Second Chance

Beth, who is a fan of the movie Gettysburg, was sitting in her room thinking about what she would change about history if given an opportunity. After doing her homework she lies down and dreams about an encounter with a fairy. Beth abruptly sits up on her bed and looks around noticing that she isn't alone in her room.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my room? And what are you?" she asks the green and purple winged creature hovering in the center of her room.

"I am a wish fairy. I will grant you one wish but choose wisely." It responds in a melodic voice.

"Ok, I wish at the battle of Gettysburg that General Armistead and General Hancock had gotten to talk to each other before Armistead had died." Beth says to the wish fairy. As soon as the words have left her mouth there is a flash of light and Beth is in an open field. Looking around she realizes where she is.


Gettysburg-July 2, 1863

General Hancock is riding along the Union center during the rebel charge. Suddenly he is shot in the side and falls off his horse and is knocked out. When Hancock wakes up he looks around himself and notices that he is in a field that looks very similar to the field he was just fighting on. 'Did I die? Is this heaven? Or hell?' he thinks to himself getting to his feet. Looking ahead he sees someone walking toward him. As the person gets closer he sees that it is a man who looks familiar.

"Win, is that you? What are you doing here? "The man calls out to him as he gets closer. Suddenly Hancock realizes that it is his old friend Lo Armistead.

"Lo, what are you doing here? Are we both dead?" Hancock asks Armistead.

"I was shot during Picket's charge when my boys were crouched behind a fence I had stood up to lead them the rest of the way across the field. What about you, Win?" Armistead replies.

"I got shot riding down the line as some of your men were charging our position." Hancock answers.

The two friends shared a warm embrace then went over and sat down on a log to talk. "How have you been Lo? I miss the good times we used to have." Hancock inquires.

"As do I, Win. I've been good. The army keeps me busy. How is Elmira?" Armistead asks.

"She worries about me. She sends her love. I wish things could go back to the way they were before the war." Hancock replies

"I never wanted to fight against you, Win. Never!" Armistead states.

"Me neither, this war has torn many families and friends apart." Hancock says.

The two friends talk for a while longer until a figure approaches. Armistead and Hancock rise together to face this new person. "Who are you and what is this place." Hancock asks.

"This is the land of Second Chances. You two have been given the rare opportunity to speak to each other once more before the end of the war you are fighting in." the being stats.

"Are you saying that one of us won't survive the war?" Armistead asks.

"That I can't answer. It is now time to send you back."

Armistead and Hancock embrace once more before a flash of light and the world goes dark.