Were am I?
Drop of water that was coming down by every second, as I girl with pink hair awoke from her slumber.
She look around to find herself to see were she was to nodes she wasn't home anymore.
Sakura pov:
I awoke after that nasty fall I got, and look around to see I wasn't even close to home. I look around and I relics I was in a forest, I rub my eyes and blinks two times to see I wasn't dreaming, around me was trees and a waterfall.
"well it seem I not in Kansas anymore" I said to myself as I dust the invisible dust of my skirt.
Im not quite sure how I got here or what happen but I remembered I was home after a hard day in school.
The sun was shinning and the birds wore signing, 'wow what a nice day to start, well for some people…'
My name is Haruno Sakura, im 15 yrs old and I will be starting high school, and the one you see still sleeping while the alarm is ringing like crazy, is me.
I was going to shut the demon construction when the phone ring.
I pick the phone up with a yawn and a 'hello…'
"sakura you know what time is it you are late for school, get up" scream my lovely mother.
"hi mom, how your trip with dad" I ask while scratching my head as I move out bed to get a shower.
"you are late, how in the world can you not see that" she ramble about it.
"yeah…I love you too mom" I said while I get my school uniform ready while yawn once again.
My mom sighed, "sakura what am I going to do with your becoming a lady, but you don't act like one and you don't worry much about it".
"I don't know, I might be of much better if I was a boy" I joke while I laugh about it.
"sakura…, ok honey you better get ready I just call to make sure your ok, kisses" said my mom, "ok bye mom and say hi to dad for me" as we both hang up.
"well another boring day" I said, as I go and took a shower.
I walk to school and eating my breakfast a pop tart not even worrying about me been late is not like the first time I was ever late!
I walk straight to my class and look around to find myself been watch by the whole class, "im so glad that you're here miss haruno" said my teacher as he start to wright something in the board who by the look of it he seem he was about to yell at me, but instead he hold it in; wow im surprised most of the times I come at the end of class and he is about to throw a piece of chalk to my head.
"yeah sorry I slept in againg" I respond with a sighed as look at my seat and planted my self.
"alright then let being" said the teacher as he being class.
Then end of school
"awe" I yawned once again, god im getting sleepy lately.
While walk back to home I found and old man wearing a black hoot sealing some stuff.
"hey miss I can see you hold such unique aurora" said the old man as he look straight at me.
"uh…not realy" I respond, "but you do!" he smile "now why don't you buy this box" as he show me a small box with whit strange markings.
"no thanks, im not interested" then I was about to leave when he stop me, "please miss, buy this box I relly need the money" he sounded as he was about to cry.
I look at him to make sure that this old foggy was swindle me, "alright how much?", "$20" he said, "what…I only have 10 bucks" while took out my money out to show me. Then he grab the money and smirk, "sold to young lady" he said.
"hey… give me back my money you stinking old man" I said, then with nodes the old man disappeared, "wha…" I look around to see if I can find it, "great now what am i supposed to do with this" as I look down a the wear little box.
I arrive home tired from the long day I have. I jump to the couch and fall to their while I garb the remote control and turn on the TV, "ok what on".
The weather man was on saying that it will be raining, "man what a liar" as I look outside my window to only see no clouds outside.
I turn of my tv and head to my room for a nice nap, I climb the stairs and open my room door and drop my backpack to my bed.
As I was about to go to dreamland, but I found myself looking into my back and finding the box I bought from the stinking old foggy, "now what do I do with you" I said grab the box and was about to open, but then the phone ring.
I pick up the phone, "hello".
"hello cupcake" said the man on the other line.
"hey dad, what's up" I smile to hear his voice, cause he awalys working and never talk to me.
"nothing cupcake, just checking if my cupcake is been doing" he said.
"the usual" I respond, "that good to hear, now you better not be having boys in the house or having a boyfriend understand, cupcake." said my dad with his usual talk about how boys are bad for me and that they should keep away from me.
"sure dad" I said, "that a girl" he said, then all of the sudden I herd one a call from my dad to come immediately, "oh sorry cupcake I have to go, now be a good girl and stay away from boys, bye" as he hang up, "yeah bye" I said to the death call and hang up.
I look at the ceiling and sighed, then I turn to look a the box once again,
"what with the wear writhing" I thought
"maybe is one of those old writing" said my inner sakura
"could be"I look at the box more closely and touch the lock, "I think is lock" as I try to open it, then all of the sudden I cut myself with edges as the box fell on the floor. "ouch, what is this box made of" while I suck on my finger were the cut was.
Then their was flash light coming from the box as the box open, "hey what going on" I look at the box to only fall flat on the floor, then their was a chanting. "uh what with the chanting, and what in the world is it saying" then the light got bigger and in gulf my whole room, I look around to only find a white light everywhere then a big hole came out of nowhere from my feet and I felt as I scream, "ahhhhhhhhhhh".
End of flashback
I move to were a the waterfall was and look at my reflection, "m… maybe this is a dream" as I put my hand into the water only to feel the cold sensation of it, "or maybe not".
"hey who are you" said a boy who look at me, with blues eyes, blond hair, and lines in his cheeks, I look at him clueless , "is he speaking to me".
"hey I said who are you" as he approached me, that only got me to move away from him a little. I was about to go, but I was stop as he grab my arm only to fall on top of me. "hey get of me" I yell while I push him of me, "sorry I trip on that rock" he pointed to the rock while his face was red.
"ok…hey are you ok" I look at him closer while he got redder then before, "ye-ah im o-k, im na-ru-to" he responded while he try to smile
"nice to meet you naruto" I smile as I took out my hand to shake only to look at naruto getting red like a tomato.
"hey dobe were are you"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yeah im done with this page, I just hope im will be done with the other one.