AN- Hello everyone this is my new story and this is also the first time I've ever written a trailer so please review about how the trailer was! Thanks! PS- There is a little sex bit at the bottom.
Title:The Decision of Love
Summary: 22-year-old Gabriella Montez is in her Junior Year of college and has lived in Albuquerque her whole life. 17-year-old Troy Bolton is in his Junior Year of high school. What will happens when they become neighbors and bump into each other all of town? Can they make their relationship work? Or is the 5-year age difference just too much?
Rating:T to be safe. There will be sex scenes in later chapters.
Disclaimer:I do not own anything except any original characters.
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Gabriella Montez
Shows Gabriella dancing in a club with Sharpay, Zeke and some random guys.
Has lived in Albuquerque her whole life
Shows Gabriella at East Middle School with Sharpay, Taylor, Zeke and Chad when they were in 7th grade.
Troy Bolton
Shows Troy and some guys playing basketball outside of a house
Just moved there
Shows Troy grabbing his laptop case out of the car and looking up at his new house, moving trucks behind him.
They met at a bar one night
What can I get you?" The bartender asked.
"Corona Beer" The guy said his blue eyes sparkling.
"ID Please" The bartender asked and the guy nodded pulling out his wallet, when the bartender was away getting the drink Gabriella turned to him.
"So how'd you get such a good fake?" She asked smirking as she took a sip of her new Appletini, he laughed.
"My old city" He told her.
But the next day they find out they are neighbors
"Sweetie! The new neighbors are moving in today! We need to go greet them!" Christine said as her and Dan came rushing down …
…"I'm Amanda Bolton and this is my husband Jack and son Troy" Amanda told them and Gabriella saw the dark brown haired boy with the shining blue eyes and her mouth went dry.
"Gabriella be polite" Christine whispered to her daughter.
"Hi I'm Gabriella" She told the family.
"Gabriella" Troy whispered to himself.
Will a romance bloom?
"Thanks for showing me around" Troy said and she smiled.
"No problem, I'll see you later" Gabriella said but before they turned around she looked into his eyes, his bright blue orbs, they were captivating. She began leaning towards him.
He looked into her eyes, her chocolate brown ovals that constantly studied you and the world with curiousity, love and kindness. He began leaning in towards her.
Then their lips met in a sweet kiss that lasted 30 seconds. They came up for air but then kissed again this time it was deeper. They pulled away both staring into each other's eyes.
Or will the age gap be to much?
Shows Gabriella crying as she runs away from Troy.
Troy pushes the blonde Sophomore aside and runs after her.
"Gabriella!" He calls after her continuing to chase her…
…"Look Troy I am sorry but it's just too hard! You're in High School! I'm in college!" Gabriella said as she ran inside.
"But I love you" Troy whispered once she shut the door.
Love truly is a Decision
"Are you sure?" Troy asked once he slipped the condom on. She nodded and he thrust into her.
Of Love…and lust.
"Baby, where are you going?" Amber asked shaking her blonde hair
"Look Amber I thought I might love you but I don't that was just the passion and lust taking over. Who I love is in New York right now, about to sign a contract with the New York Times on her birthday" Troy said as he began thinking about her.
'Gabriella, shes 26 today' Troy thought.
Find out in "The Decision of Love"
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AN- So what do you guys think?
Please Review!
xox Janine