Okay, here's the prologue you've all been waiting for! It's sort of dark, but I need to start out that way. This is the sequel to Not So Relaxing Vacation so if you haven't read the previous one, I suggest you do. If you don't, you'll be a bit lost. Okay, really lost.

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride or the original plot. It's called Fanfiction for a reason. I'm just a fan. If I did own it, I wouldn't need to write a fanfic because Max and Fang would be together already. Seriously, I'm sick of waiting!

Claimer: I do own this story and characters like Hunter, Lucky, etc.


It's late at night and the sky is clear. In the middle of a dense forest is a large house with a statue on top. The statue looks like a dog and watches over the house. It acts as a sort of guardian for all who sleep peacefully within the house's walls.

I'll let you in on a secret. That statue is really a large grey, wolf-dog hybrid. That dog is me and for some strange reason, my eyes are distant and colder than usual. My name is Hunter and in case you don't know I'm an experiment, tested on by an organization called Mezon.

If you think about it, Hunter is an intimidating name. It implies that I go around slaughtering the innocent for no reason at all. That's not true. I've only killed once and that was to protect those I love. I did it for the survival of those I care for so deeply that it hurts. No, I'm not like that. At least, that's not how I used to be. I'm not exactly sure what brought about this change.

A peaceful smile creeps onto my face as I think about those asleep beneath the roof I'm currently sitting on. Even they have changed over the past couple months. Not by much, but it's still noticeable.

Max is now sixteen and in a few more months, Fang will be as well. Iggy's adjusted to our home quite nicely. In addition, Ella, Valencia, and Jeb have moved in along with the Flock. It seems our bizarre family is growing.

A puff of white is released into the cold air as I let out a sigh. I contemplate my situation as I gaze up at the full moon. The full moon has always been something that fascinated me to no end. It's like it calls to me. I feel stronger on nights like this.

I'll let you in on another secret. As much as I hate to admit it, it's also a night I'm most vulnerable.

When the Mezon scientists altered my DNA to make me a fighter, it's like they put a whole new being inside me. It's like my dark side that I keep locked away. Maybe it's behind my sudden change in attitude.

Anyway, my evil side seems to become stronger on the night of a full moon. Sort of like how crimes are more frequent during a full moon.

Now that I think about it, I didn't start acting strangely until Rex took control over my body a while back. He's also the one I killed. Maybe he's somehow involved in my current situation. It would make sense. Rex was always telling me I have darkness within me just like him. Maybe he's fueling that darkness.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I can't just jump to conclusions. I need solid facts before I can deal with this properly.

Whatever the reason, I haven't told anyone about this problem. If they don't know, the knowledge can't hurt them. They don't need to carry the burden. Yeah…I know. I'm pretty stupid for a genius. (Not that I'm bragging.)

I think back to when I killed Rex. The emotions I experience while doing so are foreign. I feel happy, but why would I find enjoyment in murdering someone? The very thought was always something that repulsed me. I never would've guessed I would end up the type of being that would find pleasure in killing someone, even if that someone was Rex.

When I did it, I felt a twinge in my heart and my stomach knotted up. At the time, I hated my self more than ever. Now, I feel different. I don't feel nearly as bad and looking back, I feel happier about it than I should. The fact that I enjoyed it is frightening. But what's even more frightening is that I want to do it again.

I wince and my hands shoot to my head. I did not just think that! Now, I hate myself again. See what I mean about two different beings. And now, I'm starting to lose control over the bad one. Whatever this thing is usually sends me an impulse of pain when I don't do something it wants. Like when I began questioning my task to kill Rex. But now, I'm feeling pain whenever I think bad thoughts. Is my good side becoming repressed while the bad takes over?

I close my eyes tightly and bite my lip. My sharp fangs easily break the skin and draw blood. It isn't the same since it's my own, but it'll have to do. It'll sustain me for now. It's all that I can do to keep myself from going completely crazy.

I'm careful to not let the blood drip out of my mouth. If it mixes with my fur, it'll produce a red stain. The last thing I need is for everyone to become suspicious.

My eyes open again to be met by the orange sphere in the middle of the night sky. Oh, how I love it. Still, I find myself loathing it at the same time. The full moon used to be calming, but now it strengthens my inner demon, calling it out to be unleashed upon on the unsuspecting world. Yet, I can't resist its temptation and sit on the roof to gaze at it every time.

My eyes sight an object in the sky. I focus intently on it, but it's difficult to make the dark figure out against the night sky. I can just make out movement similar to a bird flapping its wings. All I can do is assume it's a large bird and shrug it off.

I hear a distant chuckle. It borders on becoming a full out laugh. I tense and strain my ears because it sounds sick and twisted instead of friendly. I scan the trees as if my life depends on it, which it very well might.

Then a familiar scent reaches my nose. My brother, Lucky, emerges from the trees and walks towards the house. I eye him carefully the entire time. Something's off and I will find out what.

Lucky POV

I can't sleep so I decide to wander around the forest for a while. I've been feeling strange lately and I think the crisp, night air might make me feel better. I was expecting to hear the sounds of the nocturnal animals as I walked. What I didn't expect was to be attacked during my late night stroll. But what can you do. Sometimes you just have to take whatever's thrown your way.

I hear a rustle in a nearby bush to my left then a twig snap on my right shortly after. Suddenly, a wolf jumps into my path. The sight surprises me because there aren't supposed to be any wolves besides my family around here.

While I'm distracted by the wolf in front of me, another lunges at me from behind the bush. I narrowly escape a deadly slash to my throat. I'm again surprised when I see strange abnormalities on both of the wolves' backs.

When they rush at me again, I instinctively slip into a defensive position. I bound away then fight back. During the fight, I'm hit with a sudden realization. My vision goes slightly red and I no longer feel like I'm in complete control over my actions.

One of the wolves stands upright and I don't hesitate to jump on its back. I'm vaguely aware that the abnormality has a feathery texture as I grab the creature's head. I give it a twist and I hear a sickening crack.

As the being falls to the ground, I land effortlessly on the ground and turn to the other. I snarl menacingly and it realizes it can't finish its task alone. It grabs its partner and flees.

The redness remains in my vision as I sniff the grass. When I find what I'm searching for, I give a twisted laugh. I lick the crimson liquid from the blades of grass. Tasting the blood of my victim fills me with pleasure.

Is this how Hunter felt when he killed Rex? If only the other creature had stayed then I could've killed that one as well. It's probably for the best though. I wouldn't want two corpses laying the forest for everyone to find.

I give another dark chuckle. It's louder than my last. I turn around and start heading back to the house.

As I walk, the redness of my vision slowly fades and the happiness I was feeling is replaced by self loathing. I just murdered someone and I wanted to kill someone else as well.

I emerge from the forest and I can feel eyes following my every move. I know Hunter is sitting on top of the house, watching me.

Am I finally becoming like him? I've been expecting it to happen for a while now. I didn't last nearly as long as he did. I killed someone on my first change while he's transformed for years and lasted up until a few months ago. Even then, Hunter killed Rex in his normal state.

The Mezon scientists altered my DNA just like they did to Hunter. They wanted us to become their personal fighting machines. Their change is now just starting to show its affect on me.

I pass a window and look at my reflection. I'm not very surprised when I'm greeted by long, sharp canines that are covered in blood. I had honestly been expecting it. My fur is slightly darker than usual, but it's my eyes that have drastically changed. They're a familiar, reddish gold. The thing is I'm not used to seeing them on myself.

I stare at my reflection. Although its expression is an evil looking one, its hidden details give away what I feel. There's a shadow of an expression that matches my own: fearful.

Some time passes before I return to normal, but I remain motionless. I feel disgusted at myself because deep down I want to spill more blood. I want to see the life of my victim flicker out of existence.

My now brown eyes widen in panic at my thoughts. There must be something I do to fix this. There has to be a way to cure us and whatever it is, I'm going to figure it out.

I sigh and look up towards the sky. The stars twinkle brightly as the moon shines down. If only there was a shooting star I could wish on, then all our problems could be solved. Then there would be no need to protect everyone from Hunter…and myself.

I look over my shoulder into the forest. The Flock wouldn't have to worry about what attacked me back there either.

A shadow passes over me and my heart rate automatically accelerates. I slowly turn my head towards the being standing a few feet away from me. His silent arrival makes me start even though deep down I knew he would come.

Hunter is standing with his arms crossed as he looks down at me. This stance is one that shows superiority, especially when I'm on all fours. When he's like this, it means he wants answers without any funny business.

My brother's intense stare makes me wish the earth would open up and swallow me up. His eyes are sharp and rarely miss even the tiniest of details. I instinctively recoil slightly under is scrutiny.

Hunter's studying me as he awaits my answer to his unasked question because he doesn't need to speak for me to know what he wants. He sighs almost inaudibly and asks "Is everything okay?"

I nod mutely because I don't trust myself to talk. He quirks an eyebrow and watches me suspiciously. Fearing he knows what happened, I swallow the lump that's formed in my throat and attempt to give him an answer.

"I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd make a few rounds. You know make sure all is well and everything's in order."

Hunter doesn't seem satisfied and continues to interrogate me. "Do you have anything to report?"

Knowing it's best to be professional right now, I close my eyes and bow my head in respect as I respond. "Nothing out of the ordinary. If you wish, I could continue patrolling."

My lie doesn't seem to go unnoticed by my older brother, but he doesn't pursue the issue. Instead, he too acts professionally, assuming his role as a superior in our pack. "That's alright. I've got it covered. You should go back to bed. I'm sure you'll sleep just fine knowing everything's alright."

My heart stops when I hear his last sentence. I can feel myself beginning to panic and quickly erase all expression from my face.

Hunter smiles at me before saying "Star is good company so the comfort should knock you right out. I have no trouble falling asleep when I'm lying beside Angie."

Immediately, I begin to calm down. Hunter walks forward and offers a grin. He tousles my ears like any older brother would. "Sweet dreams, little brother," he teases before leaving just as silently as he arrived.

I give another heavy sigh before entering the house. I may not get much sleep, but I can't stay outside forever either.

Yeah, so I might not be updating this one as frequently as you'd like (or I'd like). I've got a lot of things on my plate. Check my profile it you want to know the details. I've also got another fanfic I need to keep up with and others that I haven't written yet that keep nagging me. I would also like to get a job.-starts cracking up-I'm sorry.-wipes tears of laughter-Like that'll happen anytime soon.