Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Well, this chapter is PAINFULLY short, but I felt it served its purpose. I do have plans for the next few chapters, but they will be longer. Hopefully.

I am sorry it took so long to post a new chapter. In fact, the reason I put this up with because of my most recent reviewer, haha. But in the past two months, I moved from my old apartment, packed up a lot of things, actually worked on a load of photographs, and then found out two weeks ago I'm moving again, this time quite a bit further than 10 minutes away. So I'm scrambling to get all my things together because this Saturday I'm gone. I do not want to abandon this story so yeah, this chapter was my little "I'M STILL ALIVE!!" cry.

Hitsugaya had managed to duck out of Soul Society once again without anyone taking notice. He had gotten so used to it, and it was such a common thing, he was sure no one even bothered to check where he was going. For all they knew, he was off on some mission.

Hinamori usually got home from school around this time, unless she was running late.

'Keiko,' he reminded himself, shaking his head slightly. It was always hard to remember the fine line. Where his Hinamori ended and this world's Keiko began. Referring to her by her previous name, however, hurt. So many memories would flood back. Keeping himself in this mind frame helped keep his sanity.

Several minutes later, he found himself fidgeting almost childlike, something he was anything but. It was taking her longer to get home than usual, even if she had missed the bus. He was about ready to backstrack her steps to school, to make she was alright. What if a Hollow had attacked her? Surely he would have sensed something.

Preparing to leap down from his perch in the tree, the sudden sound of feet on pavement caused him to freeze in place. She was finally home, and she had come back with someone. Probably Aya, one of her closest friends.

One look at the figure was enough to make him reach for his zanpakutou. What was the Espada doing with her? He didn't even have a gigai and he was walking around in broad daylight. If she could see him, then shouldn't she sense him?

He swore under his breath. Typical Hinamori, even if she was nervous about someone, she wouldn't voice it. Even with Ichimaru she had been nothing but polite.

But what did this mean? This had been the very Espada that had come to gather Orihime. He was Aizen's lapdog.

And this time he was here for the one thing he'd fight to the death for.

The two were at her door, finish up their conversation. She was as bright and bouncy as ever, even with the scraped knee he spotted immediately. Opposite of her, however, stood the impassive expression. It alone unnerved him.

As the two said their farewell--or rather, she let out a stream of thank you's while he in turn gave no more than a nod, the Espada turned on his heal, headed for the exit. The moment she had entered her house, closing her door behind her, the Arrancar--Ulquiorra, Hitsugaya remembered now--lifted his gaze, teal meeting blue.

And on the emotionless face, Hitsugaya was sure he saw a smirk form. In anger, he unshiethed Hyourinmaru, prepared to kill the bastard before he had a chance to do anything to Hinamori. Before he had a chacne to step off the branch, however, the Arrancar was gone.

With Hitsugaya left only with an unsettling feeling in his stomach, he prepared his mind. Because he knew now that Soul Society would be without its child prodigy much more than it anticipated.

See, told you it was short . But pretty soon, we'll be seeing them all in class, which will be the most entertaining part. Enjoy!