Hey everyone! This is my second fanfic. I wanted to write a new one, when I got this idea. It's a crossover with La Corda D'oro. I hope you would like it. It is different from my first one, I promise. It isn't going to be based on triangles this time. Please R&R

Other info: La Corda is a musical anime... only a few of its characters will made an appearance. They will be a little out of character...it is called OC, right? Even if you didn't watch the anime, its ok, it doesn't have to do with the plot that much. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own La Corda D'oro, or Ghost Hunt.



The brunette was staring at the tv as if she could get in if she looked harder. No it wasn't possible... the disappointment clearly showing in her face. She moved back in her position of the couch and thinking about the ad she just saw.

A red-haired girl in a blue flower dress stood in the tv. "We have a big surprise for you and its sizzling hot or in other words the first ever announcement of this news." She gestured a hand movement. "Stay tuned after the break to find out what."

As the show started again, her gaze fixed on the tv in front of her. Just then someone called her. Ring Ring. At the most crucial moment someone have to call. She ignored the call.

"So We are back!" said the news reporter of the famous music show. "Today in our concert segment, we are happy to announce to all violin fans that there will be a concert of Tsukimori Len, the world-famous violinist, in Kasanwa. He has signed the concert already and the fifth tour of the destination will be in Japan. There will be four other special concerts around Japan. It is promised to be a big hit. The dates of the concert will be revealed on our next telecast. We will see you again.. Bye for now"

She thought, "I thought they are going to say the dates at least, the other stuff were already known." But she was still happy that it is confirmed now, He is coming to town. And she is probably going to watch him LIVE. The girl sighed and looked at the clock. Seeing that it is already past her bedtime, she turned off the tv and went to sleep.


Other SPR members: WHY are WE not here?

Animefangirl: -raising hand to calm them down- its just the prologue guys... relax

Naru: -rolled his eyes- immatures, -turning towards the author- it is short, you should have added a chapter with it.

Afg: Naru, You? I was just thinking about the idea, -sigh- if they like it, then I am gonna write it. Didn't expected it from you, at least -narrowing her eyes at Naru and pretending to be greatly disappointed-

Naru: ...

Mai: Now you don't have anything to say, -pokes him- say something, -pokes him again- say something

Naru: ...

Mai: I am going to poke you until she updates -pokes him again-

Naru: What the-? -runs towards the bathroom door and closes it-

Naru: -praying- please review so that she can update...

Afg: -evil laugh- hahaha... if you want to save Naru... review.

A.N: I am probably going to update two more chapters and then decide if I want to continue, Bye...