Disclaimer- i do not own Elvis's song Heartbreak hotel

Another song fic

tell me in a comment if you find a song i could use for a fic

" Like get crucial plucky if i wanted to date you i wouldnt be rejecting you!" yelled shiley

And yet agian plucky beggs her desperatly in the halls of acme loo to go out with her

"PLEASE SHIRL! PLEASE" screamed and begged plucky, he was now on his knees for her

"Like, no!" and with that she stormed off

Plucky sighed, he was now alone, AND dateless for the weekend.

he fell to his knees and looked up to only see his mentor Daffy Duck...

"So whats eatin you kid?" asked daffy

"Well..." he looked back to the gorund, still on his knees on the floor

"well...what? are you going to tell me or not"

Plucky got up and suddenly a spot light fell on him...

"Well, since my baby left me," sang plucky

"were you ever together?" asked daffy

"I found a new place to dwell.
Its down at the end of lonely street At heartbreak hotel."

"Now what would you be doing at a hotel ALONE?" questioned daffy

Plucky pulled out a picture of shirley "You make me so lonely baby,
I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die." Plucky pretended to die

"All this over a girl?"

"And although its always crowded,
You still can find some room.
Where broken hearted lovers Do cry away their gloom." pluckly threw himself into the corner of the hallway crying

"lovers? you werent even friends!" retorted plucky

Now plucky, still sitting in the corner, pulled out another picture of shirley

"You make me so lonely baby,
I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die." and again he pasted out on the floor

" You have friends! how could you be lonely!?" yelled daffy

Plucky got back up and clung to daffy's skin

"Well, the bell hops tears keep flowin,
And the desk clerks dressed in black.
Well they been so long on lonely street They aint ever gonna look back." sang plucky

"Since when did we bring them into this! we are talking, or um singing about YOU!" daffy protested

"You make me so lonely baby,
I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die." continued plucky

Daffy sighed "We went over this..."

Plucky backed away from daffy and sternly looked and pointed at him and sang

"Hey now, if your baby leaves you,
And you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street To heartbreak hotel."

The spot light went out and plucky just bowed his head to the floor, and daffy put a comforting hand on his shoulder