Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.
Sesshoumaru's mouth dropped open when he saw me come out of the bathroom in my white costume, with silver stripes. My eyes roamed over his completely black costume with the same silver stripes. Our costumes were almost the same expect for his opened chest.
The colors are supposed to represent good and evil; angel and demon.
"You we're right, Kagome," Kagura said to me, as we walked down the hallway to the rink, where hundreds of people waited for us. "Inuyasha and Kikyo skated to your routine. The only difference is the music selection."
I tried to stay calm. It wouldn't serve any purpose in getting angry. It could affect my performance and I didn't want a repeat of what happened yesterday. "Did you bring the video tape?" I asked her, holding Sesshoumaru's hand. "I have a feeling Inuyasha is going to accuse us of stealing his routine."
She nodded her head and patted the gym bag on her shoulders. "Everything we need is in here."
"How well did the others skate?" Sesshoumaru inquired.
"I'm not going to lie to you," Kagura replied. "Sango and Miroku have gotten better and Ayame and Kouga didn't do too bad either. The ones you want to watch out for is Naraku and Kanna. They were almost as good at the two of you."
"I expected as much from him."
While we were on the subject, I wanted to know how she felt about Inuyasha's and Kikyko's routine. She didn't say anything when Sesshoumaru asked and I wanted to know why. "What about those two?"
She sighed. "They are currently ranked first. If you get perfect scores, you can bump then down to second."
"Perfect," I smiled.
Finally, we reached our destination.
They had just resurfaced the ice when we arrived. It was good for us, though. We would have a clean, smooth surface to skate on and not have to worry about the indents the other skaters had made.
Jakotsu fretted about out costumes at the last moment, smoothing out the lines and wrinkles. "Break a leg," he told us. "I know you will do great."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for everything, Jak. I don't know what I would have done without you."
He waved his hand in my face. "Oh, you. Stop flattering me."
"Yeah, Kagome. You might make that head of his even bigger."
Kagura and I laughed as Sesshoumaru was punched in the shoulder by Jakotsu. They bantered back and forth for a few minutes before Kagura stopped them. One of the coordinators came over to tell us we were on.
At the gate, we handed Kagura our skate guards and held each other's hands as we waited to be announced. "Ladies and Gentleman, the last of our skaters will be Kagome Higurashi and Sesshoumaru Takashi."
The crowd went nuts at hearing our names, while the other skaters that stood off to the side to watch us, gave us a glare. But none was more fierce than Inuyasha's.
I turned towards him and mouthed the words, "You're going down."
We skate to the center of the ice, hand in hand. The music begins to play and I stretecth out my leg as Sesshoumaru glides me across the ice. Skating around the ice, we increase our speeds and pull off a flawless, side by side triple toe, double toe.
As soon as we landed, we went back into another jump. This time it was a double axel. Then we lean back against one another and glided across the ice.
Sesshoumaru then grips me by the waist and tosses me up into the air. He grabs me by the waist once more, just as I am coming back down. I skate backward with one leg raised and him still gripping my hand. During the performance I am smiling, but after pulling off the twist lift, my smile widens even further.
Once more I feel Sesshoumaru's hands on my waist and lifts me above his head, with one hand supporting my waist and the other gripping my hand. Meanwhile, I have my legs spread wide apart as Sesshoumaru spins us.
The music at this point is almost reaching its dramatic point. Sesshoumaru anchors himself on the ice and while he holds my hand, he spins me around himself. I lean backwards, my body parallel to the ice. We skate around the ice, making hand gestures, before we perform a beautiful camel spin, both of us leaning down and stretching out one leg, while spinning.
The next jump could make us or break us. Most skaters who perform the throw triple loop always lands on the wrong foot or they fall down onto the ice. Even I have made mistakes on this jump before. Sesshoumaru tosses me in the air and I twist my body around three times, and nail it.
The crowd claps and cheers for us as we go into another spin.
"Should we do it?" he whispers to me, while he still has a smile on his face.
I didn't want to make any sudden moves, because it could give us away. "Yes," I whispered back. "But if anything goes wrong, you'll get the blame for this."
The end of our song was near and one final move could put on us top. Even I knew we were tied with Inuyasha and Kikyo, but it won't be for long. Kagura might even yell at us for putting in another move, but it will be worth it when the gold metal rests on our chests.
I squeeze his hand to let him know that I was ready and he tossed me high in the air. I spin my body around four times, hearing the audience gasp in anticipation. I felt one leg hit the ice and balanced myself, while stretching out my other leg.
The routine is over and I rest my head on Sesshoumaru's shoulder as he places his arms around me. We kiss briefly before parting, stealing glances at each other while we skate away. Our characters are not allowed to be together.
I am the angel and he is the demon. Our love is forbidden.
"I cannot believe it, folks," the announcer shouts into the microphone. "We have just witnessed the only throw quadruple salchow landed perfectly in our sport. No one has ever been able to pull it off, until today."
The crowd is on their feet as Sesshoumaru meets up with me. We bow and skate to the box, where we will receive our scores, while someone else picks up flowers and stuff animals that were thrown onto the ice.
Kagura sits next to us. "You two are in so much trouble," she hissed quietly. "At the next practice, both of you are giving me twenty laps."
I groan.
The judges have finally reached a decision and we watch eagerly as they post our scores. I scream and jump up and down. We have gotten perfect scores! We're going to the Olympics!
Sesshoumaru picked me up and twirled me around. I laughed as my feet flew out behind me. I soon began to get light headed and he lowered me back to the floor, with his arms still around me, and gives me a kiss in front of millions of viewers.
We were so caught up in the kiss, we didn't even hear Inuyasha yelling at us. "Hey, you two," he yelled angrily, using his hands to pull us apart.
"What do you want, Inuyasha? Can't you see were celebrating here?" Sesshoumaru growled out, clearly displeased at his half brother touching him.
"You're better than I expected," Inuyasha remarked. "Even if you did steal my routine."
I didn't respond, though I wanted to.
"Steal whose routine, Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru questioned him. "Do you have any proof that you came up with it?"
Inuyasha glared at him. "I don't need any proof. The judges will believe us when I tell them you stole it."
"Do what you will," I said with a smile. "But I've already proven that I am better than you."
Inuyasha's eyes lit up with jealousy as he saw Sesshoumaru put his hand on my waist and pulled me against his side in a protective gesture. "I didn't want you. So you go to my brother," he yelled. "Are you spreading your legs for him, you whore?"
Sesshoumaru took a step forward to hit Inuyasha, but I stopped him. "We're still on the air," I reminded him. "Don't swoop down to his level."
If he heard me, he didn't let me know. His focus was still on his half brother. "She's no whore. If you need to know what one looks like, just turn around."
Inuyasha turned around to grab Kikyo and left the box. We all knew he was on his way to the judging booth. So, we gathered our stuff and followed him. We wouldn't miss his humiliation for anything.
Just as we expected he was yelling at the judges that we stole their routine and he demanded that we be disqualified.
"I can prove that it was the other way around," I spoke, after Inuyasha voiced his piece. "He took what was rightfully mine. This tape will prove what I say is true."
I handed the tape to one of the judges, who put it in the player. They all watched as I choreographed it, took things out of the routine, and skated the final version.
The judges deliberated before turning their focus back to us. "We agree that the routine was originally Miss Higurashi's," the head judge spoke, frowning at Inuyasha. "Their score still stands and they are the winners."
"That's bullshit."
"I wasn't through, Mr. Takashi," the judge interrupted him. "We are disqualifying you and your skating partner from this year's competition. You have done the opposite of what you were trying to do, and made yourself look like the thief."
I took Sesshoumaru's hand in mine and we walked away as Inuyasha continued to argue with the judges.
He was seeing his mistake clearly now. Everything that happened was his own fault and I don't feel sorry for him. The only good thing that came out of his actions was, Sesshoumaru.
I wouldn't have found true love if it wasn't for Inuyasha dumping me on national television. Maybe, I should thank him for it. But, I'll do it later.
Right now, I have some celebrating to do.
Then, it's off to win the Olympics.
The End