Just because I love hurt Riley stories so much and I did think that this could happen in the movie.


The car sped down the street with the truck hot on the wheels.

"Get out of the way people, get out of the way!" Ben screamed while honking his horn.

"Okay uh Ben, I think they get the message." Riley retorted while covering his own ears. Gun shots continued firing.

"Duck!" Ben shouted as they turned causing Abi to scream as well as Riley while they sped down the bridge and Ben tossed the tablet.

Finally Ben managed to pull over and gasp for breath and while doing so he turned around.

"Is everyone all right?"

Abi nodded and Ben looked at Riley.


Riley looked up a bit, a little pale.

"I uh think we're going to have to go to the hospital Ben." He said sheepishly.

"Why?" Ben's radar went up on that and Riley uncovered his arm that he was holding. It was covered in blood...

Okay this is crazy short but I promise that the next chapter well be a LOT longer.