Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Aslan...after all, He's not a tame lion...

In Both Worlds

Oh, Aslan,
Just to touch your mane.
To embrace you,
Hold you close.
To cry into that golden ray.
To let tears fall,
And hold you close.
To hear the comfort of your name.

And, yet, I know you in my world.

Oh, Jesus,
Just to hold You close.
To feel Your arms
Embrace my own.
To cry while You
Hold me tight.
Your love
Ever, ever strong.
To know the comfort of Your name.

Yet, do I know You in this World?

Learning more
About your name,
In both worlds,
Jesus, Aslan
Ever same.
Savior, Lord,
Forever reign.
Lion and Lamb.

You are, forever, in both worlds.

Note: This is my first fic, so please, review!