She came to him in a rainny night, looking like shit…completely soaked from walking to his place and shivering like a branch on a tree out in the wild wind of the night. She stood there for a few minutes, just staring at him with an expression House had never seen before, before she finally moved…

Her arms flew around his neck and her lips crashed against his with all the desire she had been suppressing for years, her tiny soaked body pressing into his as he kept one hand on the doorknob and the other wrapped tightly around the handle of his cane, trying to ignore the feel of her warm body pressed against his, despite her cold-water drenched clothes.

She pulled back and closed the door behind herself, walking into his living room without looking at him…she stopped behind his couch and took her water drenched shirt off, before unbuttoning her jeans and swaying out of them…she stood before him in nothing but her pale pink lace panties and bra…her eyes on him as he ran his eyes all over her body, taking in her alabaster skin and flawless form.

House released a sharp breath and closed his eyes, willing himself to stop hallucinating, but once his eyes opened again she was still there, bare-naked before him with her right hand outstretched…waiting for him to take it…always waiting for him.

Two months later:

This was good…so damn good, but he couldn't help to wonder why they always did it the same way…why she always stayed on top…or why she even came to him when it rained…only when it rained…some things he just couldn't figure out…and Cameron was one of them.

It wasn't about control…if it was anyone else he would be tempted to consider the possibility, but not Cameron…no this wasn't about control…it was about letting go…not controlling your impulses, not suppressing your needs…it wasn't about control.

She needed this…she needed to be free sometimes and she needed to be freed by him. He needed her, no matter how much he denied it, he denied her…he needed her…needed to be the one to free her. Because each time they were together, they changed, they became better, stronger…and then she'd go…she'd leave…back to her routine…to her cage, to play happy for everyone to see…and he'd stay…watching her waist away…watching her dwindle…until she reached the bottom and came back for him to pick up her pieces and put them together again…it was a vicious circle and they were trapped…and neither wanted to be freed from it.

The feel of her well-cared nails scrapping lightly over his lower abdomen brought him back to reality and snapped him out of his reverie, as he opened his eyes and watched as she continued to move relentlessly above him, with her head thrown back and her lips pursed shut to keep from crying out, her air-dried blonde curls fell over her shoulders and hid them from him.

His eyes moved lower, inspecting every inch of her wonderfully soft looking skin, from the perfect column of her neck, to her small, perky and beautifully rounded breasts…oh God, her breasts…House thought closing his eyes and forcing his hands to remain on her hips and not wander upwards.

He thought back to the first time he ever saw them…touched them…the only time he'd ever touched them, the sound she made when he did…the only time she ever cried out when with him…it had been established after that, that her breasts were prohibited territory - it was her rule, like hooker's have the not kissing on the mouth, Cameron had the not touching the breasts - which didn't go over well with him at first, but she eventually got her away, with her tongue pressing against the tip of his cock and a breathless promise from him.

House didn't get it…all he knew was he wanted to hear that hoarse cry again…he wanted to touch, caress and tease them. Slowly he let his right hand slide to her lower abdomen and smooth it's way upwards, with a light touch, his hand moved up her stomach and stopped at the valley between her breasts, causing Cameron to look down at him and call out his name in a warning breathless tone.

There was a reason behind her rule…the way he made her feel when he touched her there for the first time…he wasn't rough or eager like she always thought he would be…like your fiancé is…a voice murmured throughout her numb brain…he was tender, gentle, his palm had felt so good, fit so well around her breast, and the way his thumb ran over her nipple, it had been too much…too real.

When he just kept his hand splayed between her breasts, she stopped moving above him and looked into his eyes…something else she never did…he was smirking up at her; "…don't…" she pleaded quietly.

He nodded and moved his hand further up her body, snaking it around her neck and locking there, before pulling her forcefully down, against his chest and crashing his lips into hers, along with their teeth.

The kiss was rough and desperate, as his arms locked around her body and he swiftly rolled them over, until she was on her back beneath him and he was finally on top of her…one rule broken…he thought to himself.

He pushed his tongue into her mouth, as he slid his arms down her body, until they circled her waist and he pulled her hips up against his, mimicking his thrusts with his tongue as it caressed and explored her mouth.

She struggled under the gentle, yet intense pressure of his body, pressing her smaller one onto the mattress beneath her, but found herself unable to turn them back around and regain her position over him. She felt all of her resolve dissolve as his arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him and keeping her hips elevated, as his moved against hers in a slower and much more satisfying way, making her sigh and her hands curl into tight fists, as she slammed them against his strong chest as a way of protest for the way he was now in charge of their coupling.

"Harder" she breathed out in a serious and demanding tone.

House shook his head 'no' and sank deeper and deeper, going slower and slower with every thrust. Cameron huffed angrily and dug her nails into his broad shoulders, trying to press her hips harder against his.

House slowed further and snaked his arms down her thighs, wrapping them tightly around his ribs and them running them back up until they were smoothing over her sides, before running down her arms and lacing his fingers through hers.

House smirked as she stopped writhing beneath him and finally accepted the new position, closing her slim fingers over the back of his hand and giving into him completely.

He felt her sigh as his lips caught hers in a languid kiss and his tongue slipped into her mouth and caressed hers tentatively, her fingers gripping his hands tighter as he drove himself into her over and over again.

Slowly he moved their joined hands up until they rested above her head, holding them tighter in his much larger ones, as he bent his right knee, to keep it from jarring into the mattress and hurt his thigh more than it needed to, causing his thrusts to be slightly unbalanced, creating more friction with every single one of his deep and gentle movements and making Cameron hum and moan into his mouth, every time their hips met.

Taking advantage of her distraction he carefully moved their hands until both her wrists were trapped under the insistent hold of his left hand, while his right one slid purposefully down her arm and stopped just bellow her breasts.

She pulled back from his lips and tried to release her wrists from his grasp, but it was too strong and the pressure from the struggled she was putting up was hurting her; "House" she breathed out warningly, instantly tensing beneath and around him, causing him to groan.

House ignored her and continued to kiss down her jaw to her neck, and then down her clavicles, nipping and sucking on the skin there; "…House…" she whined weakly in a desperate pant "…no marks…" she murmured absentmindedly, feeling his right hand run up and down her side, willing her to relax.

"…please unclench…" he mumbled breathlessly into the hollow of her throat, gripping the back of her left knee and pulling it further up around him, until her foot pressed into the small of his back, making him ground his hips into hers a bit more harshly, as she release the death grip she had on his member and began to relax a little.

House continued to suck on her skin, not caring if he left any marks…that was the point…he wanted to mark her, let everyone know she was his…let him know she had never been hishis mind added and he pressed on, tripling his efforts and forgetting about the rules…they were, after all, made to be broken.

His right hand moved and Cameron immediately gasped as she felt it settled around her left breast, so gentle, so delicate. House was in heaven, it was just a touch, but it felt so perfect…they fit perfect and he knew this was the beginning of the end for them.

His mouth moved down her chest-bone and kissed the skin around her perky breast, enjoying the smoothness, before his lips wrapped around her hardened nipple and he began teasing it ever so softly, with his teeth and tongue, turning Cameron into a puddle of 'mush' as she moaned and gasped and cried out his name, as her body arched beneath his and urged him on.

He released her hands, knowing she was just as lost as he was and they went to his head, running through his hair and pulling him closer to her body. He took his time on both her breasts, not knowing what would be of them after this…after the rules had been broken…and as he began to feel her tighten around him, he kissed up her chest until he found her lips.

His hands moved to her head, tangling themselves in her silky curls, while hers ran down his back and her nails scrapped their way back up again; "…Allison…" he panted out as he felt her nails dig deeper into his skin and his face buried itself in the crook of her neck, and the sweet scent of vanilla washed over him, invading his lungs and making his heart beat even faster.

"Greg" she moaned out loud, for the first time and felt him swell inside her even more, the feel of him throbbing inside her too much, as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel…really feel "…touch me…" she panted into his ear in a husky plea…break another one…a voice cries out in her mind.

He lifted his head and found her lips again; "…open your eyes…" he told her in a strained tone, she did and it was the first time they ever looked into each others eyes when they do this…and it's almost too much, and then she felt his hand sliding down her body and find her throbbing clit…she gasped and with a few expert flicks of his deft fingers and a couple deep slow thrusts she's coming harder than ever in her life, with his name on her lips in a loud cry, she'd been denying herself for so long.

House followed close behind, the way she felt when she came always did it for him, her quivering thighs, clamping walls, scrapping nails, breathless sounds and for the first time the sight of her eyes as they struggled to stay on his when she let go, all enough to send him into a mess of irregular thrusts and hoarse cries as he felt himself spill into her until there was nothing left in him and he collapsed helplessly on top of her, his face buried in her neck, his eyes falling shut as the smell of her swept through him and let him know it's real…she really is there with him.

For the longest time they stayed like that, both awake and sated, both exhausted and comfortable, both unwilling to move, her hands were on his back, the right one tracing random patterns on the perspiration covered space between the small dimples on the small of his back, while her left one movesd soothingly between his shoulder blades.

The feel of her soft and warm breaths hitting his left shoulder along with the way her hands never stopped moving over him is enough to make him drift off for a few minutes, before he felt her try to move beneath him and finally turned them onto his left side, his arms holding her to him…refusing to let go.

So far they've broken every rule…except for one…and she sighed when the sound of the alarm on her cell phone went off, breaking through their peace and making them tense at the prospect of what was about to happen…or not.

She pulled away from him and rolled onto her back, reaching for the phone and switching it off, while House remained on his side, watching her…waiting. She covered her face with her hands, sighed and began to drum her feet against the mattress like a small child throwing a tantrum. House smiled as he watched her struggle with what to do next.

"You don't have to go" he murmured simply and when she turned to look at him, he just looked down at his sheets and started picking up invisible pieces of linen.

She shook her head; "…my shift starts in an hour…" she offered as an excuse.

He nodsded, still not looking up at her and turned to lie on his back and stare at his ceiling, as he felt her move next to him and get up. She was quiet as she moved around picking up her clothing and putting it on in the dimly lit room.

"I'm sorry…" she whispered from the foot of his bed after she'd dressed, she could see him lying there, his eyes not moving from the ceiling "…I'll see you when it rains again…" it's mostly to herself as it came out as a barely audible whisper, when she turned to leave.

Once she was out of his room, he allowed his eyes to slip shut; "…it'll be spring soon…" he muttered to himself, knowing it would be a long time until she'd return to him again.

Cameron left his place feeling empty, like her soul stayed behind…in his bed…in him…she knew she would, but that's the one rule she's not ready to break…you don't love him, Winter just wasn't your season…she lied to herself as she began the long walk back to reality…back to her cage, knowing it'll be a long time until she can be freed again


" don't love him, Winter just wasn't your season..." Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick.

Just a little drabble, doesn't have a title, I'm open to sugestions though...wink

R&R, because I say so xD...and because I have to know if this sucks...)

Lurve, BeeBee.