Hey guys it has been a LONG time eh?
Well I'm here to make a few announcements.
First off I will be continuing this story, but I think I am going to re-write parts add some detail so it is going to be under construction.
And second, my good friend Bethany just got a new account here and it would be amazing if you guys could be cool and check her story out, reviews are helpful to writers like myself and her. In my opinion she is a way better writer than myself, but I know you guys are enjoying this story so I have decided to get over the rude reviews and continue. Like "be a man rub some dirt in it" k. so. I'm going to give you guys the URL of her story and profile page. Please check them out as a favor to me. I will be starting over at chapter one, replacing chapters and all so please stick around.
Much love.
the story is amazing.
Trust me.