The Finale

Hey guys, it's Kelsey. I don't even think you guys knew that was my name. So here I am, writing to you guys in this story for the last time (sort of). I didn't know how to change a story from "Incomplete" to "Complete" so I'm here to tell you that You're Gonna Be the One That Saves Me is over. Please do not stop reading this, though, because I have news for you guys.

1. I ended this story with their wedding because I'm not exactly sure how I wanted to develop their marriage or their children, and I decided that the majority of the story was based around their growing relationship and honestly it was getting dry at the end. I didn't want to keep word-vomiting out chapters for a story that didn't have my heart in it anymore. And so, this story has been ended. It has served me well over the past 3 (almost 4!) years, and I can't believe what it has turned into. You as readers are amazing. I have only gotten a few negative reviews and the rest have been more than amazing. I can't stress how awesome you guys have been to me, and therefore I have news for you: This may be the end of this story, but it is not the end for my Snape and Hermione world.

2. From that, I will say that I have 2 stories in development as we speak. Yes, two. I am more than excited to share them with you and I will give you a quick rundown on them. The first is a story I have developed in my mind since the beginning of my Snape/Hermione fantasy. It will basically record their lives and their relationship of which (to me) J.K. (amazing as she is), left out of the books. This means that I will be following the story line from about Hermione's third year, and develop their friendship and relationship while staying parallel with the books. Basically, to me, it is background of the original books. I'm really excited, and I decided to give you guys a quick preview. This is during the fourth book, after Dumbledore sends Snape back to Voldemort. Hermione chases Severus down and tries to convince him to not to go to Voldemort:

"How am I supposed to know if you're okay? I can't just go home knowing that you're with him, probably enduring something horrible. I have to know you're okay." She sniffed, talking into his chest. She found it was easier than looking him in the eye and telling him this. He sighed and waited a few moments before talking.

"If I'm okay, I will send you an owl. I can't tell you it will be soon, but I'll send it when I can. You're just a girl, Miss Granger. There isn't anything romantic between us." His voice caught slightly in his voice as he said it, but he knew that this was the truth.

She nodded silently and let go of him. He inclined his head at her and turned around, walking down the drive. A thought suddenly occurred to her, and she ran to him again and grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at her questioningly.

"Kiss me." She said.

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "No, Miss Granger. You're too young."

She didn't let go of him. "Severus this may be the last time we ever see each other. Please just kiss me. I know you want to. I can't let you leave without something to know I'm not crazy." She looked deep into his eyes. "Please Severus." She whispered.

My second story is not in line with the books, because it is after what has happened. In it, through a twist of fate, Severus has not died. I haven't started writing this one yet, so I don't have a preview for you, but I have developed this in my mind, at a ministry party a few years after the war (this may be different than my story when I publish it):

Lucius Malfoy sat down across from her and tried desperately to get her attention.

"I apologize Miss Granger, but I couldn't help but notice a pretty girl such as yourself sitting alone. I was wondering if perhaps you would like to join me in a dance?"

Just as the words came out of his mouth Hermione looked over his shoulder and saw a flurry of black robes make its way through the crowd. A smile crossed her lips as she turned to Lucius.

"Actually, Mr. Malfoy-" She began.

"Lucius." He interrupted.

"Actually, Mr. Malfoy, I would much prefer dancing with S-, with my date." She nodded curtly before getting up and walking over to Severus. She stopped right in front of him.

"Dance with me." It was not a question, more of a soft demand.

Severus said nothing, but held out his hand, which she took lightly, and the two made their way to the middle of the floor.

3. I'm so excited for both of these stories, but I have something else to tell you which you guys will probably like: I'm going to write both of these stories in their entirety BEFORE I publish them. That way, I have no excuse not to update! It'll be great because you guys will get a new chapter ever few days, and I won't constantly feel the pressure to write a new chapter, and I wont ever feel like the story isn't going where I want it to go. They are still in development so it will be a few weeks, and I assume the first one will be published first, and I will then send out another chapter to THIS story to let you guys know it has been published so you can follow it from there.

4. Let me know what you think! Leave me a review here, so I know what your thoughts are on these stories so far.

5. I love you guys, you're awesome. If you would like, you can follow me on twitter: KelseyyHanna

Until the next story,
