
Chapter 5: New Information

By: Someone2 To what do I owe this gift my friend?

My life, my love, my soul?

I've been dancing with the devil way too long

And it's making me grow old

~"Hide" by Creed

     Harry woke up feeling groggy and weighed down. Though the "weighed down" feeling could have come from the people draped over him. Ginny was lying on his chest and Hermione was sprawled over his legs with Ron over her. Harry chuckled, but then realized something. The person who captured them had used a muggle knock-out method—chloroform. Harry practically growled at the thought of the person as he managed to wiggle out from under everyone. He put Ron and Hermione in a better position before checking out the situation they were in.

      They were in a dungeon. The walls were made out of thick stone and the door was oak reinforced with steel. There was a small window looking out from the dark room. The window let in a small patch of light. It fell over Ginny's hair, making it glow like fire. Harry swallowed hard and looked out the barred window. All he could see was the end of the hallway where the pale light was coming from. Harry sighed and turned around as he heard some rustling.

     "Move around, the stiffness will go away," he said to the three people looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes. Hermione blinked as she sat up.

     "Where are we?" she asked through a yawn.

      "It seems as though we are in a dungeon, " Harry answered rather dryly. "What seems odd to me," he started as they all became more awake, "is that they used muggle methods to get us here. And I think 'here' is somewhere by Voldemort. But why would he use muggle methods? Unless… Yeah, that's probably it. For some reason unknown to us, Voldemort wants to talk. But why…?"

     The other three sat somewhat amused as Harry talked to them and himself. Ginny frowned.

     "James, think about it. Why else would he want us? You know the answer," she said.

     "Harry Potter? But they don't know, do they Ginny?" Harry was beginning to get worked up. "Please tell me they don't, please—"

     "James, calm down. They don't know. They think you know where he is and we are to get him to come," Ginny said quietly.

     Harry grinned. How ironic, he thought dryly.

     Ginny laughed, and Ron and Hermione looked on confused. They had no idea what the two of them were laughing about.

     Yes, it is rather ironic, isn't it? Ginny thought back. But let's not think about this right now, they're looking at us oddly.


     Harry looked at them and smiled.

     "So right now, we're hostages… What do we do?" asked Ron.

     A gleam came into Harry eyes and his mouth spread into a sinister smile. "We plan," Harry answered quietly.

     "Plan what?" asked Ron.

     Harry's smile didn't fade. "We plan what we say and how we fight. I think I should do the talking."

     "Why?" Hermione asked with a glare. "Aren't we capable of talking for ourselves?"

     "I don't doubt your abilities, Mrs. Weasley, but I have most likely dealt with more Death Eaters than you. After all, that is part of my job," Harry said all of that in a cold tone.

     "Oh," said Hermione a bit meekly. "I forgot. I'm sorry. We need to work together, forgive me?"

     Harry winked and smiled kindly. "Of course."

     Harry squatted and folded his hands, putting his elbows on his knees. He looked at his three sitting companions. "Can any of you do defense magic without a wand?"

     Everyone, except Ginny, looked at him with a shocked expression. "Are you implying that you can?" Hermione said a bit pompously.

     Harry smirked. "I guess that means you can't. Can the rest of you answer?"

     "All of us can do basic spells, but that's it," Ginny said. A suspicious look came into her eyes. "You aren't going to do what I think you're going to do, are you?" Harry didn't answer nor meet her eyes. "James, you can't, you're not ready yet. You know that."

     "I know, but I should be able to keep him out of the running for a few months," Harry said with a lopsided grin, meant for him to achieve his way.

     Ginny sighed. "Fine, but do try and restrain yourself? You don't want to end up in the Hospital Wing."

     Harry gave her a quick salute and faced all of them. "Do you think that you will be able to knock out some Death Eaters?"

     Ron thought for a minute and nodded. "We should be able to."

     "Good. Then I'll take care of the talking and Voldemort, when we see him. You three just knock out as many Death Eaters as you can. You have to trust me. We are not leaving until we see Voldemort. I want him hurt until someone,"—like me, he thought to Ginny—"kills the—"

     "James, don't even think the word I know you were about to say," Ginny interrupted with a smile.

     "Why?" Harry asked laughing. "You say worse."

     "I know, which is why you aren't going to say it. I will. That bastard is going to die—soon."

     The three others nodded. Ron smiled. "Damn right, Gin, but don't you think we're going to need Harry for that? I mean we don't exactly know where he is," with that he glanced purposely at Harry. The black-haired man fidgeted and then stopped with a jump.

     "Oh my god," he said quietly. Then he said it a bit louder, running a hand through his hair.

     "James, what is it?" asked Ginny.

     "I don't believe it," Harry stood up and slammed a fist into the wall. A few bits of dust fell to the floor. "A man in my department, everyone calls him Maze. He was the one who brought us here, I'm sure of it. I can't believe I told him… Though it makes sense now, the reason why he was asking all those questions… And how he was able to sneak up on us, he was one of our best agents. I just can't believe it," he hit the wall again and rested his forehead against it.

     Ginny stood up and put a hand on his arm. "What are you going on about?"

     "Everyone in my department, well a certain part of it, knows I am supposed to find Harry Potter. I was talking to Maze and I confided in him; he began asking about it more after that. He was always asking. I told him not to tell anyone, but I said I knew where Harry Potter was but I was going to leave the boy alone until Halloween. My god, I was so stupid…" his voice trailed off and understanding dawned in Ginny's eyes.

     But that wasn't the case for Ron or Hermione. White fury burned in her eyes as Hermione turned to Ron. "Trust him," she shrieked. "Trust him, you told me. Now what do you think?"

     Ron turned to Harry. "You jerk. You've known where Harry is for god-knows-how-long and you didn't mention it to us?" Then he looked at Ginny. "Or did you?" Ginny bowed her head in what looked like shame.

     "My own sister! You've wanted Harry back all this time, and yet you've let him hide it from us?"

     The feeling that looked like shame actually turned out to be anger. "You are an insufferable git! You have no idea—"

     A calm feeling washed over her. Harry had put a hand on her arm and used magic to cut her off. "You're right. Both of you are right, Ron. I should have told you. However, there is more to it than you think."

     "Like what?" Ron asked crudely. Ginny made to go hit him, but Harry held her back.

     "You wouldn't have recognized him. He has certain changes in his appearance and he won't look the same until Halloween. I wanted to give him that much time to get himself together, after all he is about to loose his freedom," Harry sighed. "Trust me, for all you know Voldemort could have captured him and not even have known who he was. For all you know, you could have talked to him in the street and not have known it. That is how different he looks. The beauty of it is that he didn't even move away to hide, he hid right under everyone's noses and no one knew the difference," Harry winked at Ginny when the other two weren't looking. "Another thing is that he has changed, he isn't quite what anyone would think," Harry sighed, he hated deceiving his friends. "And another thing is that he really hates having to keep things from you, but he loves having his freedom. There are no chains around him now."

      "Are you serious?" Hermione asked quietly. Both, she and Ron hadn't thought of things quite that way.

      "No, I do believe that Sirius is Harry's godfather," Harry said, trying to make the situation lighter, "but I am telling the truth."

      "I swear," Harry added softly, "that he wants to tell you but he just can't make himself."

      "We're sorry," Ron said, while Hermione nodded. "We need to work together at times like these, not fight."

      Harry smiled. "Already forgiven. And I'm sorry for not telling you."

      "All's forgiven," Ron said smiling. Hermione frowned.

      "Before I forgive you, could you tell me who you really are?" asked Hermione quietly.

      "What do you mean?" asked Harry with a slight grin.

      "Your real name. There was no 'James Black' until about three years ago. So who are you?" Hermione's eyes narrowed.

      "You are absolutely correct. My name isn't really my, well, name. I changed it when I got my job, but I'm not going to tell you what it really is, it doesn't mean much right now. I'll tell you when the time is right," Harry answered.

    They were in that dungeon for a day before anyone came and talked to them. All four of them had been sitting up and talking, when the door opened and a tall man stepped into the cell. Harry glared at the black man.

     "Maze, if I didn't want to see Voldemort, I would kill you. And not just for being a Death Eater," Harry's tone said that he wasn't joking. Maze gulped. He had seen the power in Harry's eyes and if he hadn't had Voldemort to back him he would have ran.

     "But you are in a dungeon, in Voldemort's fortress to be exact. So you aren't going to do that, are you now?" Maze said cockily, hiding his fear. "Now tell me where Harry Potter is."

     Harry lifted a finger to his lips and wrinkled his forehead in confusion. "Harry Potter? Never heard of him," Harry said after pretending to think a bit.

     "Ha, ha, James," Maze said sarcastically. "Now tell me where he is." Maze slowly brought out his wand and pointed it at Harry. Harry didn't even bat an eyelash.

     "Told you, never heard of the man. Who is he?"

     "Wrong answer, man. Crucio!" he shouted. The light raced toward Harry and hit him in the stomach. Harry crumpled into a heap, writhing around on the ground. He was moaning in pain. Ginny raced up to him, shouting at Maze. The words used amazed Maze; he didn't know that such a small thing could have such a big mouth.

      Ginny raced to Harry. Her heart was beating more than usual and the taste of vomit rose in her mouth. The curse shouldn't have hurt Harry; his power should have protected him. She knelt down beside him and took his hand. It was only when he squeezed her hand in reassurance and winked at her, did she realize that he was faking it.  She slapped his arm playfully but made it look like she was just supporting him. Maze let the curse go.

     "Now, tell me where the boy is," his gruff voice demanded.

     "Dream on, hotshot," said Harry calmly. Harry walked up to him and grabbed Maze's wand turning it back on its owner. He pushed Maze against the wall and brought his arm up so that it pinned him in that position. He put a little pressure on the man's windpipe to show that if he wanted to, he could kill him right now. Harry held the wand just a millimeter from Maze's face.

     "Now I want you to tell Tom that I want to talk to him sometime tomorrow."—A little more pressure against the man's throat—"Just tell him that I think that he'll like the information." Harry backed away before handing Maze the wand and giving him a push out into the hall. "Good bye, Maze. And if I ever see you again, I will kill you, do you understand?" Harry said all of this with a sense of ease. He smiled good-naturedly and walked back into the cell. He turned just as the door swung shut.

     Ginny gasped as his eyes locked with hers. She walked up to him and pushed his hair away from his forehead. She pulled his head toward hers and whispered in his ear.

     "James, your eyes, they're green and your scar is back."

     Harry pulled back in shock. "Are you serious? But it should have lasted another day. I know it should have lasted another day," his voice sounded loud in the small room to him.

     "I'm telling you the truth. Ask Ron or Hermione if you don't believe me," Ginny said, folding her arms across her chest.

     Harry turned to Ron. "What color are my eyes?"

     "They're blue, of… Wait, no, they're green."

     "Told you so," said Ginny. "Now what are you going to do? I mean, this is going to put a damper on things isn't it?"

     "No, it won't. I was going to tell them tomorrow, but the magic I used to protect me from the curse must have overridden the potion. I guess I have to tell them now."

     "What's going on?" Hermione asked looking from one face to another. The man standing next to Ginny faced them. Emerald eyes burned into hers. "Why are your eyes green? They were blue a few minutes ago…" her voice trailed off and then her eyes widened. "Unless…"

     Ginny reached out and squeezed Harry's hand as he looked at the two others. He gulped, opened his mouth to speak and then gulped again. "I have a few things to tell you two. You know that I've known where Harry is for a while now, right? Well, I've known where he's been for a few years now. Mainly ever since he disappeared," Harry sighed.

     "What do you mean?" Ron asked, standing up and putting an arm around Hermione, who had gone white.

     "I mean," his voice broke and he started over. "I mean that I am,"—he pointed to himself with his free hand—"Harry Potter. I have the scar to prove it."

     Hermione burst into tears and Ron turned red with rage. "Why didn't you tell us right away? Hell, why did you even go away in the first place?" Ron demanded in a tone barely over a whisper.

     "I had to, Ron," Harry said with his head bowed. He looked up and met Ron's eyes with his own. "I would have given everything to fight for the cause my parents fought for and everyone was sending me back to the Dursley's. They were imprisoning me. Everyone was putting me away, lock and key." Harry ran a hand through his hair. "You of all people should understand, Ron. Weren't you the one who always needed to make something of yourself, to shine over all your brothers? And Hermione, weren't you the one who buried yourself in schoolwork to show everyone that just because you were muggle-born didn't mean anything? I needed to do what I was good at and no one would let me. They protected me. I know what they thought, and even said behind my back. 'Oh, he's Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, we need to make sure he's safe and doesn't get himself into anything bad. He is the savior of the wizarding world, you know.' How do you think that made me feel? I wanted to fight for the cause and people were putting me on a pedestal. People died for me. They died so I would be safe. I started thinking about it in seventh year. If that was going to be the result of me being safe, then did I even want to be?

     "So I ran, I admit it. But I didn't run where you thought I did," he smiled at that. "No, not at all. I ran to fight. The first year after I was gone, I was freelancing. I was monitoring Death Eater activities. I went all over Europe and even went to America a few times. Dumbledore knew, he knew that I was the one sending the information—"

     "You… You were the one who sent us all of that?" Hermione interrupted.

     "Well, yeah, I was. I told you already, I didn't want to take the fight sitting down. It was about a year later, I was in Ireland at the time, that I got into the Ministry. There is a department, well a special group, within the Department of Mysteries. One, I learned recently, that was created for the most powerful light mage in times of need. My boss, Merlin, told me that the one leading the group would be Harry Potter. Me, I would be leading what I am already leading. Isn't that ironic? Of course no one there knows I am Harry Potter, everyone thinks that I am James Black. They knew me for what I was, not who I was. They could rely on me. Is that going to change when they find out?" Harry looked up at the three silent figures.

     "I have no idea," he continued. "So I haven't really run, have I? Running means leaving everything behind, and, for me, stop fighting the fight that I wasn't allowed in. I continued to fight, just under another name.

     "Now… The reason why I didn't tell you right away… My freedom, mainly. I knew you guys wouldn't let me out of your sight if I came back. But can you imagine? I was given a task to find myself!" He chuckled a bit. "I should have told him then, but the time didn't feel right… I was actually only going to wait until my eyes were green and my scar was back before James Black disappeared and Harry Potter came back. James is the part of me who got to practice what the Harry in me had learned."

     He walked over and sat down in the corner of the cell. He dragged a hand over his face before continuing. "I've been watching, you know. I was even at your wedding, though I wish that I could have participated in it. I gave you something, but I doubt you remember it. I gave you the—"

     "The photo album. The one with the pictures of the two of us, and of all of us, that only you could have gotten. I can't believe I looked at that thing so many times and not realized that you gave it to us," Ron said sitting down across from Harry.

     Harry smiled. "Obviously you didn't look too hard. I left something in there, a letter to be exact. All it pretty much said was congratulations and that I was sorry I couldn't be there." Harry sighed. "And a promise. A promise to you and myself. I promised that I would come back someday. That day being when I could fight under my own name."

     Hermione chose that time to say something. "So you're telling me,"—tears were streaming down her face—"that you left so you could risk your life? You left to throw away everyone's hope."

     "I wouldn't say that exactly," Harry said with a frown. He thought for a moment. "Though it is basically true, Hermione. I left to fight, and by doing that I risked my life. So, yes, Hermione, I left so I could risk my life for the same reason you risk yours, my parents risked theirs, and so on. If I had had a reason to stay, I might have. But I didn't. Everyone knew more about me than me. To me, that just isn't right. I never made people loose their hope; they threw it away on their own. I never wanted to be anything other than myself and I had been hero-worshiped for something I couldn't remember. You told me yourself, Hermione, that every person has a purpose in life, something they are meant to do. Me, I was supposed to fight evil, and I went to do that."

     "You still left, and I don't care the reason. You left without telling anyone what you were doing, where you were going. You didn't even have the bloody decency to tell us that you left on your own," Hermione stood before him, looking down into his eyes. He was still sitting on the ground. Hermione shook with suppressed rage. "You were scared. You left because you couldn't handle it."

      Harry stood up and didn't say a word, but Ginny did. She stepped right up into Hermione's face. "How… How could you?" she asked in a voice barely over a whisper. "How could you say that to someone who has looked over you for four—yes, Hermione, four—years. How could you say that to someone who has done the exact opposite of hiding? How could you say that to someone—"

     "Would you be quiet?" Hermione snapped. Ginny's eyes took a dangerous glint.

     "No, Hermione, I have one last thing to say. How could you say that to Harry, your best friend, the one you knew so much and were willing to loose your perfect reputation for? Come on, Hermione, tell the truth, you're mad that you didn't figure it out on your own."

     "No, I'm not. Ginny, don't you realize? He's been living the past few years in a lie. The Harry I knew didn't lie and didn't leave those who were in need," Hermione said this all a bit meekly.

     Ginny laughed harshly. "Face reality, Hermione. Harry hasn't lied. He hasn't told the complete truth, though. And he has always put others before him. That was why he left. He didn't want anyone put in danger because of him. Why can't you realize that? You have always fought for equal treatment, yet you didn't see when your best friend wasn't being treated fairly. You wanted him safe and sound where the evil couldn't reach him like the rest of us did."

     On the other side of the cell sat Ron and Harry. Harry had gone over there when he couldn't take it anymore. His own friend… At least Ron understood. He had said it as soon as Harry has sat down next to him. Harry had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the memory.

     "Harry, I may not like the reasons why you left, but, boy, am I glad you're back," Ron pulled the sitting man into a sort of sitting-half-hug.

     Harry hesitantly hugged back. Then he laughed. "You do not even know how happy I am not to have to hide anything from you anymore."

     "Harry, Harry?" A voice dragged him away from the memory. "Come back from Neverland, Harry," Ron's laughter-filled voice called.

     "Hmm? What is it?" Harry said, leaning his head back against the stone wall.

     "You never answered my question."

     "What was the question?"

     "Ginny said you never lied to us, but you went under the name James Black, so how is that not a lie?"

     "Ron, do you know what my middle name is?" Harry asked with a grin.

     "Umm, James, if I remember right, why?"

     "So I could have been called James if I had wanted, right?"

     Realization dawned on Ron. "Oh. Yeah… You could have been. So, that's not a lie, but what about the last name?"

     "Sirius Black is my legal guardian. Therefore if he had adopted me, I could have chosen to take his last name. But he hadn't adopted me. However, I still wanted to borrow his last name for a bit," Harry winked and Ron laughed.

     They turned back to the two women, to see how the conversation turned out. They were shocked to see Hermione crying on Ginny's shoulder. Ginny gave Harry a thumps up and Harry started a mind conversation.

     What happened? he thought to the redhead.

     She realized what a prat she was being, Ginny thought smiling. I think everything's going to work out just fine. How about you?

     No worries. Harry winked.

     Hermione pulled away from Ginny and sat down between Ron and Harry. She rested her head on Harry's chest.

     "I missed you," was all she said.

     Harry put an arm around her as Ginny sat down and rested in the same position on Harry's other side. Harry put his other arm around her. Ron rested his head on Hermione's lap and Hermione absentmindedly started playing with his hair.

     Harry finally spoke.

     "I missed all of you, too."

     Ginny looked up at him and smiled before closing her eyes. Harry sighed in contentment. This is what love is… A feeling of being whole. Harry closed his eyes and walked into the world of darkness. None of the four woke up until the next day.

     "Awe… Isn't this sweet? The four of you getting all cozy-like," a voice called to the four sleeping figures who weren't asleep anymore. Harry growled up at the tall black man. "Down boy," Maze chuckled.

     One by one the four of them stood up and Maze realized that this probably wasn't the best time to make them mad. Maze straightened his back and looked Harry in the eye. He gulped when he saw the man standing in a causal pose. He had seen that man fight before… Nothing could catch him off guard. Well, almost nothing. Using muggle methods and sneaking up on him, that was the only way. That causal pose was one that he had seen many times before, and he could see in Harry's eyes that he knew exactly what was going to happen and even that wouldn't stop him. Maze was amazed, actually, that they had even caught the man, let alone having him stay in the cell without a fight.

     Harry nearly sighed in relief. He had realized at the last minute that his eyes were green, and Maze would realize the change right away. That and he hadn't really wanted to fight Voldemort with him knowing whom he was fighting. So he had willed with all his soul that his eyes would be blue again. Obviously it worked. He watched Maze's Adam's apple bob up and down as the man gulped. He allowed himself a small smirk. Let the man be afraid. The only reason he was still alive was that Harry wanted to see Voldemort and having a servant die wasn't the best way to talk to him. Or was it… Harry was thinking over his choices when Maze opened his mouth and started talking.

     "Well, James," the man said with false friendliness. "I talked to the Dark Lord about your request. He didn't like it, so it's a no go. You won't be meeting him."

     Harry dropped his causal pose and went into full defense. Every muscle in his body tensed and twitched in anticipation. Harry clenched his fists. Maze involuntarily took a step back. Harry had to bite his lip to keep back a smile. He knew just how to work the man.

     "What do you mean?" Harry bit out, allowing some of his anger to flow. The dam that held his anger in check would have burst if he didn't.

     "Umm," Maze was at a loss of words, and then he gained more confidence with every other word. "Exactly what I said, James, you won't be meeting with him."

     "Then good luck finding Harry Potter, because I'm not talking unless I see him. But that won't work for you," Harry said mockingly, "will it? I mean, having to tell your master that you couldn't get the prisoners to talk? He might choose to punish you," Harry took a step forward. His three companions looked on in shock at the sight. One man's hair practically standing on end from his anger and the other, the one they were supposed to be scared of, he was backing up in fear. He was putting on a good show, though, of being confident.

     "That wouldn't be good, would it now?" Harry continued. "We've both seen that man's anger, it's not a pretty thing. But I have one thing to say to you," his voice dropped to a deadly whisper. "When I get out of here, and I assure you I will, Merlin will come looking for you, along with every other person in the Project. That punishment will be far worse than what you would get here. And you know it, don't you? You have handed out those punishments with the best of them. You know exactly what they do," Harry smiled crookedly at the man's face. "And just to let you know, I would be standing right next to them, helping out. I detest you Maze, I used to think you were a friend, but I detest you now. And you know exactly what happens to people who I detest.

     "However," Harry relaxed and smiled easily. "You just go back to your 'master' and tell him nothing. But, in case you tell him anything, tell him I am not leaving without seeing him, and I keep my word. I will be seeing good old Tommy-boy by the end of the day. It is in his hands now: is it going to be on semi-pleasant terms or will I have to kill people to get in there?" Harry smiled and gave a mocking salute. He then stepped back and watched as Maze walked briskly out of the room. Harry sighed. That man knew what he was getting into. The things evil could do to a person… The door slammed shut before he turned around.

     Ginny gasped. "Harry, your eyes are blue again."

     "I know, I put a spell on them so Maze wouldn't know the difference. Don't want my dear friend Tom to know who I am just yet. You do know Maze's not going to talk," Harry said easily. "He'll keep that information bottled up inside him. So I say we blast ourselves out of here." Harry had an evil grin on his face. Ginny put her face in her hands and groaned.

     "Not that look. I know that look, he's got a plan."

     Ron looked over at Ginny slightly puzzled. "What's so bad about that?"

     A bubble of laughter escaped unwillingly from Hermione. "Do you even remember that look, Ron?" Hermione sighed as he shook his head. "Harry's got a plan. A highly dangerous and risky plan, by the looks of it."

     Harry gasped in protest. "I resent that."

     Ginny looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "No, you don't."

     Harry looked at her. "We have got to talk about this later. You know me too well."

     "I know."

     Hermione had a look of confusion on her face. "Umm, do you even know how to use your powers, Harry? I mean, you haven't even been trained."

     Harry smirked. "Haven't I?"

     "I don't know. That's why I asked. Have you?"

     Everyone laughed at that. Hermione not knowing something was something to laugh at no matter the circumstance. Harry winked at her outraged face. "Hermione, trust me. I have been trained. Ginny's been training me for a while now."

     "Yes," Ginny said slowly. "But he isn't up to his full potential yet, which is why a dangerous and risky plan isn't good."

     Ron shrugged. "If it is the only chance we have then I say we go for it. We might not get another one."

     Harry looked at Ron in shock. "You're defending me and you don't even know the plan yet."

     "Yeah, I know. However, I am beginning to remember that look, I also remember the plans. You don't usually fail at things when you set your mind to it. Plus, I don't know if you ever knew this, but when you duel, Harry, you are one scary son of a witch."

     Hermione grudgingly nodded in agreement. "He's right. You are able to do anything when you set your mind to it."

     "I would hope he would be a son of a witch, after all his mother was one," Ginny got a grin out of anyone with that. "I have to agree. I mean, with my training, he's bound to be near perfect."

     Harry bowed mockingly. "I'm so glad I have everyone's approval," he said sarcastically. "But we need to get a move on if we are going to catch them by surprise."

     "You're right," said Ron. "Now, tell us the plan."

     "I was just getting to that," Harry said, rolling his eyes. "We, or more specifically me, are going to blow ourselves right out of this cell. Quite literally, it will be a blast, if the door doesn't unlock," Harry smiled. "I am then going to cast an Invisibility Spell over all of you. That should last about two, maybe three hours. Just enough for all of you to get the hell out of here. I will be off fighting Tom. Even though I can't kill him, I can weaken his powers so he can't kill me until I get up to full power. After that I will get out of there. I should be able to lift the Apparation Wards to get you all back into Hogsmeade."

      "What happens if the Invisibility Spell wears off before you get done fighting? I mean, what are we supposed to do?" asked Hermione.

     "You won't have to wait. All three of you are going to go before anything like that can happen. I am not going to be responsible for another person's death."

      Ginny walked up to him, shaking her head. "No way," she said. "There is no way I am leaving you alone. There is a possibility that you won't even be able to stand up after you fight with Voldemort. I am not taking the chance that you won't come back."

      Harry looked at her and smiled. "Trust me, Ginny. I'll get back. But none of you are going to stay here. I will make you go back even if I have to knock you all out and transport you there myself. Though if that happens there will be even more of a chance of me not getting back, because I will have used some of my energy…"

     Hermione glared at him. "No way. None of us are leaving you. We aren't going to leave you alone, not when we just got you back."

     Harry looked at Ron. Ron shrugged. "I'm with her," he said pointing at Hermione. "There is no bloody way you're doing this alone."

    Harry sighed under the three furious looks. "Fine, alright? Are you happy? You can stay. I had a feeling that you wouldn't agree with that part of the plan." Harry smiled slightly and thought to himself, I'm glad to know you still trust me. "The fight between me and Tom should be fairly quick, I'm not going to waste my time. I'm going to use my secret weapon first and fast. So I should be able to finish before the Invisibility Spell wears off. Then we can go home. Which I am not looking forward to," Harry grimaced.

     "Why not?" Hermione asked.

     Ginny laughed. "I know why. Everyone will be mad and yell at him about going away. Not to mention, they might lock him up like a sardine in a can. They are also going to be mad at themselves, so that doesn't help matters much."

     Harry groaned. "Absolutely right as always. I should say this once again, you know me too well."

     "I know."

     Everyone laughed but a fog of seriousness fell when Hermione asked a question.

     "When are we going to do this?" she asked gnawing on her top lip.

     Harry grinned again. "Now, we do it now. Would you please back up?" Harry pushed up the sleeves of his long-sleeve t-shirt as he walked toward the door.

     "Why?" one of the three asked.

     "Because, I am going to try and unlock it, but if that doesn't work I am going to blow the door up."

     Everyone took a step back rather quickly. Harry laughed as he put his hand where the lock would be on the other side of the door. Harry closed his eyes and Ginny could see his mouth moving as he said the spell. He really didn't have to say it but a habit is a habit. They could hear a faint click as Harry stepped back and the door swung open. Harry had a look of disappointment of his face. When Ginny asked why, all he said was, "I was kind of hoping I could blow it up."

     Harry quickly waved his hand over the three and made them invisible. He gave a few last minute warnings before they went off.

    "I am the only one who can see you. Well, other than the fact that you can see each other. The spell should wear off in about three hours. Right now you are all glowing slightly. I am the only one who can see that part of it. If I see the light starting to fade, I'll try to shout a warning, but you will have to rely on yourselves. Are any of you wearing a watch?" All three nodded. "Good, you'll need to keep an eye on the time. The only advice I can give you is to try and stay together. That way if one of you sees that the time is going to be up soon, you can warn the others. Well, we should get going now. I feel the need to make a scene," Harry winked roguishly before starting to walk off. "Good luck," was the last thing he said to them.

     "Harry!" Ginny cried after him. "If you get yourself hurt or killed, I'll never forgive you!"

     He didn't appear to hear her. He just continued walking and halfway down the hall he started whistling a merry tune. Ron just shook his head and gestured for Hermione and Ginny to follow him. Harry had always been a bit of a nut case. However, he usually knew exactly what he was doing. Ron started running in the opposite direction.

     Harry was still whistling casually. Only, it wasn't the same tune. It was the Phoenix Song. What most people didn't know was that Harry had put a special aspect into the song. As long as he whistled it, the Death Eaters he walked by fell to the floor, dead asleep. They would stay asleep until long after he left. This left Harry free to walk right up to our dear Tommy's face. Which was exactly what he wanted to do. He leaned up against the wall and waited for the person following him to catch up. He continued his song.

     Ron and Hermione had been skimming along the wall trying to knock down as many Death Eaters as they could. Unfortunately, they were so caught up in that they didn't notice Ginny sneak off in the direction they had come from, the direction Harry had gone in. Ginny had always thought that Harry needed someone to look after him, too. It wasn't fair that he was willing to risk his life for everyone else and he got nothing in return.

     But back to Ron and Hermione, Hermione had just knocked out the man that had been guarding their wands and while Ron went to get them, she turned to Ginny. Or the place that Ginny would have been.

     "Ron," she whispered as loud as she could given the circumstances.

     "Yeah," came the muffled reply.

     "Is Ginny in there with you?" the question came out cautiously.

     "No, why do you ask?" Ron said, coming out of the room.

     "Because she isn't here."

     "Oh shit, I'll bet you five Galleons I know where she is."

     "No way, because I know you'll be right. Let's just go get her," Hermione started walking down the hallway. Ron followed.

     "You do know why, don't you? She feels like she is the only one who is willing to risk her life for him, she wants to protect him, even when he doesn't need protecting," Hermione said all this in a rush.

     "She isn't the only one who would die protecting him."

     "Yes, but she is one of the few who would do it without being assigned."

     "We would."

     "But we aren't the same, Ron, she loves him. I think she always has and always will. That always makes you feel like you are the only one in the world who could be of any help. And you've seen the way they look at each other, they are just fooling themselves with the 'Just friends' thing."

     "I know the feeling. You're right, and let's go help before she gets herself hurt or killed. Did I forget anything?" Hermione just shook her head and they both speed up a bit, knowing the danger.

     "About bloody time, thought you would never catch up," Harry said casually starting to walk again. Ginny sighed, she knew that she wouldn't have been able to get past him unnoticed but it had been worth a shot.

     "Shouldn't we wait until Ron and Hermione catch up?" Ginny asked, jogging slightly to keep up to Harry's long legged stride.

     Harry shook his head. "No, I want to get this over and done with. Now please be quiet, I need to get rid of the other Death Eaters."

     Ginny watched as Harry stealthily crept along, whistling. Whistling of all things! She was about to ask why he was mimicking that song when she began to realize what happened to the Death Eaters… They just collapsed! Harry got within a few feet of them and down they went. Ginny's mouth formed a small O when Harry nodded slightly, confirming her beliefs. When they came to a stone archway, bigger than the ones that they had already passed, Harry gave a small shudder. He turned to her.

     "Ginny, I want you to stay here. Ron and Hermione will be here within fifteen minutes, so wait for them. When they get here, find a place to hide; the spell will be wearing off shortly. Do you understand me? I want you to hide," Harry said all of this holding her arms in his hands, holding her gaze with those eerily green eyes. How did he expect her to protest? However, she nodded, showing that some of what he was saying was getting through. "I will whistle the Phoenix Song when I want you to come out. Only, and I repeat only, come out then. Ginny, don't come after me. People could die if you do—you could die if you do. I couldn't bear that. Be safe. If not for yourself, for me."

     Harry leaned down and pecked her cheek before walking calmly away. Ginny fingered the spot that Harry had kissed. You are a great wizard, Harry. But you are an even better person. I hope others can see you like I do. Be safe for me, she thought fiercely. Be safe for me.       

     Harry walked calmly into Voldemort's lair. But to call it a lair is too cliché, even though it filled all the requirements. The dark, musty air giving the few candles there were a hazy appearance. The gray of the stone walls blended with the fog creating the thought that the room went on forever. The emerald green color here and there was the only thing that Harry liked, but even that was dimmed by the reminder that Voldemort had chosen it. Harry's eyes, now that piercing blue color again, zeroed in on the throne at the end of the room where Tom was sitting. He grinned slightly and walked out of the shadows.

     "Tom, can't you show the least bit of manners? I was your guest for god-knows-how-long and when I asked to see my host, I was denied. And I thought I had information you wanted," Harry raised a finger to his lips in thought. "Guess I was wrong."

      Voldemort, who had been in the process of telling one of his servants to kill the man, stopped and turned to the imposing figure that was in front of him. His red eyes looked that figure up and down, trying to figure out if the person might have useful information. He obviously thought the person might because he sat back down and gestured for the man to continue.

     "Go on," he said.

     "What? Still no manners, Tom Riddle?" Harry said crossing his arms, and standing in what others might think of as a casual stature. Voldemort narrowed his already snake-like eyes.

     "I don't need to show you any manners, boy. I haven't killed you yet, so be thankful. And don't call me that awful Muggle name."

     "But it is your name is it not?"

     "If you don't tell me what you came to say, I will kill you now. After I torture you a bit first," he said, fingering his wand and leaning back in that high backed chair.

     "Oh, but of course, Tom," Harry had to hold back a snigger when he saw Voldemort's face after he said that. Harry walked forward. "You wouldn't torture me, Tom," he said mockingly. "Not when I know where Harry Potter is. Or hadn't Maze over there told you? I worked in the same organization he did. He knew what I was sent to Hogwarts to get. But so do you, of course."

     Maze had come scuttling out at his name. "My Lord," he said bowing. "I know him," he glared at Harry, who smirked back. "And he is up to something! I know that look and I know what he is doing—"

    "Silence," Voldemort hissed deadly. "I do not need your incompetence. Go."

     Harry couldn't hold back a low laugh. "Yes, Maze. Go. Run from your master. I can't believe I thought you had a backbone. Go run. But remember—I will get you. Someday."

    Maze shuddered and ran off. Voldemort looked at Harry oddly. "Who are you boy?"

    "I am whoever you want me to be. Your worst enemy—your alter ego. Whatever you want. Lately, though?" Harry laughed again. "I've been known as James. But that might change."

    Voldemort narrowed his eyes and walked to stand in front of him. "You don't lie, boy, but you don't tell the truth. You are beginning to look and sound familiar. That isn't important. What is it that you came to tell me?"

     Harry looked at him in amazement and then chuckled lowly. "You are a fool, Tom Riddle. You can't even see what's in front of your very eyes. You had Harry Potter, you nitwit. You had him in your possession and you didn't even know. "

     Voldemort raised his wand threateningly and mumbled "Crucio." Harry didn't even bat an eyelash; he just brushed it off, keeping that sinister smile on his face.

     "You really are a piece of work, Tom. You still haven't figured it out," Harry was glaring him, turning his blinding green orbs onto Voldemort. Voldemort showed a small amount of shock. "I am Harry Potter! And by god, you are stupid. Do you have to be told everything?"

     "But the game's on you, Harry James Potter. You walked right into my hands without a wand," Voldemort tutted.

     Harry just rolled his eyes. Voldemort could be an idiot at times. "Can we just get on with this? I have other places to be."

     "Of course. Crucio!" Voldemort said snapping his wand. Harry rolled out of the way and shot a beam of green light at Voldemort. Voldemort gasped as the light hit him, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud. Harry walked up and kicked him in the side.

     "One curse," he said raising his voice as if the sleeping Death Eaters might hear him. He had knocked them all out at the same time he had hit Voldemort with a curse. "That's all it took to get him weakened. One Avada Kadavra was all it took. I'll be back, Tom. You just wait and see."

     Harry walked out of the "lair" and hummed the Phoenix Song loudly. The song seemed to echo within the walls coming back to him. This time it wasn't just a cheerful song—it was triumphant. Ginny walked out of the hiding place in time to see Harry smiling at her. She took a running leap at him.

     "You did it!" she said as he spun her around.

     "What did he do? I never quite understood that part," came another male voice. Ron walked out of the hiding spot with his arm wrapped around Hermione. "Here, mate," he said as he tossed Harry his wand. "Not that you need it."

     Harry set Ginny down. "I just hit him with the killing curse."

     "So you killed him?" Hermione asked.

     "Oh no," Harry said shaking his head. "I just weakened him. The killing curse won't kill him. He's too strong for it. But it will weaken him for several months."

     "If he can't be killed using that, then how will you get rid of him?" Ron asked.

     "I have to add a soul taking spell with the killing curse, otherwise he will continue to come back."

     Ginny turned to him. She hadn't known this part. "'Soul taking spell'? Explain please."

     "It's pretty simple, actually. It is a spell taken from the Dementors, ancient really. It is the spell that allowed them to take, or destroy, the person's soul. The spell will mimic the Dementor's ability. It will destroy the soul while the killing curse kills the body."

     "Why didn't you do that today then?" Ron asked. Hermione smacked him on the arm.

     "Ron, you dolt," Hermione said, causing Harry and Ginny to laugh. "Harry can't do it yet. He isn't powerful enough yet."

     "Hit the nail on the head, as usual, Hermione," Harry said. "But we have to go, the Death Eaters won't stay asleep forever."

     They all nodded for Harry to go ahead with the spells. Harry looked at them seriously. "I am going to lift the spells here and at Hogwarts so we can apparate directly there."

     Once again they nodded. Harry quickly mumbled the spell and smiled at the others, telling them that it was okay to go. One by one they all apparated to Hogwarts, and, when they were all gone, Harry let the spells down. He could apparate with them on, and that he did. He had apparated to the exact same corridor as the others. They all turned in time to see Harry pale and slump against the wall. Hitting the entire castle at once with the same sleeping spell, while doing a strong killing curse at the same time, and then lifting the anti-apparation wards in two places, had taken a bit out of him. Harry just looked at them.

      "I'll be fine. I'm just going to sleep for a bit," he said, falling asleep against the wall not long after saying the last word.

     Ginny looked up quickly at the sound of a person coming, as did Hermione and Ron. When the person turned into their corridor, Ginny smiled in relief.

     "Ama, go get Professor Dumbledore and tell him to bring Poppy. Hurry," Ginny said when Ama didn't move. "Tell them it's James, Ama."

     "James?" the girl quietly said. "What happened to him? Is he okay?"

     Hermione spoke up. "Yes, he will be fine."

     Ginny smiled kindly at Ama, "Just go get Albus, Ama."

     The girl went running back to the Great Hall. Ginny looked at Hermione and Ron and smiled. "Harry helped her."

     The two nodded in understanding, and the three went back to worrying about Harry.

A/N: First off, don't kill me. Secondly, thank you so much to the people who reviewed, you have absolutely no idea how much it means to me. And Thirdly, I honestly meant to update sooner. But this thing is over 8,500 words, so please cut me some slack. It was hard to write this around Driver's Ed and going out of state practically every weekend. And it is hard to write/type now because I have stitches on my arm. (It is hard to keep my arm in a bending position for long. And to avoid questions, I have five stitches in my arm because I had a mole removed. Unfortunately for me, it is such a boring reason to have the stitches. Wish I could have a better story…) Just so you know, I am going to work on the next two chapters of Days Gone By before I worry about the next chapter of this. Once again, I am sooooo sorry about the wait, and thank you to anyone who reviewed!

Wish I could give everyone a box of Chocolate Frogs.

Thanks to my beta's (wonderful people that they are ;)) Krazy Kris, Katrina Skyfrost, and Pumpkin Hatching.

Remember I only own what isn't in the books.

Please read equasar's stories! They are awesome! (Not that he needs me to tell him that…)
