So:D I'm a noob, welcome me to xD My name's Hannah, but my username is AtomicArt...originated from Deidara's artistic techniques, un. 0 So as I was saying, I'd read enough stories and decided to start my own account (a while ago), so people could read mine! When I make some...o.o' But for now, it's poems. This one just happens to be a SasoDei one I made a while ago, upon thinking about how Deidara really felt about Sasori's death. I think these two are one of the sweetest couples in Naruto, and flame me if you will, but I shall post my SasoDei shamelessly. w SO! Sorry that was so long; I tend to type novels (which could be considered a good thing here) but here we go...(by the way this poem is told in Dei's POV)

Disclaimer:I do not own any characters from Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, I just own my writer's brain and that's not much. TTTT

Description: A SasoDei poem. Deidara reflects his time with Sasori and realizes just how much his Danna's death means to him. SasoDei, Romance/Angst, Rated T to be safe.

Eternal Art

Your eyes were so lifeless,

Your voice was so cold.

You said you'd never leave me,

You said you'd never get old.

I thought my eyes could see it,

Hidden deep inside.

You said art was forever,

The next day you up and died.

I was once so happy -

Disguised tears I did not shed.

I didn't show any emotion

When I saw you dead.

But just the day before,

You were laughing, so carefree.

You promised we would last.

You said nothing would hurt me.

But all those broken promises,

All were just hollow lies.

Hollow, like you are right now

With your blank, open eyes.

I'm sorry we kept fighting.

I'm sorry you're so sadistic.

All those hurtful words;

I'm sorry I went with it.

So now, I'll begin to end this.

I think I understand.

I just wish I was there to save you,

To once more hold your hand.

Because all this pain, all this anger

Has broken my weak heart.

But with these last words, I thank you:

You're my eternal art.

Thank you so much for reading! Please don't steal; I know you won't! My first document published on (I hope it works). OO' 'Cuz my computer likes to cause me misery...TT-TT Anyway, reviews would be greatly appreciated and flames are welcome with open arms (even though I said I was a noob here, I don't intend on staying one for long).  Domo arigato, and I will be seeing you in my next story...thing...