
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor ever will, Fake or the characters within.

Penguin Awareness Day

Ryo watched as his partner smiled charmingly at the florist's assistant as he paid for the large bouquet. Ryo held back a sigh as the assistant flirted back. Typical Dee, he could charm the birds from the trees. And Ryo knew Dee was going to need every ounce of that charm if he thought he was going to get away with this scheme. They called at the local printers for the cards Dee had ordered last week before heading over to the orphanage.

In the alley where most of the kids hung out, Dee and Ryo divided up the flowers and cards amongst the noisy cohort and ten minutes later Sister Maria was stunned when a long procession of her children appeared, each with a flower and a card. She straightened up, tugging the sleeves of her habit down and glad of an excuse to stop sweeping for the moment.

She smiled even as her eyes narrowed. As she accepted the first card she read it and her eyes went wide. A slight flush coloured her face and her eyes gleamed as each flower and card was given to her.

When Dee, the last one of the line gravely handed over his flower and card, her hand shot out and snagged his ear tightly.

"Haven't I told you enough times about setting an example for the children?"

"More than enough, Penguin." He winced as she twisted his ear. "Ow, okay, okay Mother!"

"Penguin Awareness Day?" She saw the teasing affection in the brilliant green eyes that met hers.

"All the other mothers only get one day, you get two."

Author's Note: January 20 is Penguin Awareness Day...

silken :)