They weren't coming for her. Her mind knew that, but her heart wouldn't accept it. Every time before this, even when she had been in this state, he had always come for her. He hadn't left her behind. But the last times he had already been there to save her within hours. She'd been here for months now... or, at least, it seemed like months. Hell, she didn't know. Here, she wasn't allowed to know anything. All that she did know was the difference between the darkness from night and the sun of the day. And pain. She knew a lot of that here. He had hurt her, and he continued to hurt her. He violated her, tore her apart, shed blood from her skin for his own pleasure. The reason he existed in this moment was to make her life horrible, to taint her soul and her mind, to force her into submission. And she had, eventually, given up. She had begun to believe his words, to believe that she was just a whore, a worthless being that no one cared for. A pawn. A "shard detector." No one really cared about her was what he told her, and he said that at least with him, she was of some use. Her use to him was for his pleasure. She was a dispensable item to him though; he would throw her away like he had done with everything else he didn't have use of anymore.

And she didn't care anymore.

She was going to die here, rotting in her mind's prison. Her heart had barricaded itself from the rest of the world, trapping itself behind bars of steel. Her mind had shut all of its doors to the outside world. Slowly, she had lost sight and grasp of herself.

Kagome Higurashi no longer existed. Only a shell of what she had once been.

And now, as he took her once more, his hands running over her bare skin, causing her as much pain as possible, she stared into space blankly. She let her body become stone, unresponsive except for her breathing. There wasn't anything left to live for in her mind, so she just let life fly over her head.

"No one cares," he told her, venom dripping from his voice, "You're a worthless being, miko. Your use to him is to simply find shards of a jewel his yearns for. He doesn't love you. No one does. And once they don't need you any longer, they'll abandon you. They'll leave you to fend for yourself, and they'll forget you."

She tried not to listen to him, continuing to stare off into space. But his words attached to something inside of her, and they stayed there, with everything else he had ever said to her.

You're Worthless... They don't care... You're just an item to them... All you are is a whore, giving yourself up to your own enemy...

She tried to ignore him, to shut him out, to rid her memory of everything he ever said to her. But, because she was alone, those hurtful words were her only connection to a reality she didn't want to be in. The only thing that connected her to life...

He bound her this time, arms and legs tied together by his own powers, as he left to cause havoc somewhere. She didn't struggle. If she did, she'd only have to pay for it later. At least this time he had dressed her. So she just sat there, bound and immobile, left to her thoughts. If she could, she might have even spoken to herself, just to confirm that she was still alive. But speech was a distant memory to her. Every time she spoke, no one heard her. And if no one hears you, what is the point of speaking?

He's broken me. He's made me his. The one I hate is the only one who acknowledges my existence... Why? What have I done in this lifetime that would make me deserve this? I'm trying to save the world from a villain, and this is what I get? I get raped, violated, hurt, and tortured... He's right. I'm just an item, something they'll throw out when they have no more use for it... No one cares.

And then, for the first time in weeks, her mind's eye brought up the memories of her friends. Of a red clad hanyo, a perverted purple monk, a red haired child, a demon slayer and her demon cat. The people she thought would always be there for her. She tried to think of her family instead, of the people who actually did care but couldn't come for her. But as much as she searched, she could find their faces. The people she could once remember in a moment, see their faces in the sharpest reality, were gone. Ghostly memories were what were left of them.

So, slowly, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a rare sleep, losing a bit more of herself as she did, letting the girl that was Kagome Higurashi slip away from her.

And then there was the sound of wood breaking, and of a playful voice soon after. Then there was yelling, and the sound of something tearing through the air. Silence followed. But footsteps soon followed, the sound of the feet on the wooden floor indicating running. Slowly, she opened her eyes, realizing she was awake. She turned her gaze to the door, shifting uncomfortably with bound limbs. A demonic aura was approaching the entrance, and she tried to ignore it. Yet, after a minute, she realized that it wasn't him. Whoever it was, whomever this aura belonged to made her mind start to work again. It was someone she knew, but she couldn't quite figure out who it was... She couldn't remember. So she watched the door slide open slowly, waiting with strange emotions.

...It was a man, but it wasn't him. It wasn't Naraku. It wasn't InuYasha.

It was a wolf demon, his black hair held high up atop his head in a ponytail, clothed in furs. And his blue eyes were deep, caring. There wasn't any evil there. They welcomed her... They loved her.

He called her name out in soft tones, his voice full of worry and concern. She didn't respond. Her mind couldn't figure out if it was safe to trust him. And before she knew it he was kneeling in front of her, brushing her bangs out of her face gently. And when he said her name this time, she heard him. She listened to him. He was the one that was actually there to help her, not to hurt her.

He was her savior. And, finally, she was safe.

She didn't bother to stop the tears that came from her eyes then, as she let him cut her bonds with his Goraishi and lift her up into his arms. Anything else he said seemed to slip out of her mind's grasp though, as he cursed at someone else and barked out orders at whoever was with him. But she couldn't make herself care. For once, someone wasn't hurting her...

Then they were gone, and Kagome fell into a sleep, dreams fading in and out of her mind for the first time in ages.

And soon, there was warmth. It flowed up and down her skin, the sun's rays caressing her skin lightly and softly. The sound of something thumping reached her ears, a rhythmic sound, one she knew well herself.


It was a heart that she heard, her head lying upon someone's chest. It took her a minute for her mind to understand what was going on, but when she did, her instincts kicked in. Powers began to flare up, shooting through her veins and burning like fire as she felt the demonic aura of this person begin to come over her. She took it as a threat. Everything was a threat. And so her powers began to grow, she began to let them do as they wished. The pink flames of power were escaping her skin, licking her skin and scorching her captor's. She would save herself this time. There was no other way...


Automatically, her miko powers recoiled, fading into nothingness. The voice that had spoken was loud and clear, identifiable in her mind. There was no threat, there was no danger. Not with him. He was someone who would keep her safe, someone who cared for her. He was Koga, and he would never hurt her. So she forced her eyes to open, squinting in the sunlight.

He was looking down at her, worried, and spoke in soft tones, "Kagome, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

Her mind reached for words, and her lips attempted to form them. But not a sound came out. And in that moment, she saw Naraku in her mind's eye. And at that vision, her mind automatically started to shut down, to go into a broken state.

"Don't speak," Koga told her softly, the surroundings behind him growing darker, the sky disappearing, "You're safe here. Just rest."

And then he set her down on something, releasing her from his hold. But she latched her fingers around his wrist, begging him not to leave her without any words. She didn't want to be alone. Not anymore. And she connected gazes with him, pleading for him to stay with her eyes. She watched him look at her with his blue eyes, hesitating to do something. But then, slowly, he sat down beside her, never taking his eyes from her.

"Kagome," he said to her so softly, carefully as he took his hands into his own, "What did he do to you...?"

All she could get herself to do was shake her head as she sat up, turning her eyes away from him. No one should know what Naraku had put her through. No one ever would know. Only she would bear her burden, and she would not allow anyone else to hurt themselves by helping her do so. She couldn't do that to someone, to share her pain with them. Only she and Naraku would ever know what had happened to her, and of that she was sure. And, lost in thought, she didn't even realize that she was crying. It wasn't until Koga pulled her into an embrace did she notice the moisture on her cheeks, and in knowing that, she couldn't stop herself from crying harder.

Before she knew it, her heart was spilling out her emotions onto Koga's chest in the form of tears, and she couldn't stop. And he just sat there, nose buried in her hair as he comforted her, holding her close. Never before had he seen her in such a state, and he would have never thought she could ever break down like that. She was too strong for that. Or, at least, she would have been too strong to do this before.

What did he do to you? The wolf demon thought to himself, closing his eyes and holding Kagome closer in his strong arms, What was that stupid mutt thinking when he let this happen to you? How could that stupid hanyo let you fall into Naraku's hands?

And in a while, he heard her breathing even out and felt her heart slow a little, letting him know that she was asleep. But her peace didn't last when she began to move in his arms, when she began to sweat in the cold air. Her nightmare was obvious, and he did his best to comfort her. Every time she thrashed in his arms he held her a bit tighter to his chest, holding back his demonic aura for his own defense. Her miko powers did begin to burn against his skin when they flared up, but he didn't leave her. He wasn't going to. She needed someone there with her, even if her dreams told her to fight against his demonic aura. So he stayed there, going through the pain and the uncomfortable happenings, staying with her. He had promised to protect her, and he had always kept her safe. He would keep his word, just like he always did. He would stay with her... always.

And as day faded into night, night soon then brought birth to day.

And with the rise of the sun Kagome woke up groggily, still leaned up against Koga's chest, unsure of where she was. Out of habit, her miko senses built up a small, weak barrier, but she pulled it down quickly upon remembering where she was. She turned her eyes slowly upward to see the face of her savior, unsure emotions running through her mind. But she was sure of one thing: she felt safe for the first time in so long.

And he didn't want to hurt her, as he sat there with her in his arms, and she knew that. His face was the same as ever, so calm and soft, and she had always known that she could count on him. But she had never expected him to be her one and only savior. And as she looked up at him, his blue eyes turned down to hers.

"Morning, love." He said quietly.

She flinched at the sound of the word and clenched her eyes shut, turning her face away from his gaze.

"I might as well be your love you pathetic woman," he had said to her, his voice dark and full of venom during yet another night of hell he put her through, "I'm the one that clothes you, feeds you, allows you your life. I am your love, or at least, the only one who cares. And you, Kagome, will treat me as such..." And then there was pain, pain, and more pain, all alongside the word 'love.'

"Kagome?" he asked a bit worriedly, unknowing of what his word had done to her mind.

She just shook her head and turned her face back up to his, not able to force a smile. And he just looked down at her, unsure of what he had done, but tried to ignore it. She didn't want to talk about it. So he'd let it drop.

"Do you want me to get you some new clothes?" he asked kindly, "Yours are kind of... torn up."

Kagome nodded quickly, wanting to get anything and everything off of her that had been touched by Naraku. Or, at least, anything she could.

"Alright then," he said, beginning to shift in his position, "Let's get up... or, you can stay here, and I'll be back."

Kagome began to move and pull herself up into a standing position, wanting to stay at his side and continue to feel safe, but when she tried to take her first step, her legs folded underneath her and she collapsed, old wounds tearing open. And before she could even blink she was back on the futon, Koga standing over her with another worried gaze in his blue eyes as he saw the small stream of blood traveling its way down her leg.

"I'll send back someone to help you with your wounds right away; I'm no good at that. But I'll bring you new clothes as soon as I can, Kagome." He said softly, turning to leave, "I won't be gone long, I promise."

And Kagome nodded as she watched him leave, turning her head back up to stare at the cave's rock ceiling when he was no longer in her range of vision. Vaguely, she remembered the first time she'd been her at the wolves den when Koga had kidnapped her, but the memory didn't distract her for long. Soon visions of Naraku crept back into her mind, and she cringed at them. She didn't want to remember what he had done to her; she didn't want to keep on feeling this pain. All she wanted to do was to numb out all the pain, to forget anything and everything about that dark hanyo that was Naraku. But no extent of magic or spells could do that for her. This was her pain, the pain he had placed upon her shoulders, the burden that she must now carry. And she closed her eyes, attempting to absorb her pain into nothingness.

But luckily for her, someone spoke to her before more pain could come.

"Are you Kagome?"

It was a female voice, a woman who was obviously a mother, her tone full of caring, understanding, and wisdom. Kagome found surprise when she felt her heart automatically open up at the sound of her voice.

So, after a moment, she nodded, and watched the woman come closer. The girl was tall and wore an outfit similar to Koga's, except she didn't have the fur leg warmers and the fur of her outfit was black. Her armor that covered her chest was lined with black, and the shoulder fur straps weren't as bulky as Koga's. And her hands, all the way up to the crook of her elbow, were bandaged, but not because of injuries. And she, like many of the other wolves, had a tail, hers black as night as it swished back and forth in its own time.

Soon, the woman was at her side, kneeling down.

"Koga sent me back here, he said you were injured." She said softly, kindly, "My name is Kyoko, Kagome, and if you could, could you show me where your injuries are?"

And Kagome looked into the woman's – Kyoko's – brown eyes and made her lips form a word, though no sound came out.


And it was the truth.

She watched as Kyoko's eyes softened, seemingly understanding what she meant, and wished she could find the will to speak. But still, there was nothing.

"Alright then, Kagome," she said in a maternal voice, "How about we clean you up in the springs and bandage you up there?"

Kagome nodded, and in seconds, she was swept up into the woman's arms with inhuman strength, and they were walking out of whatever room she had been in. Kyoko carried her the distance in a short time, and soon, the voices of a bunch of guys came to Kagome's ears. She thought she might have heard Kyoko sigh as they stopped in front of an open entrance to another section of the cave.

"Ok, you lazy asses!" Kyoko yelled out to whoever was on the other side of the cave wall, all the maternity gone from her voice being replaced by gruffness and authority, "Get your asses out of there or I'll end up mentioning how many times you guys 'forgot' to go to your patrol duties to Koga."

Kagome heard the sound of water splashing and the sound of running feet before half naked men came running out of the room, hearing Kyoko's soft laughter.

"You're all a bunch of cowards!" she called after them with a softer voice, then carried Kagome into the room the men had just sprinted out of upon hearing the threat.

It was a peaceful cast off section of the apparently large string of caves that housed the wolves, a hot spring resting in the middle. Kyoko carried her over to its edge, and gently sat her on the ground. Kagome turned her head to look at her as the woman sat down beside her.

"So do you want me to leave as you undress, or are you ok with me being here? Just shake your head no if you want me to leave for a minute."

But Kagome nodded as she began to take of her shoes and peel off her now holed socks, not wanting to be alone again.

And it wasn't long before she was in the hot spring, Kyoko sitting behind her on the rocks as she washed the miko's hair, humming to herself softly.

"You know," she said after a while, "I bet you could do with seeing some children."

Kagome turned her gaze over her shoulder to look at Kyoko, confused.

"They always brighten up your day, you know." She stated with a smile, "At least, that's what my kids did for me when they were sweet. Now they're just pains in the asses."

And at the mention of a child, Kagome's mind brought forth the image of a red haired kitsune. Her heart dropped. She wanted to see him, wanted to be there for him, but she knew she couldn't. Seeing her would hurt him. At least, seeing her like this. So all Kagome could do in response was nod slightly, not able to disagree, but not agreeing fully. And after that the silence reigned free again, and Kyoko began humming to herself. Kagome lost herself in the sound of the voice, in the melody of the tune even after Kyoko was done with her hair, finding it comforting.

But soon there was an interruption.

"GOD DAMN IT WOMAN!" Came Koga's voice, Kagome turning to see him clutching his right eye as she slid farther under the water, concealing her nudity, "What the hell!?"

"Get out, you idiot!" Kyoko yelled back, picking up a rock, "Or this one is gonna hit somewhere more sensitive than your eye!"

Koga then slid out of the room and stood on the other side of the cave wall, setting down some clothing near the entrance.

"These are for Kagome, you psychotic bitch! I'll be right here when she's done." He said, growling the words of insult.

And then it seemed as if he hadn't left, just fallen quiet, willing to wait whatever time was needed.

"Might as well get out now, Kagome," Kyoko said softly, "Koga's patience only lasts so long, no matter what he says."

There was the sound of something very familiar to InuYasha's "keh" comment from outside the room.

And so Kagome did pull herself out of the hot springs, standing there dripping wet. She looked down upon her nude form for the first time in months then, her mouth dropping open ever so slightly. There were purple, black, and green bruises up and down her body, cuts everywhere and recently healed, or healing, wounds covering her stomach, arms, and upper legs. It was the first time she had realized her physical wounds, and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing this time either. Her mind had been toyed with, her body beaten and used, and her soul shattered. What more could she take?

"Why is she crying!?" Koga's voice came, his nose obviously picking up the salt scent of tears.

"Don't you dare come in here!" Kyoko said with a threatening tone, but her tone automatically switched when she turned her attention to the miko, placing a comforting hand on Kagome's shoulder, "Kagome, dear, what's wrong?"

But Kagome just shook with her silent tears, sinking to the ground. How could she have let this happen to herself? Why hadn't she protected herself? How could she have been so stupid? But as her thoughts ran on she felt something being slid over her head to rest on her shoulders, and she looked to see Kyoko dressing her.

"It'll be all right over time, Kagome, but for now, just cry," she said slowly as she pulled the fur to cover the girl's stomach, "Sadness is only weakness leaving the body."

And soon, through the tears and her own thoughts, Kagome found herself bandaged and dressed in the clothing Koga had found for her, warm inside them. There was a brown fur shirt that fit like a tank top, though it only had one strap over her left shoulder, underneath the silver and black armor that fit her snugly. The brown skirt reached lower than her school uniform would ever wish, and she wore two bracelet like fur bands on each of her wrists, her shoes simply that of any other wolf demon there: bandages and skin. And, inside the clothes, she thought she felt a little bit cleaner than she had ever been with Naraku. A piece of something that reminded her of her time in hell was gone. She was glad, somewhere deep in her iron caged heart.

And now she walked out of the hot springs, her eyes slightly less swollen from her tears, to see Koga sitting there at the entrance, waiting for her. At the sight of her he was on his feet, looking at her with a smile.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly, putting one hand on her shoulder.

She nodded, wrapping her arms around him and resting the side of her face against his armor. He had saved her... from hell. She would always be grateful for that. And soon she felt his arms around her, holding her close with gentle strength.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner, Kagome," he said, burying his nose in her hair, "If I would have known... If that god damn mutt would have told me, I would have been there the next day. I would have killed him, I would have handed you his head on a silver platter."

Kagome just closed her eyes, unsure if she should do anything. All these things that Koga said were true; there wasn't a doubt about it in her mind. But something about the mention of InuYasha struck a chord in her mind. He hadn't saved her. He hadn't been there for her.

"If you want me to, Kagome, I'll take you to him." Koga continued, unknowing of her thoughts, "I'll take you to the damn mutt, even though I don't want to. All I want if for you to be happy right now, to be with the people you want to be with..." he paused for a moment, unsure of what to say, "Do you want to go back to him?"

The words ran through her head slowly. Did she want to go back to InuYasha, to the man who loved her, but at the same time, didn't love her? Did she want to hurt Shippo with the mere sight of her form? Did she want to trouble Sango and Miroku with her troubles, with her own personal hell? Or did she want to be here, with the wolves, with people who would leave her be when she wanted to be alone, or be there when she wanted to be with someone? Koga would always be there for her, and he would listen to her when she wanted to speak. He would always respect her wishes. And he, he was her savior.

So, she shook her head in refusal, looking up at him. And he smiled down at her, picking her up gently.

"Then I'll take care of you, Kagome." He said with a soft smile, "And I'll be here to listen when you want to talk."

And he had no idea how much those simple words meant to Kagome as she cuddled up against his armor covered chest, being carried back to the room where she had been before.

"She'll be able to get around without much pain by tomorrow night, Koga. Her miko powers speed up her healing rate by a bit." Kyoko said, informing the pack leader, "And if you need me Kagome, get Koga to come get me. I'm sure he'll do it."

Kagome nodded as she was set down on the futon.

"Now sleep," Kyoko continued, "It may be midday, but you need rest. You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

Then she turned and left, leaving the wolf demon and miko alone.

"I've got to go patrol now, Kagome," Koga said softly, "But I'll be back soon. Call for Ginta or Hakkaku and they'll come for you. And if they don't, I'll deal with them personally."

Kagome nodded, her eyelids drooping. She wouldn't have time for pain before she slept this time... not as tired as she was.

"I'll be back."

Then she fell into a sleep as her eyes closed, falling into the dark abyss of her mind.

"What do you think he did to her?" Koga asked quietly, sadly, as he stared up at the velvet black night sky.

"More than you can ever imagine, Koga," Kyoko answered from her standing position as she looked down upon the den below them, "And it isn't just going to go away. He'll use that as leverage, and he'll destroy her once she begins to heal."

Koga held back a sigh. He didn't want Kagome to hurt, to feel any pain at all. He just wanted her happiness.

"...How long did it take you to get over what happened to you?" he asked carefully, after a pause.

"I'm still not over it Koga," she answered, examining her nails absentmindedly, "I've just learned to numb out the pain and deal with it. But what happened to me is child's play compared to what he's done to her, Koga. He's twisted his darkness into her mind, and he's broken her strength. He made her submit to him in the worst of ways; he made her believe everything he said..."

Koga slammed his fist down on a neighboring rock, and it shattered into pieces, the sound echoing through the night.

"I'm going to kill him!" he yelled, "I'm going to make him pay for what he's done to her! I'll rip off his head! And then I'll go after that stupid Inu-Trasha for him letting that happen to her!"

"You'll only hurt her more if you hurt her friend's Koga. All she has right now is the people around her, and her family, where ever they may be."

"...I know."

"When I touched her shoulder, I saw so many things Koga." Kyoko said solemnly, looking up at the sky, "He... destroyed her."

"I want to help her! Tell me how to help her; don't tell me what he's done!"

Kyoko looked down at the enraged wolf leader, her eyes void of emotion.

"'You are worthless, a whore. No one cares for you, or about you. Where is the hanyo now, huh? Where is the man who said he would always protect you? Maybe he's forgotten you. Or maybe he's abandoned you. He doesn't need you now that all the shards have been collected. That's all you've ever been to him: a shard detector. He doesn't love you. All he wants now is my death. My death and Kikyo. And then he'll send you back to your home, and leave you forever. And your so called friends? Eventually, you'll be forgotten. They'll all forget about you, or if they do remember you, they'll remember only one thing: That you gave yourself up to the enemy. They'll remember that you were a whore, a pathetic excuse for a miko. They don't love you; none of them do,'" Kyoko said, quoting the dark words of Naraku to Koga, "'At least I, Naraku, your enemy, clothe you, feed you, and allow you life. But soon, I too will dispose of you when you're no longer needed. But, then again, how could you possibly get more worthless than you already ar—'"

"Enough!" Koga said, cutting her off, "I'm going to kill that bastard if it's the last thing that I do! But, right now I want to help her, not know what her pain was caused by!"

"But that's the point, Koga," Kyoko said, "You can't help her. She has to help herself first, before anything else. All you can do is be there for her."


"It's all you can do right now, like it or not."

Koga sighed, bringing his hands to massage his temples.

"How can I just be there for her when she's as hurt as she is? I saw what happened to you! You just locked yourself away from the world and wallowed in your own misery! I don't want her to have to go through that!"

"I did that because I had no where to turn to. Or, at least, I thought I didn't," Kyoko explained, "But Kagome has somewhere to turn. And that somewhere is to you. Just be there to comfort her, be there to listen when she speaks. That's what she needs."

Koga then stood, his mind full of confusion as he faced Kyoko.

"I'll... I'll need your help." He admitted.

"And I'll be there when you need me to be. I'll be there for both of you."

A small smile graced his face at that.

"Thank you, Kyoko."

He sat down on the edge of the futon, watching Kagome sleep. She looked peaceful now, but he knew it was the exact opposite. From what Kyoko had seen from making contact with Kagome's skin, he knew Kagome would be far from healing for a long time. But, she'd work through it. He knew she would. He hoped she would. And for a while he just sat there, looking at the woman he thought he loved, unsure of how he'd ever be able to help her. But he knew he would, one way or another.

And it wasn't long before his demonic aura made her miko senses become sharper, and along with that, she became more awake. So much so that she was soon awake, her eyes fluttering open as she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

"Did you sleep well, Kagome?" he asked her when she looked at him.

She nodded, and he could tell that she was telling the truth. There had been nightmares, and he was aware of that, but she was doing better. Just a little bit better.

"Do you want to do anything?"

She shook her head.

"Are you hungry? I can have someone bring you back food."

She hesitated, and then nodded. She was hungry, but she wasn't aware of the pain anymore. What food she had been given before was very little, and eventually, the pain of starvation had been numbed out. But now she realized it.

And as Koga turned to leave the room, Kyoko came in, carrying food with her.

"I thought you might be hungry," she said with a smile, winking at Koga as she passed him and sat down on the edge of the bed, handing Kagome the fish, "So I got some. It's not raw like everything else here is, I cooked it."

Kagome nodded politely in thanks, and ate as Kyoko began to blabber on about something to Koga.

"You know, I ran into this real high and mighty asshole the other day when I was patrolling," she told him, a bit bored, "He wasn't causing any trouble, but he just demanded that I tell him where his 'arrogant hanyo brother' was. He said I smelt like a dog. So I told him to fuck off, and he got real pissed. But his face was so calm... it was kind of unnerving. But then he pulled out one of his swords and threatened me in the calmest way I'll ever see, but I was gone before he finished," then she paused, smirking like an idiot, "And I bet he still hasn't realized I split the back of his pants."

Koga laughed slightly, and shook his head.

"Kyoko, I think you split the Western Lord's pants."

She just laughed a bit harder, smiling, "It makes it all the better then."

And inside Kagome's mind she too laughed, listening in. Sesshomaru could do with some humiliation. I'd be good for him. But then at the mention of Sesshomaru, she thought of InuYasha. And then the pain flooded back over her, destroying whatever happiness had just come over her. She was going to be haunted for the rest of her life by this, wasn't she?

"You know what, Kagome?" Kyoko suddenly announced, "Koga is gonna take you out for a run today."

"I am?" Koga asked curiously, leaning up against a cave wall, crossing his arms.

"Yes, you are," Kyoko said, "She needs to get out of this messy hell hole you wolves call a den. Get some fresh air..." she paused, "See the sky and realize that the world isn't a prison."

Kagome looked up then, and knew what Kyoko was saying. She did feel trapped. She felt trapped inside her own mind, inside her own body, like she was a prisoner.

So, she nodded.

She would make an effort to escape the prison she'd built around herself to protect herself from the world's evils. She knew the world wasn't a prison. She knew that for a fact. In her time, there were rocket ships launching off into space, satellites proving that the sky was not the limit. She wasn't going to make the world she lived in a prison. She'd free herself from the cage she'd built one day. Even if it killed her.