A/N- okay, last story I started didn't turn out well, so I think I'm going to try to stick to oneshot fluff.

These are just one shots I thought of of Edward and his daughter. He's so protective of Bella, it wasn't hard to imagine him with a little girl. ALL HUMAN!!!

We Did Well

Edward's POV

The little girl in front of me crossed her arms, stared at the ceiling and pouted. I sighed. She was exactly like her mother. Her wide Chocolate eyes were wide and determined. Her long brown hair was fanned out on the pillow behind her. Her small frame radiated stubbornness.

"Please try to sleep." I begged. She glared up at the inoffensive ceiling. I sighed. She was not giving in and succumbing to the sleep I knew she was just barely evading. Being three, going on four, I knew she had to sleep soon. She had to. I had promised Bella I'd be able to get Lucy to bed at a reasonable time while she took a very deserved girls night out.

I thought back to an hour ago when I'd told Lucy it was time to go to bed. She'd turned her big eyes on me and begged to stay up a little longer. I'd agreed, not being able to resist. She'd played a while until I decided she should really go to bed. She whined when I'd told her, but I stayed firm. Then she'd started crying. I'd wavered to the point of giving in, but Bella's words echoed in my head.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Her incredulous eyes flashed in my mind, accompanying the echo. I'd insisted we'd be fine. What had I been thinking? I'd never gone in alone! Bella was always there next to me when I wasn't sure what to do next. How had I ever gotten the idea that I was able to do this?

After that I'd been adamant. Bed. No buts. Then she'd started her tantrum. Her wails heartbreaking and her little fists pounding the coffee table a sad sight. Unyielding, I'd scooped her up under my arm and carried her, kicking and screaming, up the stairs. I'd all but sat on her to keep her in bed. Finally, her tears had dried and her sobs and wails quieted. She'd taken to staring resentfully at the ceiling.

I wondered what to do now. Why couldn't I have my brother-in-law, Jasper's, charisma? He'd be able to soothe her to sleep in moments had he been here. I cursed my sister, Alice internally. She had to have known something like this would happen, yet she'd still gone off with Jasper to Seattle for the weekend. I considered my possibilities. I could call my brother, Emmett, his wife and my sister-in-law, Rose, my parents, Esme and Carlisle. No, Emmett and Rose would never let me live it down. Esme and Carlisle would be better, but I'd always know that I couldn't handle one night alone with my daughter.

Breaking me from my musing I heard a sniffle from the other side of the room. I jerked my head to focus on the source of the noise. Lucy turned her head towards me. Her lip trembled and her red eyes filled rapidly.

"I'll be good Daddy." I was across the room in moments. I scooped her up and cradled her in my arms. The tears over flowed and I held her small frame closer. I kissed her forehead and her eyes fluttered close. I hummed the same lullaby I'd created with this little girl's mother in mind those years ago. She seemed to be succumbing to her weariness and I put her gently back on the bed, pulling the covers closer around her. I laid down next to her and kept humming. She rolled over, facing my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and her tiny hand clutched onto my shirt.

We laid like that for a long time, Lucy's breathing slowing and evening out. She mumbled incoherently now and then, something else she'd inherited from Bella. One thing she said that really stood out in my mind though, was when she cried out "Daddy!" seeming panicked. I'd pulled her closer, whispered that I was there, and she relinquished her grip on my shirt, sighing in relief. I smiled. This made everything worth it.

Bella's POV

Angela'd been understanding when I'd jumped on my phone every time it went off all night, making me edgy, expecting it to be Edward calling, begging me to come home.

It didn't happen.

This made me all the edgier when I nervously pushed open the front door of our home, not quite knowing what to expect. Toys, stuffed animals and crayons were strewn haphazardly across the floor. All was quiet. Silently, I picked my way across the room, willing myself not to fall, and tip toed up the stairs. I nudged the door to Lucy's room open tentatively. In the shaft of light illuminating the room, I could see the light playing on my angel's faces. Lucy was under the covers curled into Edward's chest. His arms were wrapped protectively around her, holding her close. He looked exhausted so I decided not to wake him to come to his own bed. Lucy must have given him hell. I giggled quietly thinking of Edward on his own getting Lucy in bed for the first time.

As quiet as my giggle had been, it was enough for Edward to jerk awake. He looked around groggily, taking in her surroundings and the little sleeping bundle in his arms. He seemed surprised to find himself there.

Smiling, I wound my way around various obstacles on the floor and took his hand. He gracefully unwound his arms from Lucy and slid off her bed. He pulled me into his arms so were both facing Lucy, our hands still intertwined. He kissed the top of my head as we watched our daughter sleep.

"We did well." He whispered. I smiled. So we had.