Four years had passed and many things had changed in Konoha. And this was the place Sasuke and his team was going to, for he had promised his rival to do so. The Uchiha still had some injuries of the fight, but he had won, he had beaten his brother. The thing that scared him a bit was that Naruto had been right about one thing. If Sasuke hadn't promised his rival to come home after the fight with his brother, he wouldn't have a goal left in his leave.
Now, reaching the village, he had that feeling once again. At the gate it was an unfamiliar face that greeted them. "Halt, state your business. Wait… you're Uchiha Sasuke, right?" The raven haired only replied with a nod. "The Hokage wanted to see you as soon you arrived. Follow me."
The chu-nin guided the team towards the Hokage building. On their way, nobody said a word. In the Hokage tower they were on the way to the office when they met Tsunade on their way. "Ah, it seems you finally killed your brother." "Hai, I promised Naruto to return after that." "Yes, yes, I know. He needed to convince the council you would keep your word and if you didn't he would go after you. Do you still have the kunai?" Sasuke showed the odd shaped kunai to the slug. She gave a smile with a nod. "Okay, then the council will be fine with it." She passed the five shinobi and this confused Sasuke.
"O, by the way. The Hokage isn't in his office, you can find him outside in the gardens," the blond woman said and left. 'She isn't the Hokage anymore?' The chu-nin sighed and guided the four to the garden just outside the Hokage office.
"Almost Kiyoko-chan," Naruto smiled to his daughter. "Moh, why can't I hit the bull," the four year old girl whined. "Don't worry, you will, learn it. Just keep practising," the dark haired told her daughter.
The little blond girl ran over to the log to get back her kunai. Meanwhile the blond man pulled his wife in a hug. "She will be alright," he whispered. "Hm-m, she will, she has your spirit, Naruto-kun." The blonde smiled and kissed her passionately. "Don't do that when I am around!" the kid shouted. Her parents laughed. "Once you're older, you will love it," her mother said. "No!" "O yes you will," her father said. He caught his daughter and started to tickle her. She laughed amused and needed a moment to get some breath when he stopped. "Daddy, when is my little brother coming?" "Hmm, that has to wait a while."
The girl turned to look at the grass.
"Hokage-sama?" "Hai?" Naruto said and looked up at the chu-nin, "O, I see. You may leave, Itsuki, I can take it from here." "Hai." The man left while Naruto turned his look to the raven haired. "It took you some time, didn't it?" "Very funny, I see you made your dream come true." "Yup, I even have more than I would have dreamt of."
Behind the blonde, Kiyoko was taking shelter by her mom. "Mommy, who are those people?" she asked shyly. "The one with the dark hair is your father's friend, the others I don't know sweety."
The blonde Hokage stood up. "I have some business to do, Hinata-chan, Kiyoko-chan." "That's alright, Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled. "You have to see Tsunade at four, right?" "Hai." "Okay, I'll be there then." Naruto walked of with Sasuke. In the office he sat down in his chair and leant back. "You still have the kunai I gave you?" he asked. "Yes, do you want it back?" "Hmm…nope. You act different Sasuke, no dream left to pursue?" "Something like that yes." "Heh heh, I warned you to get a new one," the Hokage grinned.
There was some knocking on the door. "Come in," Naruto replied to it. Kiba, Choji, Sakura, Ino, Neji and Lee entered. Sakura was chocked to see her old team-mate.
"Sasuke, you're back?" "Yup, it took him long enough," Naruto smiled, "What are you guys doing here?" They all turned to Neji. Naruto raised an eye brow watching him. "I just became father, his name is Kouki. We came to invite you for sake." Naruto scratched his head. "I want to join the party, but no sake for me. Bad memories with it, or rather, cannot remember something very important because of it." His friends laughed. "Want to join, Sasuke, Juugo, Suigetsu, Karin?" Naruto asked. The last three said yes without thought, Sasuke took some longer but eventually nodded.
"Okay! But first you all need some new clothes. Ino, Kiba, Choji, take care of that!" "Hai!"
"Neji, go tell Hinata," Naruto grinned. "Right." And the Hyuga was of.
The end, I'm sorry but everything comes to an end. Thanks for reviews and favs etc. I will upload another story soon .