Timeline: After StrikerS, the same year.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just a few pics of Nanoha&Fate-chan together. :(

" " – words spoken outloud

Italics – thoughts

A/N: The Nanoha section's really getting bigger and bigger ne? We got so many talented (pro-ish?) writers here, Eagle8819, Arigatou Sheitarou, Satashi etc.. But besides the heavyweights, it would be really cool if more people get into the fandom and write their own versions of Nanoha x Fate, it'd be so cool to get something new in the section everyday. I just want to contribute something to the NxF fandom, don't know why but I just fell in love with this pairing since MGLN. No other anime/book/TV show prompt me to write fanfics... but NxF is is just soooo cuuute!

About this story, I will not focus so much on it so don't expect updates anytime soon, instead I've been focusing (plotting) another story on NxF called MGLN: GGW. It's a high school fic, for some reason everybody here loves & wants a high school setting. I didn't go to high school in the US or Japan, but my class/school was really boring since everyone got along really well and there were no bullying/heated rivalry & such. So I might not get the whole rivalry/conflict thing right.

Btw... GGW stands for Girls' Gang Wars, not Girls Gone Wild... maybe I could write a GGW II when they go to college... haha. Despite the name, it will have a serious storyline with humor and high school stuff in it. NxF of course.

Finally... is there anyone else here besides me who just love Suzuka x Arisa?

End of A/N,

PS: Big thanks to BPharu for the Nanoha x Fate scanlations!

Cross the Line

Chapter 1

It has been two months since Riot Force 6's disbandment and its members were all separated from each other, taking various posts within TSAB. Although they are separated physically, feelings and affections can never be stopped by distances alone. And of course, with the advanced technology at their disposal, they are never apart anyway.

"Ahhhh, I'm so exhausted! The newcomers sure are demanding!" Nanoha thought with a soft smile as she unlocked the door to her lofty apartment. It wasn't their fault though, it happened several times before when the new cadets seem to have doubts about her abilities. After all, she doesn't seem like the type of instructor who could help them to achieve their dreams despite the things they heard about her. But boy how they wrong they were…

"Maybe I overdid it this time." Nanoha only took two steps before she felt a sharp pain in her chest. They happened before, but their occurrences have become more frequent in the past two months. The pain didn't last long each time but its sheer intensity was enough to make her grimace and startle her daughter and fill her eyes with tears. Vivio was young, but one's never too young to notice the pain one's mother suffers from.

It took all of Nanoha's mental restraints to not scream out in pain. Squeezing her eyes shut and taking a moment to calm herself, she stumbled across the living room and collapsed down onto her feather-soft sofa. After a few moments, her breathing returned to normal and the numbness in her chest disappeared. Deciding to take a short nap before picking up Vivio, Nanoha removed the top of her uniform to get more comfortable. Just as she was about to remove her matching skirt, a monitor popped up in front of her displaying a very familiar face.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry Nanoha-chan!" exclaimed a very embarrassed Hayate who quickly turned away. "Is this a bad time?" Hayate continued, not looking at her.

"Hehe, I guess even best friends have to knock sometimes huh?" Nanoha teased her friend playfully. It wasn't the first time something like this happened, but even so the three Aces always had direct access when contacting each other.

"What's up Hayate-chaaaan?" Nanoha chirped in her usual happy sing-song voice when she's with her best friends.

"Um… you decent?" For some strange reason, Hayate's face is still turned sideways, not looking at her. After a moment of no response, Hayate decided to check on her friend. Just as she's about to turn her face, Nanoha screamed out…

"No! I'm naked! Hayate-chan don't look!"

"Ahhhhhh!" Hayate's head spun to the side so quickly that she almost strained her neck, the world turned into a blur before her eyes. "God… Fate-chan's gonna kill me" Hayate whispered under her breath.

After hearing Nanoha's melodic giggles, Hayate knew she has been picked on again.

"Mou… Nanoha-chan!" Hayate glared her brunette friend good-naturedly.

"So anything up? Another request of my services?" Nanoha asked with a broad grin.

"Not really, but it might be of service to you…" Hayate trailed off mysteriously and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Wha-what? Mou… you big meanie, just spill it"

"Fate-chan contacted me two days ago; she said her long haul patrols are over for the time being and that she's on her way to Mid-Childa in two days…"

"In two days?!?! And you're telling me now? Wait, she told you two days ago… which makes her arrival today!" Nanoha exclaimed in horror. But amazingly, her frozen mind was still able to piece together the words Hayate just said… namely "service" and "Fate". And her face ignited instantly, making Agito's flames look like child's play.

"She said she wanted to surprise you and that she can't wait to see you and Vivio" Hayate smirked at Nanoha before she continued her teasing. "I can't blame her though. I mean if I've got such a cute daughter and a loving wi– I mean best friend at home. I'd rocket straight home!" Hayate finished with a palm on her cheek faking a dreamy look.

The heat on Nanoha's face spread like wildfire to the rest of her body. She didn't know what she was thinking or how someone as witty as her could come up with such a lame come-back, but the words left her mouth before she could stop them.

"At least I don't feel her up like you do with your knights!" Nanoha retorted, not even knowing why she was being so defensive in the first place.

"Ara, but I'm their mistress, they don't mind at all!" It's now or never, you asked for it Nanoha-chan. "The question is whether Fate-chan would mind since you're not her mistress… or are you Nanoha-chan?" Hayate raised an eyebrow and let her words assault Nanoha with full force.

Service, Fate, mistress. The three words echoed over and over in Nanoha's head and the brunette instantly clamped her nostrils with her right hand in an attempt to stop an inevitable nosebleed.

"You've got two hours to get ready before she comes home Nanoha!" The words snapped Nanoha out of her daydream instantly.

"What?! But I have to pick up Vivio and make dinner and clean up our apartment and…" Nanoha said all in breath, panicked beyond believe.

"Don't worry, I'll be picking up Vivio today, so you can concentrate on cleaning and cooking dinner like a good wi– Ah... roommate should!" Not giving Nanoha a chance to object, Hayate cut off the transmission with a happy "Bye!"

"Awww, what a pain…" Even if that was what she said, deep in her heart… Nanoha felt warmth and happiness that her best friend was finally coming home.

Meanwhile on the TSAB Warship Claudia

"Ma'am! Reporting Ma'am"

"Yes? What is it?" Fate said in her usual gentle voice and gave a kind smile when she realized who it was.

"We'll be docking in Mid-Childa in 5 minutes Ma'am! Please prepare for landing!"

"Thanks for letting me know Tea. And don't be so stiff. You were never like this with Nanoha… or are you implying that I'm stricter than her?" Fate said while feigning a hurt look.

"Huh? N-no Ma'am! Er... no Fate-san… I'm just nervous to be able to see everyone again."

"You mean you're nervous to see Subaru again!" Fate giggled girlishly.

"…" Tea's face flushed as she thought about her ex-partner.

Standing at the entrance to the famed Saint Church Elementary School, Hayate's thoughts couldn't help but drift to her friend Carim, whom she's still very close to even after the disbandment of RF6. Maybe I could visit her again soon… her thoughts were disrupted when she saw a familiar little girl walking out of the grand doors. No matter how many times she saw Vivio, there's always a recurring thought… She's going to grow up a perfect ten like her mothers!

Speaking of mothers… Hayate couldn't suppress another mischievous thought nagging in the back of her mind since the day she first met the little one. If Nanoha-chan and Fate-chan had a baby girl, she'd probably look something like little Vivio… silky brownish-blonde hair, cute little nose and bright expressive eyes. But what Hayate really wanted to know is how Vivio's breasts will develop… full and soft like Fate-chan's? Or firm and athletic a la Nanoha-chan? Maybe full and firm like Signum's? But I wouldn't mind if it turned out like Shamal's either… as long as…

Her inner debates were disrupted when she felt a small tug on her skirt. Looking down, she saw a pair of heterochromatic eyes looking up sweetly at her.

"Vivio! Sweetie, how are you?" Hayate inquired sweetly and gave the girl a small pat on the head.

"Auntie Haytate! I made new friends today! Um, where's my mama?" Vivio couldn't help but ask, Nanoha-mama's health was constantly on her mind, it was her fault after all…

"Don't worry about Nanoha-mama, she's fine" Hayate reassured as if knowing what's on the small girl's mind and gave her a light hug.

"She's just busy at home since your Fate-mama is coming home tonight!"

"Really?!" The small girl's eyes shone brightly at the name of her kind mother, whose gentle smile always brought her a sense of serenity.

"Yup! But first, let's go and pick out a welcome-home present for your Fate-mama ok?" said Hayate while offering a hand to the excited little girl.

"Un!" replied Vivio with a happy nod and took Hayate's hand with a sunshine smile on her face.

"Ok, ok! I can do this! It's just a home cooked meal… nothing hard" Nanoha chanted over and over again to reassure herself. And after what seemed like an eternity, she finally decided upon a dish that would suit Fate-chan's tastes.

"Alright, tonight's dish will be Pasta Linguine with pesto, sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil and a fresh bowl of salad a la Takamachi!" Nanoha announced happily to no one in particular.

Fate-chan will love it! Healthy and delicious, low fat and perfect for her figure! Wait, what am I thinking! Fate-chan is my best friend! But still, it's not a crime to admire her beauty right? Huh? What's this? Drool? Ah-ma-gad! I'm drooling over Fate-chan, no no, I'm drooling over the thought of food… yeah, that's right! Food… yum… Food… yum… Fate… yum… No no! I meant… bah! I'm really going insane.

And with that, Nanoha continued her mental rant with herself without getting any food cooked.

It's been two months since I last saw her but it felt much longer than that, so much longer. I never stopped thinking about her though, her beautiful sparkling eyes, her energetic smile and the way she always said my name. The scary thing is… it has always been like this ever since that day during high-school. I know I'm stepping into dangerous waters but I can't help myself from feeling this way. Yes it's true, in one form or another… I've always liked Nanoha.

Fate's heart couldn't help but ache at the thought. Nanoha's her best friend, always by her side, always aiding her and yet, always oblivious to her feelings. But it's not her fault; after all… it's not normal for a girl to have romantic feelings for another girl right?

"Right?" Fate whispered quietly, this time tinged with uncertainty and hurt.


"Ah, it's nothing Tea. Just wondering how long till we're there"

"We're here" As if on cue, the driver signaled his passengers as the car came to a halt in front of a modern apartment complex.

Silently Fate stepped out of the shiny black car and proceeded to unload her luggage when she was stopped by an overzealous Tea. It took a full minute to convince the young Enforcer that her help was appreciated but not needed. The car finally pulled out of the peaceful driveway… but not before Tea cried and hugged Fate as if she's never going to see her again. Without another look at the retreating automobile, Fate hastily entered the building where she shared an apartment with Nanoha and Vivio.

After the short ride on the spacious elevator, she finally reached the top floor. It was only now that she was reminded of how fortunate she was, the apartment she lived in was more like a penthouse. But it wasn't the luxurious domicile that brought warmth to her heart; it was the people living inside, people who meant the whole world to her. As long as she was with Nanoha and Vivio, she could live in a dumpster and still be the happiest woman alive. Although I could really use a shower right now

Inserting her key and with a small turn later, Fate entered the spacious penthouse. If anything, this place is even bigger and better furnished than their old residence at Section 6. She still remembered that time when the penthouse was first displayed to the personnel of the TSAB. The construction of the apartment complex has just completed with the entire project financed by the TSAB City Planning Committee. Both Nanoha and Fate were present at the first tour of the complex and Nanoha instantly fell in love with the said penthouse.

Despite their rank and achievements, acquiring such an expensive and prestigious residence is still nearly impossible. For the first, both Nanoha and Fate are only 19 and female… this alone meant that they are looked down upon in the hierarchy that characterizes the military. Secondly, both are officially single and have not been in any relationships since the day they set foot upon Mid-Childa. This meant that they don't get priorities over those who are married and have children or those that are in a relationship and have plans to get married/have children.

So how did they end up with the penthouse? Besides having friends at high places, it was the arrival of Vivio that really gave them an edge. After the story of Vivio and Project F gone public, many people felt that victims of Project F deserved better treatment. With both Fate and Vivio being victims and with Vivio being a homeless little girl, the trio got enormous support from fellow colleagues and was granted the keys to this lavish home.

Entering the said lavish home, the blonde Enforcer placed her luggage (which were full of yummy goodies for young Vivio and equally -mentally- young Nanoha) carefully near the entrance.

"I'm home!" The blonde had to literally shout to get her voice across the apartment.

After taking off her heels, Fate couldn't help but to rub her tired feet before making her way towards the living room.

"Nanoha? You home?" The blonde wondered out loud.

"A massage would sound really good right now you know!?" The blonde teased playfully.

Still no response and no Nanoha in sight.

Where could she be? Is she planning another prank on me?

"Nanoha? Nanohaaaaaaaaa?" Fate continued in a sweet sing-song voice.

As she got near the entrance to the kitchen, her body froze and her heart stopped beating for a split second. Burgundy eyes instantly locked onto the unconscious body on the cold kitchen floor.


A/N: Please leave a review! Until next time:D