A/N: Well, ladies and gentlemen... its been a long, long road... and after two grueling years, our story has finally reached its conclusion. I thank all of you that were there through the good times, the not so good times, the blood, the sweat, and the tears. Now, before we get too weepy, lets get to the big, great, grand, super, ultra, mega finale of my greatest work to day, Mallrats 2: The Next Generation! Its been fun!


(The next scene opens, looking like an on the scenes news report. There is a strip at the bottom of the screen, that reads: On Location: Fairview Heights Mall. LYLE is shown standing next to a REPORTER, the same REPORTER that interviewed BENNTING earlier. Standing with them are the two SECURITY GUARDS from before.)

REPORTER: (Speaking into the camera, holding a microphone.) I'm once again here at the Fairview Heights mall, where earlier today a local young man was falsely accused of having stolen three extrememly valuable comics from the convention taking place here today. Here with me now is that young man, Mr. Lyle Grant, who coincidentally is also the one responsible for bringing the true criminal, Quentin Bennting to justice. (She turns to LYLE.) Mr. Grant, what was it like being on the run, knowing the whole time who was behind the entire theft, but not having anyone believe you? (Holds the microphone up to LYLE. The heading on bottom of the screen changes to say, "Lyle Grant: Local high school student, hero, slacker.")

LYLE: Well, Sally-

REPORTER: (Interrupting.) Jenny.

LYLE: Whatever... To tell you the truth, I was pretty pissed off. I mean, the so-called authorities (shoots a dirty look at the two SECURITY GUARDS, who avert their eyes, embarrassed.) wouldn't even stop to listen to my side of the story. But, it's not like nobody believed me. I had a few true friends that stuck by me the whole time. (He looks off camera, and grins. The camera follows his gaze to show COREY, KATJA, PAUL, and SILENT ZACH all standing off to the side watching. The camera then turns back to LYLE and the REPORTER.) Besides, watching them cart off that stupid jackass, BENNTING, made it all worth it!


(The heading at the bottom of the screen changes to say "Earlier today." BENNTING is shown being dragged toward a police cruiser parked in front of the mall's entrance, by the POLICEMEN from earlier, kicking and screaming. HICKS can be seen already inside the cruiser, crying his eyes out. A crowd of people is gathered around the entrance, watching the whole scene. At the head of the crowd are LYLE, COREY, KATJA, PAUL, and SILENT ZACH. The camera focuses on BENNTING, who is currently struggling to keep from being crammed into the now open back door of the police cruiser. The heading at the bottom of the screen changes to say, "Quentin Bennting: Local art teacher, comics thief, stupid jacka". BENNTING turns to the camera just before he's is shoved into the cruiser, and defiantly sneers. Its also pretty obvious that he's completely snapped.)

BENNTING: (In a deranged tone.) You fools are all diluding yourselves! No mere prison can contain the awesome might of Quentin Bennting! Soon, I'll be free again! And then I shall have my vengeance! You'll see! You'll all see! (He pauses, turning to LYLE.) But you... none shall feel the brunt of my wrath like you, my young friend! You will wish you'd never heard the name "Quentin T. Bennting".)

(The camera turns to LYLE.)

LYLE: I already wish I'd never heard your retarded name.

(BENNTING pauses, slightly taken aback by this.)

BENNTING: Uh... silence! You will not- (Before he can finish, the POLICEMEN make a violent attempt to shove him into the back of the cruiser. He bashes his head on the top of the door frame.) Son of a bitch! (He now much more willingly gets into the cruiser, and the POLICEMEN shut the door behind him.)


LYLE: Heh heh heh. (Turns to the REPORTER.) Think you could get me a copy of that tape?

REPORTER: (Smiles, before turning to the two SECURITY GUARDS.) Gentlemen, what was it like finding out that the man who reported the crime and worked with you in the entire investigation, was in fact the real thief? That, in a sense, the real thief was right under your nose the whole time?

GUARD #1: (Angry.) Hey, look lady, you- (GUARD #2 puts a hand up cutting his associate off.)

GUARD #2: Well, as you can imagine, it was very embarrassing. But- (He turns to LYLE.) We are very sorry, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you.

LYLE: (Shrugs.) Eh. No biggie.

REPORTER: (Turns to the camera.) Well, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, it has been a long day here at the Fairview Heights mall. But in the end, the real criminal's were caught, thanks to the efforts of a brave young man. I'm Jenny Keller. Goodnight.

(And with that, the scene goes from a News Broadcast, to a normal scene as the NEWS CAMERAMEN shut off their cameras.)

REPORTER: (Talking to the CAMERA MEN.) Alright, guys, that's a wrap. We're outta here. (She walks offscreen to help the CAMERA MEN pack up.)

(LYLE turns to the two SECURITY GUARDS.)

LYLE: So, you guys really mean that about making it up to me?

GUARD #1: Um... (shakes his head.) No. (And with that, he and GUARD #2 walk away, exitting the scene. LYLE watches them leave, shaking his head in disgust.)

LYLE: Assholes...

(PAUL and SILENT ZACH walk up, looking in the direction the SECURITY GUARDS left in.)

PAUL: You want us to take care of 'em?

LYLE: Nah, they helped get Bennting sent to prison. That counts for somethin'.

(The camera then changes to show COREY and KATJA, standing a few yards away from LYLE, PAUL, and SILENT ZACH, talking.)

COREY: Lord... (Sighs, rubbing his eyes.) What a long friggin' day.

KATJA: (Smiles at him, placing her arms around his neck.) Oh, I dunno... it had it's moments.

COREY: (Pauses, then looks up at her.) Soo... about earlier... when I told you how I felt about you. You do feel the same way, right?

KATJA: (Gives him a funny look.) Uh... I kissed you, didn't I?

COREY: Well, yeah... but...

KATJA: (She laughs and places her arms around his neck.) Of course I feel the same way. In fact... even though I didn't realize it 'til just today... I think I sort of always have.

COREY: Oh... well... good. (He looks up at her and smiles. She smiles back, and leans forward, kissing him. Just then, LYLE walks up.)

LYLE: Will you two cut that out? It's weird watchin' you guys kiss and stuff! (COREY and KATJA seperate, turning to LYLE. COREY gives him a semi- glare for interrupting their moment.) What's the deal with that anyway? (To COREY.) Since when have you cared about anyone else but that Sheila chick?

COREY: (Shakes his head.) It's a long story.

LYLE: Well, its only... (Looks at his watch.) Five thirty! We still have six and a half hours until the mall closes! That should be plenty of time for you to tell me your little story.

COREY: (His shoulders sag.) You mean after all that, you're still planning on staying until close?

LYLE: Of course! What you think I'm gonna let a little setback like being framed stop me! I came to enjoy every last second of this convention, and by God that's exactly what I'm gonna do... right after I go to the food court and get some food, I'm starving!

(And with that, he walks offscreen in the direction of the food court, exitting the scene.)

KATJA: (Shakes her head, and places an arm around COREY's waist.) He's your best friend.

COREY: (Shakes his head and sighs.) Yeah... he sure is.

(And with that, they follow LYLE, exitting the scene as well.)

(The camera then shifts to show PAUL and SILENT ZACH standing in front of the entrance to the mall. PAUL turns to SILENT ZACH.)

PAUL: Well, Silent Zach. Looks like our work here is done. (SILENT ZACH nods, and he and PAUL turn and exit the mall.)


(We catch up to PAUL and SILENT ZACH just as they step outside, into the sun. They pause, looking at eachother, then looking around. Its almost an awkward kind of silence until finally, PAUL breaks it.)

PAUL: So... what now?

(SILENT ZACH pauses, thinking for a moment. Suddenly he lights up as if to say "Oh, yeah!" He reaches into the pocket of his trenchcoat, and produces a piece of paper, about the size of a dollar. It seems to be a check. He shows it to PAUL.)

PAUL: What the hell is that? (SILENT ZACH points to the signature on the check. It's BENNTING's.) Holy shit! That's that check for five thousand dollars that Bennting wrote out! How'd you get it?

(SILENT ZACH just taps his finger to his forehead. PAUL takes the check from him, and looks at it, beaming.)

PAUL: Wow! Five thousand whole dollars! That could buy, like... a million beers!

(SILENT ZACH's face suddenly falls. He looks at PAUL incredulously.)

SILENT ZACH: A million beers? That's only a five thousand dollar check, idiot.


SILENT ZACH: Five thousand dollars... a million beers... doesn't something sound a little odd about that to you?

PAUL: (Gives SILENT ZACH a confused look.) I don't follow you...

SILENT ZACH: (Stares at PAUL for a minute, then sighs, shaking his head, and starting to walk off the camera.) Dumbass... (And with that, he exits the scene.)

PAUL: What... what! (He walks off after SILENT ZACH, exitting the scene as well.)

(The camera pulls back, until the entire mall is visible in one shot. LYLE's voice is heard giving the closing monologue.)

LYLE: . Well, that's it. That's my story. I guess the moral is, that no matter what happens, and no matter how bleak the circumstances or whatever, your true friends will always stand by you. Even if they are a short, mopy, hopeless romantic, or a girl who has no real appreciation for comics, or two delinquint kids who try too hard to be like their stoner uncles and really aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Of course, that's just if you're looking for a moral to the story. If you ask me, the story's just about comics. And the mall. But whatever. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the show. And if you didn't, well... you know what you can do.



I'd like to thank everyone who made this lil' ol' fic possible, particularly the people for whom the characters were a basis.

So thanks to Aaron, Paul, Zach, Kristin, Ponti, Erik, Mercer, Kate, Jim (even though you're a jackass), Britton (even though we haven't spoken in nearly a decade), Schelp, Brandy, Terry, Melissa (despite the annoying factor), and yes, even you, Mr. Nuttmann.

And to anyone else I may have forgotten of course.

Oh and ya know… Jesus, I guess for all the talent given and what not.

The dying for the sins was pretty cool too.

And of course, last but not least, you people that actually sacrificed the hours (and for some of you years.) of your lives to read this.

Paul and Silent Zach will return (and soon, hopefully) in PUNKS AND PREPS!