HANNAH MONTANA: Except For Her Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hannah Montana, or any celebrities that are mentioned. I also don't own any songs mentioned in this story, unless stated.

AUTHORS NOTE: New story! I know I really shouldn't be creating any new stories, but after writing that 'Loe' story last night, I've just had this urge to write another one! I don't think this will be a very long story - maybe ten chapters. Anyways, enjoy.


That Skateboarding Movie.


"And your freshman couple of the year…" Mr. Corelli paused for dramatic effect, as he asked for a drum roll. Suddenly there was a sudden outbreak of kids hitting chairs, stomping their feet, and banging against their binders. "Oliver Oken and Lilly Truscott!"

Sitting in the front row, Lilly reached over and squeezed her boyfriends hand as a large smile appeared on her face. Oliver mirrored the smile as the two of them stood up and made their way up onto the stage in the front of the gymnasium.

"Congrats," Mr. Corelli smiled as he held the large black camera to his eye, motioning for them to pose together. Throwing her arms around Oliver, Lilly laughed as the flash went off, capturing their perfect moment.

Snapping closed the blue yearbook; Lilly stood up from her bedroom floor and sighed. She couldn't believe how much had happened since that precious moment last June. She and Oliver had been the picture perfect couple; they were even voted couple of the year. But now, now things were going downhill. Out in public, the two got a long great always laughing and smiling. But when it was just the two of them, well she didn't even want to go there.

Oliver was being the typical guy – checking out every girl that was in a miniskirt, and Lilly has had enough of it. She wasn't going to stand for it anymore – she couldn't!

'Hey Miles?" Lilly walked over to her bedroom window which overlooked the ocean.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked, her voice thick with her southern accent. Miley – Lilly's best friend, her life support, her other half. When Lilly wasn't hanging around Oliver, she was with Miley.

Miley knew everything about their relationship. Lilly told her everything, right down to a t. "Nothing, I was just looking at the yearbook."

There was a long sigh from the other end of the line. "Drop it. Pick up your skateboard, and get over here! We're going shopping," She ordered, and Lilly couldn't help but chuckle. Miley was so demanding and bossy – but Lilly loved it.

"Fine. But only because I need some new socks."

The two girls hung up, and Lilly ran down the stairs and quickly grabbed her skateboard before heading out the front door. When she pulled it open, Oliver was standing in her way.

"Hey," He said, his lips pulling up into a warm smile as he wrapped his arms around her body.

"Hey. Sorry I can't hang out, Miley and I are going to the mall," Brushing past him, she jumped up onto her skateboard and gave a quick, long push.

"Wait!" She heard from behind her. Looking over her shoulder quickly, she saw Oliver chasing after her, his long brown hair blowing in the wind, a few pieces flying into his eyes. "I'm sorry about today Lills. I didn't mean it ok?"

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Lilly sighed. "Whatever. Later."


"Not the A note, the B!" Nick shouted, his voice barely being heard over the loud guitar that was poring out of the speakers.

"I think I know what I'm doing!" Joe shouted back, as he waited for his cue to continue singing. From out of the corner of his eye, he saw his younger brother shake his head, and roll his eyes.

She's made her choice and I'm the one
At least 'til graduation comes
We drive past school to wave goodbye
My friends they can't believe their eyes

The song came to an end, and Joe lowered his arm from the air and hooked the microphone back into the stand.

"What was that all about?" Nick asked, pulling the guitar strap from around his neck and setting it back into the black stand.

Letting out his breath, Joe raised his eyebrows. His brother was so picky, it was almost impossible to finish a song without him complaining about something going wrong. "What was what about?"

"That little scream at the end. You sounded like a dying cat."

"It wasn't a scream – it was just something to add a little more umph to it."

"It has enough umph, it doesn't need anymore."

Joe shook his head. "Unbelievable."

"I'm just trying to get it right. This song has to be perfect if we ever want anyone to sign us." Nick looked over at his oldest brother for a little more support. But instead of backing him up, Kevin only raised his hands.

"I'm staying out of this."

Ten minutes later and the garage was back it its regular self, and the boys were back inside the house. It had been a daily routine now – get up, practice, eat, practice some more, then rest. The three boys were so focused on getting signed, that usually they thought of nothing else.

"Joe – Jake called like twenty minutes ago," His mother called from the front living room where she was watching her daily soap.

"All right," He replied, reaching for the cordless phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter.

Jake picked up after the second ring, and Joe had to pull the phone away from his ear, the volume was so loud.

"Gotcha!" Frankie jumped out from inside the pantry closet, pointing his index finger at his younger brother before running up the stairs to his room.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Joe asked, leaning his back against the dishwasher. Frankie was always trying to pull pranks on his brothers, and Joe had to admit – he was getting much better.

"Nothing, just going to head out to the mall. Wanna come?" He inquired, causing Joe to chuckle. His friend was so girl crazy, it was actually a little sad. Jake was always heading out to the mall to 'pick up chicks' as he liked to call it. And usually, he pulled his best friend along with him.

"Didn't you just go on a date with some girl last night?"

Jake laughed. "Dude! You gotta learn the game. Go on a date Friday, meet some more girls Saturday, and then I've got ten numbers on Sunday!"

Shaking his head, Joe looked around the corner that lead out into the foyer where Mandy, his ex-girlfriend, and Kevin's best friend was standing. Raising his hand, Joe gave her a little wave and she smiled before heading down to the basement.

"Whatever, I'll meet you there in like twenty minutes."

"Yes, now you're gettin it!" Then there was a click, and the line went dead. His friend was such a horn dog.


"Heeyyy dude," Jake grabbed Joe's hand and pulled him into him, giving him the infamous guy greeting.

"Hey," Joe replied, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans once Jake let go. "What's up?"

"Look at that chick," He pointed at a long haired brunette girl who was walking with her short blonde haired friend. "Hot?"

Squinting his eyes, he shook his head no. "To preppy, but her friend is kind of cute."

"Lilly Truscott?" Jake chuckled, and started making his way over to a wooden bench as he kept his eyes glued to the brunette. "She's got a boyfriend – Oliver Oken. Total spaz. But Miley on the other hand, is single. And who can turn down Jake Ryan?"

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" He asked, taking a seat on the bench and extending his arms on the top.

"Refer to yourself in third person. My brother does that – totally creepy."

Joe sat down next to his blonde haired friend and followed his gaze to Miley and Lilly Truscott. "So are you going to go ask her out or what?"

Jake shook his head. "No. She's a sophomore. Why, you gonna go talk to her friend?"

Usually Joe wasn't the type of guy to just go up to some random girl in the mall, who he thought was cute, and ask for her number. Nah that was Jake's thing. Joe preferred to actually meet the girl, and start a conversation with her. And not one that just consisted of him asking for her number. "Nah."


Miley leant closer to her best friend. "That guy is so totally checking you out," She whispered, and watched as a small blush crept onto Lilly's cheeks.

"He is not," She replied, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ears. Lilly knew that no guys ever 'checked her out'. Usually the boys were all flocking to Miley, with her long brown wavy hair, bright blue eyes, and skinny frame.

"Don't kid yourself Lilly, look over there – he's sitting on the bench."

Hesitantly, Lilly continued walking slowly past the water fountain, her arm looped through Miley's. As she casually looked over her shoulder, her eyes fell upon a gorgeous brown haired boy. He and his blonde friend were sitting on the bench, looking straight at her. Panicking, Lilly turned back around as she pulled Miley closer.

"Which one?" She asked her, as she felt her heartbeat speeding up.

"Brown haired one." Miley said, as she unhooked her arm from Lilly's. "Come on, let's go over there."

"No! What if Oli—"

"Lilly, you can talk to other guys you know." Her friend interrupted, as she grabbed onto her wrist, and pulled her over towards the boys.

"What are we even going to say? We don't even know them!" Lilly whispered as they now reached the two boys.

The blonde haired one had a large smirk playing on his lips, and the other casually crossed his arms across his chest. Lilly recognized them from school – they ate at the popular table with Amber and Ashley.

The blonde one, otherwise known as Jake Ryan was the celebrity of the school. Everyone knew who he was, even if he didn't know who they were. He was a total jerk, but his good looks definitely made up for it.

The brunette boy, Lilly didn't know. She had seen him maybe once or twice around school with Jake, but she did know that he moved to Malibu from New Jersey just a couple of weeks ago. All though he hung out with Jake, Lilly prayed he wasn't a complete jerk. The last thing she needed at the moment was someone to make fun of her. She got enough of that already.

"Hey boys!" Miley smiled, her voice was perky as ever.

Jake stood up from the bench as he stood a little to close to Miley's front side. Keeping her cool, she stood her ground, taking a casual step back.

"Hey," He said, his voice was smooth as butter.

Turning to look at me, Miley wiggled her eyebrows. "We were just about to go see a movie – but we can't decide which one to watch. Right Lilly?"

Gaping, Lilly nodded her head. She was never good with conversation, or meeting new people – especially hot new boys!

"Any suggestions?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. Lilly recognized the face she had on – her 'game face' as Miley liked to call it. Other wise, her flirting face.

"There's that new one with Ryan Sheckler – you know, the skateboarder?" The brunette boy suggested as he stood up from the bench.

"Oh, that new skateboarding one!" Lilly piped up, a smile forming on her face as her favourite subject came up. Even though she couldn't strike up a conversation, she could talk for hours on end about skateboarding.

He nodded his head. "Yah that one. It's supposed to be good."

"Eck, skateboarding?" Miley's face scrunched up in disgust as she shook her head no, causing her curls to bounce.

"You know what? Joe and I were just going to see that movie. How about you come along with us?" Jake suggested, holding his arms out to the side.

Lilly bit her bottom lip, and looked over at Miley. She knew it was wrong to go to a movie with some older, random boy when she had a boyfriend – but that movie was supposed to be amazing. Miley shrugged, as if leaving the decision up to her.

"Sure, lets go." She agreed, her confidence level rising as the four started off into the direction of the movie theatre.

What Oliver didn't know, couldn't hurt him. Right?
