Authors Note: When we were on our way home from grandma and grandpa during the winter holiday, I just got the idea to this, so I wrote it. Hopefully nobody else have written something that's much like this. If you have, I'm sorry if you think that I've stolen your idea.

Warnings: OOC-ness, crack, cussing, Hidan, and as always.. my weird sense of humor. And the goodnight-story is some kind of weird SasoDei. XD

Disclaimer: Still don't own Naruto. -sigh-


They had captured the Kyuubi. Itachi and Kisame actually did. Just around the time after Sasori and Deidara had come with the Shukaku-boy. But nobody had even thought of how the blond boy where.. that he was hyper, eating ramen 24/7, and at the age of 15 he still wanted to hear a goodnight-story. And he got Gaara wanting to hear one every night too.

So, this story is during one of those nights when Konan wasn't able to come and tell one. Naruto (Gaara too, he just couldn't bring himself down to the blond's level) really wanted to hear a goodnight-story, so he asked the other members. Sasori just looked at him and then ignored his pleas of having him telling a goodnight-story, Deidara just ignored him and said brat, Kakuzu yelled at him, telling that ramen is expensive, Kisame and Itachi was nowhere to be found, Tobi wasn't there and Zetsu weren't even thought of asking.

Then it was only one option left. No, it wasn't calling Orochimaru, or any of the sannin, or anyone else either, having any of them to tell a goodnight story. No, it was going to the jashinist's room, and asking him. And he obliged, 'cause Jashin said he should. Hidan and Naruto walked back to Naruto's and Gaara's room. Naruto sat down on one of the beds, next to Gaara. The Jashinist sat down opposite from them, so he was facing the two 15 year olds.

"Okey kids. Once upon a fucking time-"

"It sounds very wrong when you say it like that." Gaara interrupted the jashinist. Because it sure did sound wrong.

"Hey, shut up. I'm telling the goddamn story, not you. Okey, where was I..? Yeah, right. Once upon a fucking time, there was a prince. He was boring, eternal, had red hair and corrupted by his goddamn puppets. And it was a princess. She was beautiful, having long blond hair, looking much like a French doll. But the princess was actually a boy, so from now and on, we're saying he to the princess. Okey, one fucking day, they met for some reason unknown for mankind. And they hated each other from the goddamn start. Then, suddenly! The prince wanted to make the princess his -no, not in that way you pervs-, but the princess fucking refused. He said 'No. I'll rather go BOOM!, then going eternal like you.' But the prince didn't listen, and he took all of his weird stuff, trying to make the princess a doll-"

"Isn't the princess a prince if she's a he?" Naruto interrupted him, looking quite confused because he after a while realized what was said about the male princess.

"Nooo, it would be to fucking complicated with two prince's. And then the princess pulled his kimono apart, leaving him with a bare chest, which revealed a chest-mouth."

"A chest mouth? That's really weird." Naruto interrupted the jashinist again.

"And you have a goddamn demon sealed in your stomach, that's also weird. Back to the story now. So.. the princess went totally crazy, activated his chest-mouth and did really go BOOM!. And then nobody never ever lived happily ever after again. The fucking END. Now, sleep."