I do not own the TMNT and for this I am sure they are grateful.

Thank you all who have been reading, and especially reviewing, this story. It's been fun but all good things must come to an end…especially when the authoress starts to run out of ideas. Thank you for waiting so patiently for this latest chapter and I hope y'all enjoy.

Final chapter; End of the war…

Casey's loud guffawing laughter echoed off the stone walls of the lair. "I go off and visit my ma for two weeks and miss all the fun here!" He nearly fell off the couch with his laughter.

Donnie shrugged and accepted the last page out of the notebook that Kit had just finished dismembering –as per Sensei's orders. He folded the paper into a delicate and worthy plane before launching it.

The plane floated on the air over their heads, looping gracefully before gliding into the dojo, where Leo promptly and thoroughly shredded it with his katana. Raph quickly swept up the scraps and gleefully dropped them into the fire contained within a small metal basin just outside of the dojo.

"Pretty brutal destruction of the rulebook though." Casey noted. He cautiously eyed his red masked friend who seemed to be deriving far too much pleasure from watching the flames.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that Master Splinter was pretty fed up with the whole prank war." Donnie explained. Now that he was finished with the paper planes he stood from his seat by the coffee table and took a seat on the part of the couch furthest from Casey.

"Gee, now why would that be?" Kit asked. She was sitting sideways on one of the armchairs with one arm supporting her back and her legs and tail carelessly draped across the other. "Could it have been the stink bomb? Or maybe that nasty sewer smell?" She counted the two pranks off on her fingers before sitting up some and glaring at Donnie. "Which was really not appreciated by the way."

Donnie smiled innocently before Kit relaxed back into the chair. Raph snickered, "Or maybe it was the recorder incident during training?" Although nobody could be sure it sounded like Leo had growled at that comment.

"It couldn't possibly have been all the yelling and screaming that's been occurring." Donnie added with a slightly smug grin.

Leo came over and joined them, his smile probably the broadest of all when he said, "I don't know, he didn't seem to mind so much having to teach a reduced class for morning training." Three, intense, white hot glares were aimed in his direction. Clearly forgiveness had not been completely granted on that matter.

Casey, to his credit, was trying his best not to start laughing, if nothing else it was an act of self preservation; dealing with Raph was hard enough, he didn't want three of these mutants out for his blood. Finally he coughed, clearing his throat of humor before managing, "So, uh, how's Mikey dealing with the ban on pranks?"

"He's not." The turtles chorused.

"This morning he was caught sneaking into the lair with another box of itching powder and several bottles of die." Kit explained.

"So…what did ya do?" Casey asked.

"We took measures to impress upon him the importance of restraint in reference to further pranks." Donnie said.

Casey looked from one blank face to the next. "So…what did ya do?" He repeated. All four mutants pointed straight up. He lifted his eyes, and then craned back his head until he saw what they were pointing at. His jaw dropped.

Mikey stared down at him from about fifteen feet up. The turtle was bound hand and foot, gagged, somehow suspended from the ceiling and was slowly spinning counterclockwise.

"MMMPH!" Mikey insisted.