Author's Note: I dont own Naruto.

Konoha's Golden Hurricane

The Kyuubi's Debt

By: Sealed-Dragon

As a six year old Naruto lay down, he did a mental check-up on his recent injuries. Three breaks in his leg, four in his arm, several broken ribs, and cuts all over. He sighed, he'd known that trying to go out today that the villagers would be twice as bad as before and would beat him till they thought he couldn't move. A small tear escaped his eyes as he lay down to let his body begin healing.

Several moments after he fell asleep, he felt himself yanked up. His eyes snapped open and he looked around. This isn't my room, he thought as he looked down the sewage tunnel. He knew that he'd never been here before, and was suddenly wondering where he was. He'd just decided to find some sort of exit, when he heard it, the low growling.

Naruto suddenly froze, the sound was terrifying! Yet, he felt drawn towards the passage in which it came from. After a few moments, he found himself in front of a large gate. On it was a piece of paper with the word, seal on it. He decided this must be the exit and moved forward, and then he heard it again. As he looked up, he found himself looking into a large pair of red eyes.

Naruto froze, whatever this thing was, it was a giant! It was almost as large as the Hokage monument. He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the giant snort. He was painfully reminded that he could easily be killed by something that big.

"What're you staring at kid?" Naruto jumped. The giant had spoken to him! For a moment, he tried to mutter out an apology, when he felt a sudden breeze. He looked up again. The giant had an extremely bored look in his eyes, as though he was tired of what Naruto was doing. "Never mind. You know, no matter what I do, whenever I'm in this 'form', people look at me like the demon I am."

Naruto quickly sucked in a large breath, the giant was a demon? But, that meant, he could kill him and the entire village in one stroke. He gulped, "E-excuse me, Mr. Demon?" he regretted speaking as the eyes turned on him, but he pushed on. "Um, where am I?" he winced, prepared for an early death, but he wasn't prepared for what happened next.

The demon laughed, it laughed at him. For a moment, Naruto was extremely confused. What could he have done to make a demon laugh?

As it finally settled down, it began to speak again. "Oh boy, kid you are funny. I haven't been called Mr. Demon since I only had one tail! I am the Kyuubi, and you are Naruto Uzumaki, my jailor."

"Wait, you're the Kyuubi! But, but weren't you killed by the Fourth Hokage?" Naruto was feeling very uncomfortable. He was the 'jailor' of the Kyuubi, and if the Fourth died in battle against the Kyuubi, it meant what?

He heard another chuckle. "You have no idea of what happened? But then I knew that, I was there and heard the Third's new law. 'No one is to tell anyone of what really happened to the Kyuubi, so that Naruto can live a normal life'." he laughed again. "Apparently they still see you as a reincarnation of myself. Wouldn't do them much good though."

Naruto shocked, the Third, a person who he viewed as a grandfather, had kept a very large secret from him. And he'd done it to try and let Naruto have a normal life. He felt the tears come quickly to his eyes. He finally understood why he was hated. He sent a quick death glare at the Kyuubi, who quickly noticed this sudden change in behavior.

"Don't look at me like that, I had no control of my actions that night!" The Kyuubi growled, and Naruto's mind snapped on this new fact.

"What do you mean, you didn't have a choice in the matter?" Naruto asked, sitting down to hear this new addition to the Kyuubi's side of the story.

The Kyuubi growled at his slip of the tongue, but seeing that Naruto was really interested in his plight, he felt that divulging some information wouldn't hurt. "Alright kid, I'll tell you, but everything I tell you should remain a secret, understood?" Naruto nodded quickly, leaning slightly forward to listen better.

"It all started, thirteen years ago, when I was tricked by my fellow demons. Although, they normally never get along, the few that were with me quickly subdued me. Once subdued, they placed a seal on my body, so that I couldn't take a more, peaceful form."

"Wait, you have a 'peaceful' form?" Naruto was getting confused, first he'd found that the Kyuubi lived inside of him, now he was learning that the Kyuubi might actually be a good guy, or demon type thing. It was almost to much for him to take in.

The Kyuubi glared at him. "Yes, and if you remain quiet, I may show you one of my favorite one's." Naruto closed up real quick. This was the sort of opportunity that one shouldn't pass up, even if it could possibly be more or less disgusting. As soon as he was sure that Naruto wasn't going to interrupt, the Kyuubi continued.

"So I was stuck in the demon realm, without a way to get out without hurting anyone. After a while, I remembered a human friend I had met on one of my, trips, your father."

"My father! You actually met him?" Naruto yelled out before he could stop himself. He looked up sheepishly looked up. The Kyuubi decided to let it slide this time.

"Yes, I met your father, he was quite the seals master. He was a ninja from Konoha, he'd been aiming for Hokage for quite a while. He also owed me a rather large debt. So I went out to find him."

The Kyuubi suddenly smiled, making Naruto feel more and more nervous. "He wasn't that hard to find. I just stood in the forest, doing what humans call 'demon stuff', while ninja attacked me, trying to hold me off. Finally, after four days of being bored, he showed up."

Naruto felt a sudden chill run up his spine. All the stories of the Kyuubi involved the Fourth Hokage defeating him, and if his father was the one he'd been waiting for…

"I see you've figured it out, you are the son of the Fourth Hokage, the greatest seals master there ever was." The Kyuubi sent him a look that was filled with pity. He really didn't want to tell him that, but if he knew what was going on, he might take it better. "And possibly the strongest Hokage to date."

Naruto on the other hand, was to busy processing this new information. He was the son of a Hokage, the villagers hated him for the Kyuubi, his father was a seals master, the villagers tried to kill him on a regular basis, he was going to need a lot of ramen after this. Grasping his head for a second, he motioned for the Kyuubi to continue his story.

"Now, your father was able to tell who I was immediately. He couldn't exactly hug me, but he asked for me to become, 'decent'. I quickly explained the situation to him. He told me the only way he could think of, was to rip my soul out." Naruto's head snapped up. "Yes it would be a gruesome and painful process, but he told me there was a way for me to live on. He would seal me inside of you."

Naruto stared at the Kyuubi. "But, why me? There might've been many other kids he could've used, why me?" His curiosity was coupled with confusion and pain. The Kyuubi sighed again.

"You're his son, if he used any other child, it could be seen as inhumane. He also wished for you to become strong." His eyes softened again, and Naruto could tell that he was telling the truth. "Because of that, I am fulfilling my debt. He destroyed my seal, but my debt reached new heights when he used his own life for the sealing. Because of this, I will help you become strong, perhaps you'll even become stronger than your father."

Naruto just stared at him. Kyuubi finally got board with him. "What, is there some part of all this that you don't understand?"

Naruto nodded. "What'll happen to you when I die? I don't see you dieing with me. I mean, you're an immortal demon spirit, you can't really die, can you?"

The Kyuubi chuckled, "Yes kid, if you were murdered or killed, I would be unleashed. But, I can't let you die, not till my debt is paid in full, and maybe not even then."

"Wait, you mean, that if you let the villagers kill me, you would be unleashed? But, then you'd be in the middle of the village, posed to destroy it!" Naruto's eyes were suddenly wide as he jumped up ready to run if he needed to.

The Kyuubi sighed, shaking his head. "Kid, that's what I've been trying to avoid for all these years of keeping you alive. You are like a fulcrum, you are helping to keep the balance. Without you, I couldn't be here. And when you die of old age, I'll assume my spirit form, move away from the village and prepare to kill those foolish demons who thought they could take my other forms away from me. For that, they will suffer like no other."

Another thought entered Naruto's mind. "Hey, if your chakra can get passed the seal, couldn't you use it to take over my body?"

The Kyuubi was silent for a moment, then he burst out laughing. While Naruto tried to figure out what was so funny, the Kyuubi was trying to wipe his eyes. "Oh kid, people call you a fool, but you're smarter than some people think. Yes, I could take over your body without any effort. But personally, that would defy the purpose of you becoming strong by your own power! If I just pumped you full of my chakra, you wouldn't understand the meaning of hard work!"

"Hard work?" Naruto innocently asked.

Even though he knew that it was an innocent question, it still made him boil inside. This kid had come so close to death so many times he needed ten extra hand to count them all. And he'd worked his but off so that he could stay alive. And yet he'd been so isolated that he didn't understand he could work hard at something other than simply staying alive.

For a moment, Naruto felt a wave of killing intent, but as soon as he felt it, it passed away. But that one wave was enough, even he wasn't that thick that he couldn't feel that sort of killing intent. The Kyuubi was pissed off about the villagers and most of the ninja in it, but he quickly suppressed these feelings when he saw the fear in Naruto's eyes.

"Now, if you want, I can show you that 'other' form for you." Naruto perked up, he'd nearly forgotten that he'd said that he could do that. He nodded rapidly.

Naruto watched as the Kyuubi's chakra suddenly wrapped around himself and seemed to compress on him. Naruto's jaw dropped down several feet as he watched the Kyuubi shrink, quickly becoming about his size. Then, different features began to make themselves know. Orange-red hair, a black jacket and a red t-shirt with his spiral on the front of the shirt and on the shoulders of the jacket, a pair of black sweats with red line going down the sides, and the same ninja shoes that he wore. For a moment he looked this look over, and then he realized that he felt a twinge of envy. The Kyuubi looked good in those clothes, really good. But then, he really couldn't afford the inflated prices that some people put on him. He shook his head and looked the Kyuubi in the face. Just like Naruto, he had the whisker marks, tanned skin, and a 'nice' smile. He still had his demon eyes, but otherwise, Naruto would think that he was looking at just some other kid.

"Well, how do I look?" Naruto nearly face-vaulted. Not only had his looks changed, but his voice had to (Imagine a 12 year old Konohamaru).

Naruto thought it over for a moment. "Well, I think I would be better to simply call you nii-san instead of Kyuubi. You almost look like an older, darker me." He smiled at that thought, it filled him with a sort of happiness he'd never felt before.

"Well, I guess that isn't so bad. I'll just have to call you my otouto, hold on." He concentrated for a few seconds, making himself grow an inch so that he was taller than Naruto. "There, now I can really take that 'big brother' role seriously. But be warned, I'm not going to take it easy on you."

Naruto just grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way, nii-san."