I don't own anything.
A/N: Here's yet another story...well I hope you all like it, please remember to review they really help me with ideas...and it's also fun to see what you guys think. I hope you enjoy this first chapter, and another will be out next weekend.
Baby S
Chapter One
Taylor McKessie-Scott sat next to her husband Jason Scott at their son Lucas' basketball game. Lucas was the star forward and the captain. He was the first seventh grader to become captain of his the middle school team and was the pride and joy of both his parents. Jason looked at Taylor for a moment as they sat together watching their son play before he leaned back against the bleachers and spoke. "Taylor, I think I want a divorce." She turned and looked at him for a moment and smiled.
"Stop joking Jason." She said with a nervous laugh as she returned her attention back to the game hoping that she didn't miss any of Lucas' plays. Jason watched her for a moment and sat back up.
"I'm not playing Taylor…I…I want a divorce." Putting a hand to her mouth, she looked at him for a moment before shaking her head in disbelief and glaring at her husband. Jason watched her for a second his eyes cool and unemotionally.
"Just do." He said calmly, she shook her head as she thought about all of her husband's weird behavior over the last year. Jason watched her for a moment before sighing and rubbed a hand over his short hair. "You can even take Lucas…and I'll give you spousal support and child support, but I want out of this marriage."
"So let me get this straight you want a divorce, just because."
"No…I want a divorce because I'm no longer in love with you." He stated as he returned his attention to the game, just as Lucas took a three-pointer making it with ease. "So are you going to give me the divorce or what?" He asked coldly as he looked over at her.
"So are you cheating on me?" she asked trying not to scream and shout in the gym at her husband. He nodded his head and looked at Taylor for a moment before answering.
"Yes, I am cheating on you, and once I divorce you I plan on marrying her."
They all sat at their table, Lucas drumming his fingers on the table top while glaring at his father. "Let me get this straight…you're leaving mom for another woman, the woman that you've been having an affair with." Jason just shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head for a moment before speaking.
"Yes I am…and son-." But he was cut off by Lucas' fist smashing into his face, groaning Jason fell out of his chair and onto the floor. Lucas stood up glaring at his father for a moment before looking at his mother who was crying.
"I can't believe you…I can't believe that you would do something like that to mom and to me. She loves you dad…and this woman probably is only after you because of your money and nothing else, but mom was with you way before you ever had money."
"Don't try to tell me about your mother and her relationship with me, Lucas. I was there and I know what happened." He snapped as he looked at his son. "But since you're on her side you can go and be with her."
"So you are abandoning us both for this other woman."
"I love her."
"And what about this family dad. What about us?"
"I'll give you money, hell Taylor should be financially set for life with this upcoming divorce. I won't be mean about everything…I just want the divorce." He said. "Besides, in nine months I'll have my own new family." Taylor could physically see her son weaken at his father's words. She stood and slapped Jason, after she did that Jason just glared at her.
"I hate you."
"And I expect you and Lucas out of this house before the month over and somewhere else. Don't worry I'll buy you a little house back in Albuquerque by your parents." He said as he looked between his son and soon to be ex-wife before walking out of the backdoor. Taylor felt her tears immediately escape her eyes as she collapsed back into the chair she had been sitting in while Lucas just sat down next to her with his head in his hands.
"If Ms. McKessie will sign here and here I believe this divorce will be over and we can all move on with our lives." Jason's lawyer stated sliding the papers across the table. Jason was currently sitting to the side barely looking at Taylor.
"He doesn't want to see his son?" she asked in shock, Jason just looked at his lawyer who cleared his throat and answered the question.
"Mr. Scott doesn't see that it's necessary he wants to focus on his family and he knows that Lucas will be fine with you." Taylor looked at Jason who had his arms crossed over his chest and glared at the man she has given so many years of her life too.
"He's your family too, Jason. He's your first child, your first born, your first born son." She shouted ignoring her lawyer's attempts to silent her. Shaking the hand off her of her she looked at Jason expecting him to immediately change what he had say but all he did was look at him and then shrug his shoulders.
"I don't view him as my family anymore."
"He's your son."
"And he's also yours so I suggest that you suck it up and be happy with this divorce settlement and shut da hell up." He shouted angrily as he looked at her, she looked him over for a moment.
"When this falls through, and you want to see your son…you just remember what you did alright." She snapped as she stood up and walked away determine not to let him see her tears.
Taylor jerked awake in a cold sweat in her bedroom, just last week she and her son had moved back to New Mexico. Placing a hand over her face she groaned and looked up at the ceiling trying to stop her mind from thinking about the past few months and the betrayal that came from the one man she thought had loved her, and now here she was a grown woman with a twelve year old son living with her parents while she waited on Jason to pick a house for her and her son. Groaning she heard a knock at her door, grabbing her robe she pulled it on and opened the door. Lucas stood on the other side with the telephone in his hand. "Mom, Jason wants to talk to you." It took a moment for her to realize he was referring to his father. Ever since the divorce became final, Lucas had started calling his father by his first name. Reaching out she took the phone and placed it next to her ear.
"Taylor, why is our son calling me by my first name." he snapped, she winced and looked at Lucas mouthing for him to leave. He watched her for a moment before nodding and walking away. Once she was sure he was downstairs she closed her bedroom door and spoke.
"He decided to call you that once you made up your mind to leave us, and go be with your new family, Jason. I didn't tell him to do it, he just does it. And you have no one to blame but yourself."
"Whatever, he can do what he wants…it's not like I care." He stated coldly, Taylor sighed at his words and shook her head at him for a moment before speaking.
"He loved you Jason you are his father, and you rejected your own flesh and blood for another woman." Jason sucked his teeth at her words.
"Look I called to inform you that I will be paying for a house down there in New Mexico but I will require certain things."
"You need to get a damn job." Taylor closed her eyes at his request; she hadn't worked since she married him, because he didn't want a working wife. He wanted a stay at home wife that was there for his every beck and call.
"I haven't worked in years."
"Well, you better start searching for a job; Taylor or you can consider yourself a permanent roommate of your parents." Taylor nodded her head and sighed as she considered her options. She certainly didn't want to stay with her parents, especially with them constantly telling her 'I told you so' about Jason. That was something she could do without.
"How long do I have…to you know get a job."
"Six months…I mean come on baby put that degree in Chemistry to good use." He said before hanging up, Taylor stared at the phone for a moment before sitting on the edge of her bed, and placing her head in her hands. As she silently wondered how she could have ever loved someone like that.
"Okay, so when I get older we're going to get married and have a family." A seven year old boy said to a little girl who was currently sitting beside him in the grass. The little girl hair was parted and she had two long braided pigtails. She quickly turned her head and looked at him for a moment before shaking her head.
"Married? My mom and dad are married…and they kiss…a lot." She said finishing her statement with a small disgusted look plastered over her face. The boy made a disgusted face as well before saying.
"But your parents love one another."
"That doesn't keep the cooties away." The little girl said in matter of fact voice, the little boy nodded his head in agreement.
"My dad say that since he's married his ring keeps the cooties away…maybe your parents have that ring."
"So…cooties are nasty Troy and I don't want cooties."
"Well when we get married and I put the ring on your finger… we can keep the cooties away." He said as he got and walked over to the basketball court picking up the basketball he bounced it for a few moments before looking back at her. "Then we can kiss as much as we want."
"Ewww! I'm not kissing you."
"You will if you're going be my wife." He said placing his hands on his hips, looking at her for a moment before grabbing his basketball and walking back over to her. The two seven years old looked at one another for a moment before he leaned forward and kissed the girl directly on the lips. They both pulled apart spitting and wiping their mouths in disgust.
"Troy Bolton I am going to kill you" she screeched making the little boy jump up and run towards his house with her following closely behind.
"Troy…man if you don't answer me I swear." Chad Danforth declared as he slapped Troy on the back bringing the man out of his thoughts. Troy looked at his best friend and gave him his attention.
"Yeah, man what's up."
"Well I got this new kid coming in you know like a mid-year student from Settle,Washington…um a Lucas Scott. I talked to the coach up there and he said the boy was phenomenal player, hell when he reaches Highschool he just might give you a run for your money on those records you set."
"No one can break those records." Troy said smugly as he took the file from Chad and looked it over. He sat the file back on top of his desk and leaned back in his chair. "So did you get in contact with him?"
"No not really." Chad said hedging away from the subject; Troy looked at him for a moment before speaking.
"So you mean to tell me that you think this kid would be great but you haven't contacted him yet so he could come to a mid-season try-out. Now come on Chad I thought I taught you better than that. If the boy is good we want him to get involved with East Middle and East High, you're going mess around and he's going to go to West Middle and then West High." Chad groaned and sat down in the chair facing Troy.
"No, I got in contact with him…he's grandparents told me that he and his mother are going through some hard times and that his mother recently got finished divorcing his father, but he's coming to the practice today."
"Good maybe I'll stop by and see him play…I've gotta see who this kid is and determine for myself if he has a chance at breaking my records." Troy said with a smile, Chad nervously rubbed a hand through his trademark afro and shook his head.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea."
"What do you mean?" Troy asked truly confused now, Chad sighed and reached out and opened the student file on Lucas and pointed a small section that Troy had overlook when he had first looked over the record. Troy read it over for a moment and looked up at Chad in shock before looking back down.
"He's…he's Tay's son."
A/N: Alright I hope that was a good start...please remember to update and tell me what you guys think.