Based of School's Out- Forever. This is actually a monologue I wrote for my Drama exam, I decided to play Iggy and I thought this would be a good situation to show a deeper side to his character. Inspired by of "Kick Me" by Gandalf3213.

Please review, I'd love your feedback, constructive critism is always appreciated!

Don't own Maximum Ride.

Kick Me

Kick Me.

Go ahead, kick the blind guy. It's all in good fun isn't it? It's not like he can see it, right?

How was I supposed to know there was a god damn piece of paper stuck to my back? It's not like I could turn around, look in the mirror and see it! I thought I was getting kicked because the halls were crowded. My teacher wouldn't let me participate in chemistry; my best and favourite subject, because he was afraid I'd blow up the class!

You don't know what it's like to be blind. Having to wait for someone to read to you, to describe what's happening, to freakin' tell you the colour of a shirt! To be constantly surrounded by darkness. It's worse for me because I can remember seeing. I remember colours and I remember seeing my friends. I've been blind for nine of the fourteen years of my life, I can function almost as well as someone with sight but I still feel the same pain every morning when I open my eyes and see that same inky blackness. I'll never again see anyone of my family smile, I won't be able to tell my little sister how beautiful she looks when she goes out on her first date. I have to live the rest of my life knowing that I'll never ever see the things I love most again. Knowing that I can never truly look forward to a brand new day. If I can't see it, what's worth looking forward to?

I have to deal with it, and I do a pretty dang good job of it too. I see with my ears, my friends are my eyes. Everything seems okay until someone forgets and says something like "watch it!", "what are you, blind?", "read this", "look at this"… but I can't. And I'd give almost anything in the world if I could.

Is that really so funny or do you just have to make a joke out of it because you can't handle the truth. I don't care, I really just don't care anymore.

So go ahead, kick me.

Please review, critism is always appreciated. And, for the sake of our poor, blind, pyro Iggy, flames are appreciated too. Thanks!