Of course, the Doctor and Rose were quite embarrassed when they woke up and discovered the position that they were in. The Doctor apologized profusely as Rose blushed, and she was amused to discover that a light shade of red also decorated the Doctor's cheeks. He eventually left her room in a flustered state and went to calm down in the consol room.

A few minutes later, Rose was changed in to her normal clothes and feeling a lot better. She was just rearranging the bed when she heard a voice at the doorway:

"So, you both woke up then?"

Rose looked up to see Alex leaning against the doorframe, in a manner very much like the Doctor. "Yeah…apparently," she replied, blushing.

Alex giggled. "You looked so cute together," he said, and Rose turned a deeper shade of pink.

"Yeah, well, it was an accident that he fell asleep on my bed. Nothing more," she told Alex, and also told herself.

"Just you keep thinking that," Alex said as he turned away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rose asked him.

Alex looked back, shrugged innocently, and wandered away.

Rose sighed; a little pinstripe suit, and that kid would be an exact mini-Doc. She continued to straighten out the bed before she went in search of the Doctor. She placed her hand on the wall and said, "Where is he, girl?" The TARDIS hummed and nudged her in the direction of the consol room. "Of course," Rose said.

As she neared the room, she heard the Doctor talking to himself. The closer she got, she realized that he was actually talking to the TARDIS.

"Don't be ridiculous, there's no way that's possible," she heard him say, followed by an indignant hum. "I can't be sure? There's no way that you can even be sure!" The consol panel sparked in the Doctor's direction. "There's no need to get all moody on me!" The floor was tilted slightly so that the Doctor stumbled. "Now, come on, I'm just saying that it's not possible." Another annoyed hum. "No-one could ever feel that for me."

"What's going on?" Rose asked, finally walking in to the room.

The Doctor stood rooted to the spot in shock. "Nothing!" he said quickly, and the TARDIS shook in suspected laughter. "Just sorting something out with the old girl." The consol sparked once more. "Fine! I was talking to the adolescent TARDIS…complete with mood swings."

Rose giggled at them. They were getting on like a pair of siblings.

"So, what did you want?" the Doctor asked her.

"Oh, um," Rose began, not even sure what to say. "I was just wondering where you had gone off too, y'know…well, you just disappeared so quickly-"

"Yeah, sorry about that again-"

"-I mean, I didn't get to say anything-"

"-I really shouldn't have been there without knowing-"

"-about how I feel…"

"-how you felt…"

They stared at each other.

"How do you feel?" the Doctor asked.

"You want to know how I feel?" Rose asked.


"I want to know how you feel."

"You do?"



"Um…I," the Doctor began. "Well, I, uh…I mean, you've been here for a while and…well, I like you…I mean, more than I should…"

Rose paused. "I like you, too."

The Doctor stood still. "Sorry?"

Rose took a deep breath. "I really shouldn't say this, but…I do. I like you more than I should too…I guess…I love you."

"You do?"


The Doctor was quiet for a moment before he whispered, "…I love you, too."

Rose was hesitant. "Really?"



"Hurry up and kiss her!" a voice hissed from the other side of the door.

The Doctor and Rose simultaneously looked round and said, "Alex!"

The floor tilted and the door opened, and Alex rolled in to the consol room. "Oops," he said. He looked up at the ceiling. "I can't believe you ratted on me!" He looked back at the two adults standing awkwardly opposite each other. "Hi Rose," he said. "Hi dad."

All tension in the room was cut as the Doctor happily exclaimed, "You called me 'dad'! You finally called me 'dad'!" The Doctor made a move as if to pick up Alex and hug him, but he stopped. "Wait, why did you never call me 'dad' before?"

"Um…" Alex said standing up. "Gotta go!" he said, before bolting out of the room.

"Alex! Get back here!" the Doctor called, chasing after his son.

Despite the previous shock, Rose couldn't help but giggle at the boys.


It was much, much later (after the Doctor had finally found Alex and resorted to punishing him by tickling) that the Doctor knocked on Rose's bedroom door.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

Rose nodded, and she scooted over on the bed. The Doctor came and sat down beside her. They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Look," the Doctor said, facing Rose, "I know what I said earlier wasn't exactly… romantic… I mean, the consol room was the last place where I thought I would tell you."

Rose looked at him. "How would you have wanted to tell me?" she asked him.

"Well," he began, "I would have taken you out to a very nice restaurant on a planet thousands of miles away. I would have treated you to a nice meal, and we would have danced to some slow, soft music. Then, I would've taken your hand," he said, threading his fingers in between hers as he spoke, "and I would have led you outside. We would have looked at the stars, so clear and bright in the darkness, and then I would tell you how beautiful you were, always have been, and then…"

"…then what?" Rose asked quietly, completely mesmerized.

"…then, I would have done this." The Doctor lowered his head and titled Rose's up to meet his lips. He kissed her softly, slowly. He felt Rose sigh against him. When he pulled away, he said to her, "…I love you."

Rose smiled. "It's that what came next?" she asked.

The Doctor chuckled. "Pretty much," he said, wrapping an arm around Rose's waist.

"I don't care where you said it," she told him. "What matters is that you did." She put her arms around his neck, pulling them closer together. "I love you, too."

The Doctor grinned. "Fantastic," he said, before capturing her lips with a passionate kiss.

Alex, who was sneakily listening outside, felt himself being pushed away from the room as he tried to look in. The door gently closed, and Alex pouted as the TARDIS pushed him in to the playroom.

"Spoilsport," he said to the ceiling.

The TARDIS just hummed happily.


"Dad! Look at me!" Alex called while swinging upside down from a pole.

"Alex, get off that, it's not safe!" the Doctor called back. Alex giggled and did what he was told, running off to play in another area.

There were in one of the most popular play parks in the universe, by request of Alex. He had turned one-year-old a few days ago and he asked his father if he could go somewhere where he could meet other kids. So, naturally, the Doctor took him to the best place he could think of.

"He's really enjoying himself," Rose said, as they sat on a bench and watched him bond with the other children. "I suppose it would be good to bring him back here once in a while."

"Yeah," the Doctor agreed, "he needs to be around kids of his own age…"

"Dad!" Alex said as he ran towards him. "Is it okay if I go play in the fountain? Cassie's mum's gonna be watching us so we don't get hurt."

"That's fine," the Doctor told him, and Alex beamed. "Rose and I are just gonna go for a walk."

"We are?" asked Rose, bemused.

"Yup," he said. "We won't be long," he added to Alex.

"Okay!" Alex said before running off. As the Doctor and Rose stood up, they saw Alex stop, turn around and come running back to them. "I forgot!" he said as he braked in front of Rose. "I found this pebble earlier, and it reminded me of you." He dug his hand in to his pocket and pulled out a smooth stone, and held it up to Rose.

Rose kneeled down to Alex's height and accepted the stone. "Thank-you, Alex. That's very thoughtful."

Suddenly Alex threw his arms around Rose's neck. "I love you, mum!"

Rose blushed lightly. "I love you too, Alex."

The Doctor smiled at them.

Rose straightened up and gave Alex a gentle push. "Go on, off you go." He waved goodbye to them before turning and joining his friends.

Rose watched him leave before looking down at the pebble in her hand. She laughed and showed it to the Doctor, who also laughed:

The pebble was smooth and had no sharp edges, but what amused them was it's shape; it had the exact shape proportion of a wolf's head, and it looked like it was howling.

"Even Alex can tell there's something special about you," the Doctor said, threading his fingers through hers and leading them to a less noisy part of the park.

"Mm," Rose replied, placing the pebble in her pocket. "I can't believe he's been calling me 'mum'."

"He must feel connected to you in some way. He's connected to the TARDIS, and you've looked in to the heart of the TARDIS and have connected with her too. Sub-consciously, that's why he feels so close to you."

"That's complicated," Rose said.

The Doctor chuckled. "I suppose it is. But I do appreciate you being around for him… A kid always needs a motherly figure to have around."

Rose smiled at him. "And you don't mind that motherly figure being me?"

The Doctor stopped them and he turned to face her. "I couldn't think of anyone better," he told her. They were well out of view now. "You've been there since he was born, and you've shown such amazing parenting skills which I needed to learn from you. Also…" he added, blushing a little, "…I know that some day you'll make a fantastic mother."

Rose blushed a little, too. "Is that a proposal?" she teased.

He winked cheekily at her. "Maybe it is," he said, before wrapping his arms around her and closing the distance between them. When they pulled apart, both had big smiles on their faces. "So," the Doctor said, lightly tracing circles on her back, "where should we go next?"

Rose smiled at him. "Wherever the TARDIS takes us."

The Doctor smiled at her again before leaning down to kiss her once more.

elmo-doodle: well, there we go, the last chapter to The Doctor Got Abducted! i hope you've all enjoyed this little story that i've written! i'm working on another Doctor Who fanfiction which involves Alex (plus two addition original characters!) so keep watching this space for that!!

please review this last chapter :D