; I have nothing to feed you!"

"It's all right my little flower, Gure-san and I should be going off to work anyways. We don't want to be late for our first day in working at Kyonkichi's school now."

"Hey! I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" yelled Kyo.

"What?! Ayame, you work at our school?!" said Tohru in shock. "That's wonderful!"

"Why yes, I forgot to tell you that! I just knew you would be happy!"

"Shocking isn't it?" said Yuki with a little sarcasm in it.

"Well, we shall go now then." Ayame said as we headed towards the door.

"We'll see you guys at school then, bye!" Tohru waved at us as we left the room.

Tohru, the rat and I walked to school after finishing off our breakfast. We walked the path we usually took to school and as usual, the rat and I kept a distance. Birds chirped in the air and trees made rustling noises as the wind hit against its branches. As we went through the gate of the school, the bell rang to go to class. We all had the same classes so we walked there together.

"At least the perverts won't be in our class."

We walked into class 1-D and a sight shocked us. I stopped walking and stared at the sight by the front. There, standing the classroom writing on the board were Shigure and Ayame. We stood there for a while, taking in what we were seeing. We took our seats as the second bell rang.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Sohma and I will be your new teacher. Here we have Mr. Ayame who will be my assistant." Shigure pointed at Ayame who was grinning to the class.

"You look really familiar." A girl in the front of the room said. "You look like Prince Yuki."

"Are you telling me my brother is a Prince?"
Oh great. He believes in everything he hears. I thought he said he had a brain.

"Ah! You're Yuki's brother! I'm so honored to meet you!"

The girl jumped off of her seat and started to bow down repeatedly. I looked over at Yuki who sank low in his chair. I laughed at the embarrassment he was getting.

"Okay, now I bet you guys are wondering about what we're going to do in class!" Ayame said.

"Well, what do you think of this?" Shigure said. "An all paid one week trip to Paris! There you guys will explore the ancient and beautiful landmarks!"

The class started to get excited and talked to each other about what they were going to do in Paris. I knew what I was going to do. I just needed the damn rat out of the way. After the class started to settle down, Shigure finished off what he was going to say.

"Start packing tonight, because we're leaving tomorrow!"

I couldn't believe that I was going to Paris! This was so exciting! "Oh mom," I thought. "This is such a blessing! I'm so lucky to be able to have an opportunity like this!" I grabbed my red top and folded it neatly and placed it in my luggage. "There!" I said. "I'm finally done packing!" A knock came from my door.

"Come in!"

It was Yuki. "I'm sorry Ms. Honda if I disturbed you. I was just checking up on you."

"No, it's okay Yuki! I'm done with packing and thank you for checking up on me!"

"Damn it!" came a voice from across the room. "You stupid zipper!"

"That sounds like Kyo!" Yuki laughed. "He's such a wimp, can't even close a dang luggage!"

"I heard that!" Kyo yelled back.

I smiled back at him and walked over to Kyo's room. There struggling with the luggage was Kyo. One foot was on the ground and as his other was on the bed. His two hands gripped on the chain and tugged on the luggage zipper.

"Kyo?" Do you need some help?" I asked.

"NO! I'm not a wimp! I can do this!"

"Okay, as you say so." I left the room and past Shigure's room. He was all packed and was on the phone.

"Yes, that will be so much fun! Maybe we could take them out to-" he stopped all of a sudden when he saw me and said, "Got to go, I'll call you back!" He quickly hung up the phone and smiled at me.

"Ahh, my beautiful flower, are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited! My luggage is all packed up and set! I have the picture of my mother with me on my carry on backpack. I also brought some water and a little snack!"

"That's good to hear! Why don't you go to sleep now! We're going to the airport early in the morning!"

"Okay." I smiled back at him and went to my room and fell asleep. I couldn't wait for the plane ride.

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