The Perfect Mess

By: Madame Reject

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Jamie Valentine is property of BrokenFreak.

Rated: K (for slight adult language)

Genre: Romance/Humor

Type: Wrestling

Pairings: Jericho/OC

Chapter One: Forgot Again

She was infuriated. All she asked for was one simple thing from him, and he couldn't even complete that task. It was the only thing she wanted from him.

Be. Home. On. Time.

Why? Because Jamie always was the one to cook dinner. She wanted it to be perfect when he came home. She didn't mind making his food. In fact, she prefered and insisted to be the one to make it. Chris just wans't what you would call... 'chef material'. He liked to experiment with the food too much. Jamie loved to make dinner. She actually enjoyed it a lot. But the one thing that pissed off was the fact that Chris was still out all hours of the night!

After finally waiting for about an hour or two, Jamie gave up. Huffing angrily, she got up to her feet and cleared the table. She ate, but Jamie picked up Chris' plate and glass of milk and brought them in to the kitchen.

'I can't believe he pulled this shit again! I slave over a hot stove and he pretty much ups and leaves! Ugh, I'm sick of it all!' the blonde thought to herself.

Then, just a few minutes later, the door clicked open to th house. It was him. Jamie sighed in frustration. 'Great, just great...'

Chris knew he was in trouble. But he still remained quiet until he got to talk to her. He stepped into the ktichen with flowers in his hands with also a teddy bear. He planned on convincing his girlfriend that he didn't mean to forget dinner again. But he also reminded himself not to say the same lame, old excuse.

"Hey baby." he greeted her.

She said nothing. She just ignored him while she cleaned.

"Hey baby." he repeated, a little more louder. Still nothing. He kept on though. "I'm sorry I'm late, I really am. Can I make it up to you please?"

Jamie remained the same with her mouth shut.

"Listen, Jamie," Chris said, approaching her. "I didn't--"

But as he was starting to talk, she took a hand full of chocolate pudding and dabbed some on his face.

"Shut up." she ordered, still calm.

Chris just stood there, slightly embarassed. He reached for one of the kitchen cloths and wiped the dessert off of his face.

"Okay..." he muttered. "I guess I deserve that, but can you at least give me some time to explain myself?"

With a bowl of pasta, she dumped it down his pants.

"Tick, tock. Time's up." she said.

Chris squirmed, feeling the noodles and sauce all over him. "Ahh, crap that's warm. Okay! I give!"

Jamie let out a small giggle to herself, but she managed to stifle it. She realized she didn't have to because Chris didn't hear her. He was too busy getting the food out of his drawers.

Olive eyes glanced over to the side. On the counter was a container of mash potatoes and gravy. That infamous smirk lay on that Canadian face of his. He picked it up and took a big spoon.

"You know what, Jame?" he spoke.

She turned around and faced him. "What?"

"You, just need to chill." he said, whipping the potatoes down his shirt.

She gasped. Eventually a food fight started in the kitchen. Food was going everywhere in places you couldn't possibly imagine. Finally, when they were done, they called a truce.

"Wow, I feel so nasty right now." Jamie said, covered in head to toe with food.

"Yeah, let's go take a shower." Chris suggested, nodding.

The female blinked. "Together?"

He shrugged. "Eh, why not?"