Lookie lookie first KH fic eva!!!…..well first eva posted the others are never to be seen!!! Anywho…..be kind and leave me a review and tell me that it is bad (Also thanks to KeybladeAngel34 and Shakko)

Naminé sighed as she walked out of the convenient store, carrying the single item in a plastic bag. She had no idea why they had given her a bag for a gallon of milk; she could have simply carried it. She looked up at the buildings that blocked the Tokyo sky, well like she could ever see the sky in this part of the city anyway. She switched hands that carried her book with the one that had previously held the bag.

She continued her walk home leisurely, dodging cars as she crossed the street. She walked up to her apartment building, pushing through the front gate. She walked up to the stairs and began ascending to the third floor, saying hello and moving out of the way of Mrs. Yuko on the way.

Opening the door to the apartment, she slid off her shoes and pushed them to the side next to the many books and papers stacked along the hall. She walked into the kitchen to see her mom sitting at the table, working on papers. The usual mess of books scattered across the small kitchen.

"I'm back," Naminé said softly setting the milk down on the counter to take it out of the bag.

" Oh hi hunny you needed to get a plastic bag for one gallon of milk?" Her mom asked looking up at her.

"What, they just give it to you, I didn't ask for it," Naminé placed the milk in the door of the refrigerator, and got out the iced tea.

"You could have said you didn't need it," her mom was a big environmentalist, so Naminé knew this was coming. "Will you please fix me a glass as well?" Her mom asked.

"Sure," Naminé poured two glasses, "Dad, I have some iced tea do you want some?"

Her father sat in front of the computer and looked towards her. "I'll have a glass, at the table please." He let out a groan of pain as he stood.

"Are you almost done with the computer?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm printing now," he sat next to her mom.

"Maybe we should get another laptop?" her mom suggested.

"Nah," her father took a sip of the tea Naminé sat on the table.

"I've got a class tomorrow," her mom said as she walked over to the computer, "my instructor is going to kill me if this paper isn't finished."

"I've got to be at work early tomorrow."

"Do you want me to fix you a lunch?" Her mom asked.

"No, I'll eat out. The library is switching everything to the computers and everyone is going nuts."

"I think they should keep using the card catalogs." Naminé spoke up.

"I do too Naminé," her father smiled and returned to drinking his tea.

Naminé opened the new book she had got from the library earlier that day and looked at the checkout card.

"…Roxas Hikari?" Here he is again.

Naminé sat down the glass of tea and headed for her room.

"Naminé its time to put the books away and go to sleep!" her father called after her.

"Yes sir," she walked into her room shutting the door behind her.

She walked over to her desk and sat down her book and picked one up from the stack she had on her desk. Taking the checkout card from that one she held it up next to the other.

"Roxas Hikari," the name was on both of the checkout cards.

She looked through all the other books on her desk and saw they all had his name on them before her own. "There it is again. Roxas Hikari…amazing, this guy checked out all these books before I did…" she placed the cards back in the card holders. She lay down on her bed. "I wonder what kind of person he is…are we anything alike?"

Naminé fell asleep, thoughts of who this Roxas Hikari person could possibly be.

"Naminé! Naminé, get up I have to go to class," Naminé whined as her mom's voice interrupted her pleasant dreams.

Her mom poked her head into the door, "Did you sleep in your clothes again? Your so unorganized" Her mom sighed and turned around heading for the door. "I'll see you later sweetie!"

"Have a nice day," Naminé mumbled sleepily.

She sat up nearly hitting her head on the top of bunk bed. She looked over at the clock and gasped.

"Ah! I was supposed to meet Kairi at the baseball field!" Naminé crawled out of her bed and quickly dressed. She grabbed her bag and opened the door of her room.

"Forgot my wallet!" Her mom came back into the apartment and began searching around the house.

"Did you make it all the way down the stairs again mom?" Naminé tried not to laugh as her mom searched. "Did you leave it by the phone?"

"Found it!"

"You always leave it there," Naminé laughed as she started to brush her teeth at the sink of the bathroom. Her mom ran by and towards the door again.

"Don't forget to lock up the house," her mom called as she shut the door behind her.

Naminé sighed and spit out the toothpaste that she had in her mouth. And she calls me unorganized…

Naminé locked the door behind her as she left the apartment. She ran all the way to the school, passing by the tennis fields.


Naminé stopped and looked through the fence that separated the road and tennis field.

"Hey Olette! Good luck with your match later!" Naminé waved and continued towards the baseball field.

A thought came to mind as she arrived at the field. She ran past it and into the school. She rushed through the halls and made her way to the infirmary. She stopped at the door and knocked.

"Mrs. Shiritori (for one of my favorite Japanese gas station managers ) can you do me a favor?" she walked into the room.

Mrs. Shiritori looked up at her with an uneasy smile. "Its not going to be something weird is it?"

"Can you please open the library, please?" Naminé begged placing her hands together.

Mrs. Shiritori nodded and then stood. Naminé smiled, and followed her to the library. Mrs. Shiritori unlocked the door to the library and Naminé brushed past her.

"So, what do you need to get in here for, don't you have high school entry exams coming up?"

"Yeah, but I have a goal to read twenty books by the end of summer, this will only take a minute!" Naminé began combing through the shelves, searching for a particular book. "Ah-ha found it!" She stood on her toes to grab the book on the top shelf. She walked over to Mrs. Shiritori, who was sitting at the checkout desk waiting for Naminé.

"Hurry up, give me your ID and checkout card," she held out her hand as Naminé dug through her bag and handing it to her. "Well what do you know, no ones ever checked this book out before…" She stuck the checkout card in the front pocket (in other words the back) of the book and handed it to Naminé.

"Wow, I finally beat Roxas Hikari at reading a book…" Naminé opened it and opened it to the front to see a stamp. "Huh? Donated by…. Hikari? No way!" She held out the book to Mrs. Shiritori. "Do you know the person who donated this?"

"Ah well its probably the books donor and I don't know anyone from that long ago. Maybe you should ask one of the older teachers?"

"Naminé!" Naminé turned to see Kairi standing at the doorway of the library. "I thought we were meeting outside the school not inside!" She walked over to Naminé with her arms crossed. "Do you know how many freckles I have now? I waited outside for fifteen minutes, what took you so long?"

Mrs. Shiritori laughed. "Calm down Kairi, you take your freckles too seriously."

"No I don't, they're a major problem for me!" Kairi pouted.

Naminé giggled softly, "I'm sorry Kairi."

"Come on lets just go!" Kairi grabbed Naminé's hand and pulled her out of the library.

The two ran out of the school and back towards the baseball field. They sat on a bench that was behind the gate of the field, watching the players.

"So…I finished the lyrics for the graduation," Naminé pulled out a sheet of paper from her bag.

"Can I see them?" Kairi cried.

Naminé smiled and handed her the paper.

"Looking over, sprawling city," Kairi began to sing. "How I yearn for, hills and clouds so pretty. Peaceful bedroom, window with a view."

Naminé joined in as she leaned over to see the lyrics. "Over there waits where, my dreams will come true. Country road, I'll think I'll go, down this path, on my own. West Virginia, mountain momma, please take me home, down country roads."

"Wow Naminé… it's really good," Kairi looked up and gave her a smile.

"No they aren't, they suck," Naminé slouched onto the bench. "So I wrote these instead."

Naminé handed Kairi another sheet of paper.

"Concrete roads, everywhere I go, covering, West Tokyo, chopped down forests, buried our valleys, my hometown, down concrete roads."

Kairi and Naminé laughed as they finished singing.

"We should sing that one!" Kairi wiped a tear from her eye.

"So…what did you want to talk about Kairi?" Naminé looked at her friend as she slipped the papers into the book she had gotten earlier.

"Do you ever think about boys?" Kairi asked with a blush.

"Well. No." Naminé answered honestly, she was too busy reading books and having to study, the only boy that had crossed her mind was who Roxas Hikari.

"Well I mean…. we all have exams so maybe it would help if we all studied together…" Kairi began to twiddle with her thumbs nervously. "It'd be nice to be with someone who felt the same way about you, ya know?"

"Oh I get what this is about, you like someone don't you?" Naminé teased.

"Well…" Kairi leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"You got a love letter?" Naminé cried. "From who? Is he cute?"

"Shhh!" Kairi put a hand over Naminé's mouth. "Well, he's in a different class, but yeah, he's kinda cute."

"Then why don't you date him? If you don't like him you can always stop," Naminé said softly.

"Yeah but…" Kairi blushed and looked down.

"You like someone else don't you?" Kairi's blush grew redder if possible. "So you do! Who is it? If you don't tell me I can always get it out of you!"

"Its…So…So.." Kairi was interrupted.

"Naminé!" Naminé looked over to see Sora standing behind the gate. "Hey throw me my bag!"

Naminé looked to the bench beside them and Kairi was frozen on the spot.

"Hurry up! I've got a game to play!" Sora called.

"Oh be quiet benchwarmer, you never get to play!" Naminé stood and Kairi ran up the stairs back towards the building. "Kairi!"

"Give me my bag! I play all the time, we've got a tournament coming up!"

Naminé huffed as she picked his bag up of the bench and tossed it over the fence causing him to fall over. She ran back over to the bench, grabbing her bag and dropping her book without knowing. She ran up the stairs and nearly ran past Kairi who was leaning against a pole her auburn hair covering her violet eyes.

"Kai are you okay?"

Kairi pushed her bike up the hill as Naminé walked alongside her. Cars zoomed by them, not even bothering slowing down, as they would near a curb, simply keeping the same speed. This made Naminé uneasy but she ignored it and decided to strike up a conversation.

"So I guess, it's Sora you like?"

"I can't believe I ran off like that like a little girl, he must know now." Kairi pouted

"Nah, Sora's completely dense, I'm sure he doesn't," Naminé assured her friend. "What about the boy who wrote you the love letter? I think you should go for him."

"I don't know Naminé…I want to think it over first," Kairi sighed. "You're lucky your parents don't bug you about studying."

"Yeah but…sometimes I wish they did," Her parents had been very busy lately…they hardly had time for her in the schedules at the moment. And the fact that her brother was away and visiting their aunt wasn't helping much either.

"Yeah…" Kairi agreed remembering the state Naminé was in.

Naminé felt around in her bag as they reached the top of the hill. She gasped and began digging through it franticly.

"What's the matter Naminé?" Kairi stopped and looked at her friend with a confused expression.

"My book. My book it's gone!" She turned around and began running down the hill.

"Do you want my bike?" Kairi called after her.

"No! It's okay, you'll be late for cram school!" Naminé waved at Kairi and continued to run back towards the field.

Naminé was out of breath when she reached the school. She walked down the steps that lead back to the school to see a blond boy sitting on the bench, reading her book. She slowly walked over to him and stood above him, waiting for him to notice her. His blonde hair reminded her of Sora's…only this guy had blonde hair and it was not as. ……Spiky…and didn't look like a dead cat. He was wearing a vest with a checkered pattern with a black undershirt, and the school's uniform pants, with black skater shoes. He looked up at her and cocked a brow.

"You have my book," she said softly.

"Oh so this is yours?" He stood and handed it to her.

He walked past her and as he was halfway up the stairs he spoke.

"Naminé Tsubasa," He said with a smirk. ( 3)

"H-how did you know my name?" Naminé asked suspiciously.

"Well gee take a wild guess," The smirk never leaving his face.

"…Oh the checkout card…" Naminé said softly.

"By the way, I like your lyrics, they were even cornier than the original," he walked up the steps leaving a dumb struck Naminé.

Naminé stood in shock. She shook her head and began to walk up the steps.

"Stupid jerk!" She cried as she reached the top.

She repeated this at least thirteen times before she reached her house. And even then she opened the door and slammed it shut, kicking off her shoes. She walked over to the kitchen and opened up the fridge door grabbing the tea and drinking it from the bottle. "It's even cornier than the original version," she mocked him.

She stomped into her room and sat down at her desk, balling up the lyrics and throwing them in the floor. She then buried her face into her arms as she laid her head on the desk. "Stupid jerk…" she picked up the book and opened the cover. She pulled out the checkout card and sighed as the name again appeared. She read through the first chapter before she heard the front door slam open.

"Hey! I'm home!" she sat up and turned around to see her brother, Gippal.

"Hey bro, how was Aunt Ryoko's?" she asked.

"Eh, same old, Naminé, have you even made dinner?"

"I was about to get started on it!" Naminé called back.

"Uh this kitchen is a mess! You should be taking care of this stuff while mom has classes!" Naminé sighed and shut her book.

Naminé stood and walked into the kitchen, seeing her brother clearing stuff from the table.

"I know..." Naminé began to assist him in cleaning as she picked up a plate of bread and sat it on the counter.

"You get all this cleaned up and when I'm out of the shower I'll help you out with dinner," Gippal left the kitchen leaving Naminé to clean it up alone.

"So have you been studying?" Gippal asked as he cut up a pepper.

"…Yeah," Naminé said softly.

"Just because mom and dad aren't around to push into doing it doesn't mean you don't have to study Naminé!" Gippal cried.

"I am studying!" Naminé yelled throwing the rice she had been preparing back into the bowl.

She then retreated to her room, shutting the door behind her.. She laid down in her bed and pulled the covers up over her head. She soon fell asleep, trying to forget the stupid jerk's face.

Yes it is kinda boring right now, but it will get better……well depends on how you describe better, but anywho this will be short like less than 10 chaps if even that much. Probably only half of that.